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Presentation Title Goes Here …presentation subtitle. Information Management - Phenotype Arllet M. Portugal Crop Informatics Specialist CIMMYT.

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1 Presentation Title Goes Here …presentation subtitle. Information Management - Phenotype Arllet M. Portugal Crop Informatics Specialist CIMMYT

2 :: color, composition, and layout Outline Rationale ICIS Workbook Workbook template Trait Dictionaries ICIS Workbook Functionalities Field books Handheld integration

3 :: color, composition, and layout Rationale Efficient management of phenotypic data is important for easy integration with pedigree data and molecular data. This includes fast recording of voluminous phenotypic data through the aid of electronic data capture and handheld computers It also involves sufficient and proper documentation of the traits being measured including measurement units and methods. Data from experiments that are repeated should be standardized through templates.

4 :: color, composition, and layout ICIS Workbook A macro in Excel that facilitates creation of data template, field books and loading and retrieval of studies to and from the database. It reads the content of the spreadsheet and uploads it to a local database designed to contain phenotyping, genotyping and environmental data.

5 :: color, composition, and layout Workbook template

6 :: color, composition, and layout Workbook Template A STUDYis the basic, reportable unit of research. It is synonymous with the notions of experiment, trial or nursery A classifying variable whose value is already known before the study is conducted is called a FACTOR. A common example would be an entry number or id. which identifies each individual entry on a given list. It consists of discrete values. A factor that has a single level throughout the study is called a CONDITION A variable that is being measured or observed in the study is called a VARIATE. A variable that is measured only once in the study is called a CONSTANT. Typical examples are the characteristics of the soil used in a particular study that is conducted in one location.

7 :: color, composition, and layout Trait Dictionaries PROPERTY or TRAIT is a measurable characteristic of an experimental unit or experimental material that is manipulated or measured in a study. SCALE is a unit of measurement used in expressing a property. METHOD is the manner a property is measured, observed or applied. The Trait Dictionary or Ontology enables different studies using different variable names but pertaining to similar concepts to be compared and summarized. Trait Template

8 :: color, composition, and layout Trait Dictionaries

9 :: color, composition, and layout ICIS Workbook Functionalities Creating a template Creating a field book Handheld Integration Retrieving/Loading Study

10 :: color, composition, and layout Creating a template Create a new Workbook file Specify the variables Describe the variables in terms of its trait, scale and method

11 :: color, composition, and layout Set-up the Observation sheet Creating a template … Template

12 :: color, composition, and layout Creating a field book A germplasm list created in SetGen A Workbook template A layout design in Excel file

13 :: color, composition, and layout Creating a layout file

14 :: color, composition, and layout Generate field book for several trials Multi-trial field books

15 :: color, composition, and layout Generate field book for replicated trial RYT field book

16 :: color, composition, and layout Handheld Integration

17 :: color, composition, and layout Handheld Integration Run IWIS FieldLog Open a template Retrieve a list Click Fieldlog->Create New Characteristics/Traits to generate the csv file for the list of traits to measure Click Fieldlog-> Get Germplasm to Score to generate the csv file for the list of entries Transfer the csv files to handheld machine Fieldlog

18 :: color, composition, and layout Loading of a Study

19 :: color, composition, and layout Retrieval of Study Data

20 :: color, composition, and layout CIMMYT-CRIL

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