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JULY 23, 2014.  Legislative Update ◦ Highway Trust Fund status ◦ Reauthorization proposals ◦ FY15 Appropriations  TTP Safety Funding  TTP Bridge Funding.

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1 JULY 23, 2014

2  Legislative Update ◦ Highway Trust Fund status ◦ Reauthorization proposals ◦ FY15 Appropriations  TTP Safety Funding  TTP Bridge Funding

3  2 issues at present ◦ Highway Trust fund is going broke  We have authority and limitation, just nothing in the account to cash the check with.  DOT is implementing reduced state reimbursements beginning August 1  No effect on TTP except possible Safety funds (app process) ◦ MAP-21 expires in 71 days  Best case scenario is legislative fix to both issues; ◦ Both houses have a proposal ◦ Extension will be until either December or May (House) ◦ Congress in session only for a few more days ◦ Midterm elections are in 105 days

4  Insolvency of Highway Trust Fund  Requires Congressional action  Not enough cash on hand to support full annual program  Limits amount of cash available to reimburse commitments  Expiration of current highway act (MAP- 21)  Requires Congressional action  Extension of Act or reauthorization still requires action on the highway fund insolvency  Unique features of TTP  Contracts allow different drawdowns depending on agreement type  92% of TTP funds are subject to Tribal Shares

5  So what does this mean? ◦ An expiration of the authorizing highway act, ◦ Finding funding to support the highway trust fund account, ◦ Resulting in partial funding in FY15 and delays in program delivery

6  FY 14 is final year of MAP-21  Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee has passed the “MAP-21 Reauthorization Act” ◦ 6 year Bill ◦ TTP  No changes  $450 million/year through FY 2020

7  The Administration has sent a Bill to Congress ◦ GROW AMERICA ACT  “Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America”  4 year Bill  TTP is included with increase in program $$  No change in formula  Some change in takedowns  Brings HPP back into the primary program

8  Authorized Amounts ◦ FY15 - $507 million ◦ FY16 - $517 million ◦ FY17 - $527 million ◦ FY18 - $538 million  Takedowns ◦ 6% PM&O ◦ 4% Bridge ◦ 3% Planning ◦ 2% Safety; and ◦ 7% HPP

9  3 rd year of transition formula ◦ 40% FY 11 tribal shares with remainder under new MAP-21 statutory formula  Bridge ◦ Set aside increase is to provide funding for inspection and additional projects  Planning ◦ Set aside increase is for data collection and other transportation planning activities  HPP ◦ Brought back into the program ◦ $1.5 million maximum project size

10  SEC. 2008. NATIONALLY SIGNIFICANT FEDERAL LANDS AND TRIBAL PROJECTS PROGRAM ◦ Would provide $150 million/year in funding to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate nationally significant Federal lands and Tribal transportation projects. (NO DESIGN)  Projects must have NEPA completed and an estimated cost equal to or exceeding $25 million.  Priority consideration will be given to projects over $50 million ◦ Intent is to fund high cost projects that are not able to be funded through regular programs ◦ 2-3 projects/yr.

11  FIXING AND ACCELERATING SURFACE TRANSPORTATION (FAST) GRANTS ◦ A competitive program designed to achieve National transportation outcomes  Projects must promote the implementation of policies and procedures that generate long-term, institutionalized changes, and support performance based management. (Basically supports best practices)  Criteria included in proposal  Awards of no less than $50,000,000 ($$ amount not applicable to tribes)  $1 Billion over 4 years  TIGER ◦ Continues with tribes as eligible applicants ◦ Proposed at $1.25 Billion/year

12  Act still needs full vote by the Senate  Nothing passed yet in the House  Remember: SAFETEA-LU expired in ‘09 but was extended 9 times until MAP-21 was passed in July 2012  DOT will still need an Appropriations Bill for next year before full funding is made available

13  126 Applications received asking for $27.1 million  Reviewed and selected for award: ◦ Education 7$418,589 ◦ Enforcement/EMS8$1,701,290 ◦ Engineering12$5,415,625 ◦ Safety Plan49$615,000 ◦ Other Safety Planning 6$390,495 ◦ Total Funded82$8,540,999 ◦ Not Funded (Not Q)44$18,538,285

14  FY 14  Construction – 8 BIA/Tribal - $5.5 M 6 non BIA/Tribal - $2.6 M  Engineering - 4 BIA/Tribal - $152 K 1 non BIA/Tribal - $64K

15  LeRoy Gishi, BIA  Robert Sparrow, FHWA

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