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Published byElfreda Stone Modified over 9 years ago
The PURE Study An overview from India Non Cardiovascular Data
COPD (FEV1/FVC <75%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural COPD13.3%10.3%15.5%11.8%14.6%
Percentage of Individuals with FEV1/FVC <0.75 by location and smoker* UrbanRural OverallNon- Smoker SmokerNon- Smoker Smoker Bangalore15.310.510.316.420.7 *Current and former
Overall Prevalence of COPD (FEV1/FVC <0.75) by Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker11.40.163 Smoker13.0 Cooking FuelOther10.50.011 Solid Fuel14.1 GenderFemale13.40.055 Male11.1 LocationRural13.50.091 Urban11.0 Female smoking statusNot smoker13.50.849 Smoker13.1 Male smoking statusNot smoker9.60.0007 Smoker12.8 Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel & gender
Overall Prevalence of COPD (FEV1/FVC <0.75) by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel VariableCategoryAdjusted rate P Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker 11.70.216 Smoker13.1 Cooking FuelKerosene15.7**** LPG Gas9.8 Other10.9 Solid Fuel14.0 GenderFemale13.50.079 Male11.5 LocationRural13.80.089 Urban11.1 Female smoking status Not smoker 13.80.801 Smoker13.2 Male smoking status Not smoker 9.90.001 Smoker13.0 Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel & gender **** P values Kerosene/ LPG Gas – 0.005 Kerosene/ Other – 0.292 Kerosene/ Solid Fuel – 0.544 LPG Gas/ Other – 0.741 LPG Gas/ Solid Fuel – 0.005 Other/ Solid Fuel 0.404
Overall Prevalence of Cough for 2 Weeks by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker9.80.030 Smoker12.1 GenderFemale10.10.117 Male11.7 LocationRural9.10.001 Urban13.0 Cooking FuelOther9.10.000 Solid Fuel13.1 Female smoking statusNot smoker11.30.216 Smoker9.1 Male smoking statusNot smoker8.6<.000 Smoker15.8
Overall Prevalence of Sputum in Cough by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker10.90.233 Smoker12.3 GenderFemale9.5<.000 Male14.3 LocationRural7.7<.000 Urban17.2 Cooking FuelOther9.90.003 Solid Fuel13.6 Female smoking statusNot smoker10.90.120 Smoker8.1 Male smoking statusNot smoker10.9<.000 Smoker18.3
Overall Prevalence of Blood in Sputum by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker0.90.686 Smoker1.0 GenderFemale0.90.566 Male1.0 LocationRural0.60.018 Urban1.5 Cooking FuelOther0.50.002 Solid Fuel1.7 Female smoking statusNot smoker1.10.495 Smoker0.7 Male smoking statusNot smoker0.70.013 Smoker1.5
Overall Prevalence of Wheezing/Whistling by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker6.90.696 Smoker6.6 GenderFemale5.90.031 Male7.8 LocationRural5.90.055 Urban7.8 Cooking FuelOther5.80.021 Solid Fuel7.9 Female smoking statusNot smoker7.50.046 Smoker4.7 Male smoking statusNot smoker6.50.000 Smoker9.3
Overall Prevalence of Morning Cough with tightness by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker5.20.003 Smoker7.2 GenderFemale5.80.410 Male6.4 LocationRural5.90.789 Urban6.2 Cooking FuelOther4.4<.000 Solid Fuel8.4 Female smoking statusNot smoker5.70.882 Smoker5.9 Male smoking statusNot smoker4.6<.000 Smoker8.8
Medical history by location and gender (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Diabetes9.319. Hypertension13.419. Stroke0.71 10.3 Angina1.53.11.4 0.7 Other heart disease1. Tuberculosis1.41.520.71.4 Cancer0.3- Asthma4. Epilepsy0.710.90.50.6 Leprosy1.5-3.5-1.5 Other11.310.112.311.511.1
Sleep patterns and conditions: (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Blackouts14.27.312.117.218.3 Sleep undisturbed57.258.157.457.556.1 Snore25.937.328.725.616.4 Complain about loud snoring 32.147.636.131.719.1 Get up feeling rested59.866.260.659.455.4 Nap during day32.729.929.651.923.7
Major Stressful Events in Past Year (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Loss of crop/business27.8747.65.738.6 Loss of job11.4517.4514.5 Retirement3. Intra-family conflict8.37.64.8147.8 Death of spouse1. Death other family member 11.213.41013.49.4 Family illness6. Personal injury7.
Stressful Events and Depression (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural > 1 Stressful event19.912.825.315.322.6 Depressed21.321.41432.319.8
Fractures and Injuries (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural FractureAll centres12.219.511.712.28.1 Bangalore9.818.710.57.95 Chennai13.221.518.710.16.9 Jaipur16.1216.3215.5 Trivandrum17.816.818.211.819.7 InjuriesAll centres3.85.53.742.6 Bangalore3. Chennai6. Jaipur3. Trivandrum3.8163.23.6
Cause of Injury by location and gender (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Vehicle accident19.232.617.915.96.7 Fall3623.938.138.946.2 Fire1.2- Struck13.111.612.71513.5 Physical assault1. Explosion0.61.4-0.9- Drowning1.21.41.5-1.9 Natural0.8-1.5-1.9
Cause of Injury by location and gender (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Suffocation0.80.7--2.9 Hot substances1.6--2.74.8 Machine1.4 3-1 Unlabeled11.41.50.9- Poison0.2-0.7-- Suicide----- Other6.
Woman’s Health(1) UrbanRural Menstruation50.5%49.9% Tubal Ligation46.9%49.9% IUD8.8%2.4% Oral Contraceptive 3.7%1.5% Have Children95.9%94.7% Miscarriages28.2%23.6%
Woman’s Health(2) Female UrbanRural Had Miscarriages All Centers28.2%23.6% Bangalore21.3%19.9% Chennai32.3%26.1% Jaipur34.6%28.1% Trivandrum28.0%31.2% Chandigarh31.6%15.4%
Overall Prevalence of CHD by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker5.10.101 Smoker3.8 GenderFemale3.1<.0001 Male6.2 LocationRural3.80.069 Urban5.0 Cooking FuelOther4.30.856 Solid Fuel4.4 Female smoking statusNot smoker4.00.112 Smoker2.3 Male smoking statusNot smoker6.30.669 Smoker6.1 Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender
Overall Prevalence of Diabetes by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker5.80.012 Smoker3.3 GenderFemale2.7<.0001 Male6.8 LocationRural3.0<.0001 Urban6.0 Cooking FuelOther7.6<.0001 Solid Fuel2.4 Female smoking statusNot smoker4.60.009 Smoker1.5 Male smoking statusNot smoker6.70.845 Smoker6.8 Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender
Overall Prevalence of Hypertension by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker9.90.062 Smoker8.1 GenderFemale8.40.283 Male9.5 LocationRural6.3<.0001 Urban12.7 Cooking FuelOther11.7<.0001 Solid Fuel6.8 Female smoking statusNot smoker10.10.086 Smoker7.0 Male smoking statusNot smoker9.80.450 Smoker9.2 Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender
Overall Prevalence of Stroke by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker0.350.822 Smoker0.30 GenderFemale0.240.276 Male0.45 LocationRural0.210.169 Urban0.49 Cooking FuelOther0.270.556 Solid Fuel0.38 Female smoking statusNot smoker0.220.918 Smoker0.25 Male smoking statusNot smoker0.530.314 Smoker0.36
Overall Prevalence of CAD, Angina, Heart Attack by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker1.120.212 Smoker0.58 GenderFemale0.470.040 Male1.37 LocationRural0.750.561 Urban0.87 Cooking FuelOther1.320.001 Solid Fuel0.49 Female smoking statusNot smoker0.970.161 Smoker0.23 Male smoking statusNot smoker1.290.472 Smoker1.47
Overall Prevalence of Other Heart Disease by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker1.310.395 Smoker1.02 GenderFemale1.130.884 Male1.18 LocationRural0.870.094 Urban1.53 Cooking FuelOther0.820.045 Solid Fuel1.63 Female smoking statusNot smoker1.440.353 Smoker0.88 Male smoking statusNot smoker1.20.988 Smoker1.2
Overall Prevalence of Tuberculosis by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker1.170.657 Smoker1.31 GenderFemale1.010.140 Male1.51 LocationRural1.530.162 Urban0.99 Cooking FuelOther1.330.620 Solid Fuel1.14 Female smoking statusNot smoker0.960.846 Smoker1.06 Male smoking statusNot smoker1.410.501 Smoker1.62
Overall Prevalence of Cancer by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker0.14<.000 Smoker0.00 GenderFemale0.00<.000 Male0.05 LocationRural0.000.763 Urban0.00 Cooking FuelOther0.000.578 Solid Fuel0.00 Female smoking statusNot smoker0.54<.000 Smoker0.00 Male smoking statusNot smoker0.030.668 Smoker0.06
Overall Prevalence of Asthma by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker4.150.113 Smoker3.17 GenderFemale3.410.479 Male3.85 LocationRural3.320.343 Urban3.96 Cooking FuelOther3.630.995 Solid Fuel3.63 Female smoking statusNot smoker4.230.170 Smoker2.75 Male smoking statusNot smoker4.070.396 Smoker3.65
Overall Prevalence of Loss of Weight by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker21.10.752 Smoker21.5 GenderFemale21.10.721 Male21.6 LocationRural21.70.647 Urban20.9 Cooking FuelOther20.20.221 Solid Fuel22.5 Female smoking statusNot smoker22.90.142 Smoker19.3 Male smoking statusNot smoker19.30.000 Smoker24.0
Overall Prevalence of Breathlessness by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker15.90.198 Smoker17.3 GenderFemale19.2<.000 Male14.3 LocationRural16.40.767 Urban16.8 Cooking FuelOther15.30.059 Solid Fuel18.1 Female smoking statusNot smoker20.90.132 Smoker17.6 Male smoking statusNot smoker11.9<.000 Smoker17.1
Overall Prevalence of Tightness/ Chest Pain by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker21.30.370 Smoker22.3 GenderFemale25.0<.000 Male18.9 LocationRural21.10.379 Urban22.6 Cooking FuelOther16.8<.000 Solid Fuel27.8 Female smoking statusNot smoker27.80.022 Smoker22.4 Male smoking statusNot smoker15.9<.000 Smoker22.2
Overall Prevalence of Pain radiating to the back/arms by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker48.30.328 Smoker51.2 GenderFemale59.4<.000 Male40.2 LocationRural63.7<.000 Urban35.9 Cooking FuelOther48.90.675 Solid Fuel50.7 Female smoking statusNot smoker62.80.178 Smoker55.9 Male smoking statusNot smoker34.1<.000 Smoker46.5
Overall Prevalence of Swelling of feet by Location, Smoking status, Gender, Cooking Fuel Adjusted for age, smoking, cooking fuel, location & gender VariableCategoryAdjusted rateP Values Smoking StatusNot Smoker6.30.968 Smoker6.4 GenderFemale8.5<.000 Male4.7 LocationRural4.5<.000 Urban8.9 Cooking FuelOther6.40.855 Solid Fuel6.3 Female smoking statusNot smoker9.80.144 Smoker7.3 Male smoking statusNot smoker4.00.005 Smoker5.6
Percent of Individuals with FEV1/FVC <0.75 by smoker* *Current and former OverallNon Smoker Smoker Bangalore15.313.917.8
Percent of Individuals with FEV1/FVC <0.75 by cooking fuel OverallWoodOther Bangalore15.318.311.1
Percentage of Individuals with FEV1/FVC <0.75 by location and cooking fuel UrbanRural OverallWoodOtherWoodOther Bangalore15.31510.418.315.4
Current Disability (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Problem grasping9.97.47.715.99.4 Trouble walking12.699.42012.5 Trouble bending13.58.810.818.115.7 Walking with support1. Trouble reading17.214.416.32216.3 Trouble seeing face10.78.69.913.810.7 Cataract surgery3. Use glasses28.25613.843.612.8 Trouble speaking/ being understood Trouble with normal hearing 3.9 Use hearing aid0.
Subject Medical History (%) MaleFemale OverallUrbanRuralUrbanRural Undesirable Weight loss22.619.923.924.321.7 Breathlessness20.113.1 24.422.4 Chest pain24.213.424.52728.7 Pain spread back/arms50.724.956.342.969.2 Feet swelling10. Cough for 2 weeks1310.914.913.612.3 Sputum in cough13.418.813.213.89.9 Blood in sputum10.91.110.8 Wheezing in chest7. Morning cough with tightness
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