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CGHR.ORG Smoking and Death in India Prabhat Jha On behalf of the RGI-CGHR Investigators Sources of support: ICMR and RGI (India); FIC, NIH (US); IDRC &

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1 CGHR.ORG Smoking and Death in India Prabhat Jha On behalf of the RGI-CGHR Investigators Sources of support: ICMR and RGI (India); FIC, NIH (US); IDRC & CIHR (Canada); CTSU, MRC & CR-UK (UK) Centre for Global Health Research (CGHR) Keenan Research Centre at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto World Bank seminar, April 2, 2008, Washington, DC

2 CGHR.ORG Key messages for the individual smoker in India 1. Risk BIGGER than previously thought 2. Smoking kills EARLY: 70% smoking deaths are at ages 30-69, losing decades of good life 3. Even a FEW bidis or cigarettes per day kills 4. STOPPING SMOKING WORKS – but, less than 2% of adults in India have quit

3 CGHR.ORG Nationally representative sample (Sample Registration System) 6,671 of these small areas randomly chosen from all parts of India (each with about 1000 people per area)

4 CGHR.ORG How was the study done? 900 non-medical staff monitored 1.1 M (11 lakh) homes for three years (2001-3) All adult deaths from diseases (74,000 deaths) Obtain smoking history of the dead from living household members 2 physicians assigned underlying fatal disease (eg TB) Compare smoking history of the dead to smoking history of 78,000 living adults

5 CGHR.ORG What’s new about this research? Large size of study Nationally representative study of the causes of deaths in adults: results reflect the whole of India First reliable study of female deaths from smoking in India

6 CGHR.ORG Smoking prevalence in India Cigarette or bidi (less tobacco than a cigarette, wrapped in the leaf of another plant)

7 CGHR.ORG Year% men age 15-29 years who smoke 19989.9 200411.8 200624.6 Increase 2006 vs 1998 17 M Rising prevalence among young men?

8 CGHR.ORG Smoking prevalence by education

9 CGHR.ORG Smoking prevalence by education

10 CGHR.ORG Indian Women aged 30-69 No. of deaths studied and smoker vs nonsmoker death rate ratio (RR) Underlying fatal disease No. deaths studied % who had smoked * Smoker vs nonsmoker RR † Tuberculosis1,363133.0 (2.4-3.9) Respiratory disease2,288143.1 (2.5-3.8) Stroke1,59781.6 (1.2-2.1) Heart disease2,47371.7 (1.3-2.1) Cancers2,15382.1 (1.6-2.6) All diseases16,38692.0 (1.8-2.3) * versus 4.5% of 26,678 living women who had smoked † Risk ratio adjusted for age, alcohol use and education

11 CGHR.ORG Indian Men aged 30-69 No. of deaths studied and smoker vs nonsmoker death rate ratio (RR) Underlying fatal disease No. deaths studied % who had smoked * Smoker vs nonsmoker RR † Tuberculosis3,119662.3 (2.1-2.6) Respiratory disease3,487602.1 (1.9-2.3) Stroke2,200531.6 (1.4-1.8) Heart disease5,409521.6 (1.5-1.8) Cancers2,248592.1 (1.9-2.4) All diseases25,290551.7 (1.6-1.8) * versus 37.0% of 31,661 living men who had smoked † Risk ratio adjusted for age, alcohol use and education

12 CGHR.ORG CategorySmokers (%) Risk Ratio * Residence Rural56.41.6 (1.6-1.8) Urban51.31.9 (1.6-2.1) Education None58.21.6 (1.5-1.7) Primary56.81.7 (1.5-1.8) Secondary47.81.7 (1.6-1.9) Alcohol No44.01.6 (1.5-1.7) Yes75.71.6 (1.5-1.8) Total55.41.7 (1.6-1.8) Smoker vs Nonsmoker Risk Ratio Smoking kills all categories of men results for men aged 30-69 *adjusted for age, alcohol use and education

13 CGHR.ORG Any smoking kills *adjusted for age, alcohol use and education

14 CGHR.ORG Cumulative risk of death, from age 30 smokers vs nonsmokers *adjusted for age, alcohol use and education Women

15 CGHR.ORG *adjusted for age, alcohol use and education Men Cumulative risk of death, from age 30 smokers vs nonsmokers

16 CGHR.ORG *risk in the absence of other causes of death, adjusted for age, alcohol use and education Disease-specific risks of death, ages 30-69 smokers vs nonsmokers * Women

17 CGHR.ORG Men *risk in the absence of other causes of death, adjusted for age, alcohol use and education Disease-specific risks of death, ages 30-69 smokers vs nonsmokers *

18 CGHR.ORG Disease Women Total deaths: 2.0 M Men Total deaths:2.9 M No. (% all deaths) No. (% all deaths) Respiratory disease26,00010109,00031 Tuberculosis14,0009120,00038 Heart disease/stroke13,0003152,00020 Cancer9,000467,00032 TOTAL, all diseases93,0005579,00020 Deaths from smoking in year 2010 in India, ages 30-69, by disease

19 CGHR.ORG Age rangeWomenMenBoth Ages 30-6993,000579,000672,000 All adults 20+128,000807,000935,000 Annual deaths from smoking will rise from 930,000 to 1,000,000 (10 lakh) during 2010s Deaths from smoking in year 2010 in India

20 CGHR.ORG Region Ex-smoking % age 30+ Women Men India0.21.9 Kerala*1.17.1 Delhi + 0.050.8 Low quit rates in India, 2004 *highest and + lowest male quit rates, respectively

21 CGHR.ORG INDIA: 1 million (10 lakh) smoking deaths per year during 2010s Smoking causes 10% of the 10 million (1 crore) deaths per year from all fatal disease 70% of smoking deaths are in middle age (30-69): 700,000 (7 lakh); 600,000 men and 100,000 women 20% of all adult male deaths and 5% of all adult female deaths in middle age Over 50% of smoking deaths are in illiterate adults

22 CGHR.ORG Key messages for the individual smoker in India 1. Risk BIGGER than previously thought 2. Smoking kills EARLY: 70% smoking deaths are at ages 30-69, losing decades of good life 3. Even a FEW bidis or cigarettes per day kills 4. STOPPING SMOKING WORKS – but, less than 2% of adults in India have quit

23 CGHR.ORG Press materials on: 1.NEJM Paper and Supplementary Appendix 2.Press and video releases: English, Hindi and regional languages 3.Frequently-asked questions 4.PowerPoint slides in English 5.Information about CGHR and partners News coverage of paper at :

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