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A Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Smoking Cessation

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1 A Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Smoking Cessation
Fiona Aldred – Mind Aberystwyth Tracey Price – Pembrokeshire & Carmarthen Mind 16/04/2017

2 Mental Health and Smoking
Smoking is twice as common among people with mental disorders. 3 million smokers in the UK have evidence of mental disorder. A significant number of people are affected by mental distress without a diagnosis and smoke. Smoking also affects carers, young carers and family members. 16/04/2017

3 History of Mind Aberystwyth Stop Smoking Service
Mind Aberystwyth formed as an organisation in 2004. 2004 Wanless Funding awarded to address inequalities in health. Research with the client group, including Carers evidenced that people wanted to address general health concerns. People stated that they wanted to learn to eat better, exercise and stop smoking. 16/04/2017

4 Stop Smoking Model The organisation opened its doors in January 2005, smoke free. This was directed by the clients desire to not smoke whilst using the service. We were operating as a smoke free environment 2 years before the national smoking ban was put into place in Wales. 16/04/2017

5 Always the Optimist So what next?
We trained all staff and volunteers in our brief intervention model. The model includes: Education around mental health and smoking. Exploring staff attitudes towards smoking and mental health. Brief Intervention 16/04/2017

6 The 4 As Staff talk to all people accessing our services using The 4 As tool. Assess - status of person (smoker, non-smoker, ex-smoker) Advice - personalised advice to quit Assist - for smokers interested in more information, explanation of our service Arrange - refer the person to our stop smoking worker 16/04/2017

7 Mind Aberystwyth smoking cessation service.
Initial no-commitment education and information session/s. Seen by the same person each week for up to one hour. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) CO readings Phone support Whole team support when accessing other parts of the service, Art, Drop in etc 16/04/2017

8 Team Tools Brief Intervention
Motivational Interviewing- decision balance process Reflecting Scaling 16/04/2017

9 Results February 2007 – following full 3 months holistic support 70% of clients from Mind Aberystwyth were successfully quitting. 43% of clients started accessing different services on offer at Mind Aberystwyth. It appeared that stopping smoking was such a significant achievement that people went on to make other life changes, including re-entering education, finding employment. 16/04/2017

10 What Next? Hywel Dda Health Board have awarded Mind Aberystwyth & Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen Mind funding to re-establish the service. This is through the Support for Life Grant scheme This will run throughout the region for the next 12 months. Supporting Change through smoking cessation 16/04/2017

11 Tracey Price One Mind in Wales – collaborative working
OCN - Workbooks & Stop Smoking Workbook Health and wellbeing Secondary services 16/04/2017

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