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The Tao of Quitting Smoking Seminar By Joe Weaver, author of the book, Nic-the Habit With Hypnotist Irael Private or Group Seminars available: Rates vary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tao of Quitting Smoking Seminar By Joe Weaver, author of the book, Nic-the Habit With Hypnotist Irael Private or Group Seminars available: Rates vary."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Tao of Quitting Smoking Seminar By Joe Weaver, author of the book, Nic-the Habit With Hypnotist Irael Private or Group Seminars available: Rates vary from $60/pp for Group Private sessions $120 with Book and Subliminal Tape For dates and availabilities

3 2 Introduction of the Course Overview of course and expectation. Overview of course and expectation. The book Nic-the Habit will be used as the text book for the course. Very little writing is necessary, just focusing and listening. Assignments listed in book. The book Nic-the Habit will be used as the text book for the course. Very little writing is necessary, just focusing and listening. Assignments listed in book. Participants talk about reasons why they want to quit. Participants talk about reasons why they want to quit. How and why they began to smoke? How and why they began to smoke? General questions and answers about their expectations? General questions and answers about their expectations? Which treatment methods have they tried and which treatments are effective? Which treatment methods have they tried and which treatments are effective? Ending question: why do their want to quit and what methods have they tried to quit? Ending question: why do their want to quit and what methods have they tried to quit?

4 3 Why we smoke and how we stop Becoming Hooked on an Image. Becoming Hooked on an Image. Media Representation. Peer Pressure The Psychology of a Smoker Finding yourself again Reasons why you smoke What you enjoy about cigarettes What you don’t enjoy about smoking and how you can begin to end your addiction.

5 4 Nicotine Addiction How do we measure addictiveness? How do we measure addictiveness? How addictive is nicotine? How addictive is nicotine? What is nicotine and how it works on What is nicotine and how it works on In the body and the brain? In the body and the brain? Nicotine’s chemical structure and it similarity to other street drugs, e.g Cocaine. Nicotine’s chemical structure and it similarity to other street drugs, e.g Cocaine.

6 5 How do we heal our addiction?The Tao of Quitting What does it mean to be born a human instead of being born as an animal. What does it mean to be born a human instead of being born as an animal. What is the difference between our soul and our willpower What is the difference between our soul and our willpower How do we take control of our life? How do we take control of our life?

7 6 The Power of Nicotine To what extent does Nicotine control behavior? >90 percent of experimental animals made addicted to nicotine prefer doses of nicotine to food. >90 percent of experimental animals made addicted to nicotine prefer doses of nicotine to food. Tobacco Industries role. Tobacco Industries role. Time line of Tobacco and it’s deadly chemicals. Time line of Tobacco and it’s deadly chemicals.

8 7 Nicotine Vs. Tobacco Tobacco and it’s smoke Tobacco and it’s smoke What is tobacco What is tobacco Chemicals, toxins and Poisons Chemicals, toxins and Poisons Tobacco Smoke and it’s harmful effects. Tobacco Smoke and it’s harmful effects. 4000 chemical and 200 or more are toxic. 4000 chemical and 200 or more are toxic.

9 8 Why is it easier for some to quit than others Tolerance Tolerance Withdrawal Withdrawal Denial Denial Craving Craving Self love and worth Self love and worth You can’t truly love yourself and remain a smoker when you know the facts. You can’t truly love yourself and remain a smoker when you know the facts.

10 9 Ways to Quit. Cold Turkey no real plan Cold Turkey no real plan Pills, Patches, Herbs, Acupressure. Pills, Patches, Herbs, Acupressure. Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis Done By Irael) Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis Done By Irael) Read a book. Read a book. Nic-the Habit way. Nic-the Habit way. Cold-Turkey with a Plan Cold-Turkey with a Plan Meditation-Relaxation Techniques Meditation-Relaxation Techniques Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs Reconditioning your mind, body and Spirit Reconditioning your mind, body and Spirit Exercise Exercise Self honesty and understanding. Self honesty and understanding.

11 10 Addiction and your Spirit Nicotine Addiction and your genes Nicotine Addiction and your genes Can you overcome your genes make-up Can you overcome your genes make-up Virus and bacteria do, Why can’t we. Virus and bacteria do, Why can’t we. The powerful approach to your soul The powerful approach to your soul Denial Denial Living in truth with yourself Living in truth with yourself Living life in the present concept Living life in the present concept Overview of your past, present and future Overview of your past, present and future Why is this so important! Why is this so important!

12 11 Biology of Nicotine on your system More examples on Nicotine and the Brain More examples on Nicotine and the Brain How it is broken down. How it is broken down.

13 12 Minding your own business Learning how to stay focused on your own affairs instead of others. Learning how to stay focused on your own affairs instead of others. Controlling your urges and thoughts Controlling your urges and thoughts Staying tough and in control Staying tough and in control Meditation of thought. Meditation of thought. Non-Judgment Non-Judgment No one is exempt from misfortune and pain. No one is exempt from misfortune and pain.

14 13 Lessons of Simplicity. Lessons from the book. Lessons from the book. Learning the difference from being in denial, being stubborn or being ignorant. Learning the difference from being in denial, being stubborn or being ignorant. Cool to be Not Cool fallacy. Cool to be Not Cool fallacy. Free Will. Free Will.

15 14 Research and Some Statistics Latest findings Latest findings Topics in the book Topics in the book What does Research prove? What does Research prove? We are only as good as the tool we event. We are only as good as the tool we event.

16 15 Excuses of why you can’t quit now? Myths about Smoking and Myths about Smoking and Concentration Concentration How hard it is to quit How hard it is to quit How you cut down on the numbers you smoke How you cut down on the numbers you smoke It’s relaxation effect It’s relaxation effect Boredom Boredom Too much going on. Too much going on.

17 16 Dangers of smoking Listing from the book, which is used as a hand-out. Listing from the book, which is used as a hand-out. Other Sources Other Sources

18 17 Assignments in the Book Encourage the smoker, just how important it is to take the book home and read it from the beginning and to follow all of the assignments. Encourage the smoker, just how important it is to take the book home and read it from the beginning and to follow all of the assignments.

19 18 Will you gain weight? Nicotine and the rule on carbohydrates storage. Nicotine and the rule on carbohydrates storage. Recommendations of food groups Recommendations of food groups Avoidance food groups Avoidance food groups Herbal and Vitamin suggestions Herbal and Vitamin suggestions Exercise planning with your physician Exercise planning with your physician How to not gain weight. How to not gain weight.

20 19 What are the withdrawal Symptoms Depression Depression How to deal with the depression How to deal with the depression Relaxation techniques Relaxation techniques My CD or Tape: Hypnotic and Subliminal My CD or Tape: Hypnotic and Subliminal Herbal and Vitamin Suggestions. Herbal and Vitamin Suggestions. Typical withdrawal symptoms of people who quit. Typical withdrawal symptoms of people who quit. How to deal with the withdrawal symptoms How to deal with the withdrawal symptoms How long will it last How long will it last What to do and What not to do What to do and What not to do

21 20 You are blameless of your Past Describing certain sections of my book. Describing certain sections of my book. Mind Control Mind Control Learning from past mistakes Learning from past mistakes Revisiting the Present concept Revisiting the Present concept

22 21 How people change The goal is to help the client move one stage at a time towards change The goal is to help the client move one stage at a time towards change Help smokers see the benefits of quitting Help smokers see the benefits of quitting Help smokers make a decision to quit Help smokers make a decision to quit Encourage smokers who are ready to develop an action plan and set a Quit Date Encourage smokers who are ready to develop an action plan and set a Quit Date Help the former smoker cope with life without smoking Help the former smoker cope with life without smoking

23 22 The Secrets of Remaining a non-smoker Suggestions, Recommendations from my book and from other sources

24 23 Support Groups My Website: My Website: http://cigarettesmokingkills.com How to use chat-rooms, bulletin boards How to use chat-rooms, bulletin boards Access my website. Access my website. Links for 24 hour message boards Links for 24 hour message boards The Need to stay connected to others, who have quit.

25 24 Time to Say Good-bye To Tobacco and the old You Choosing a quit date or using the book to quit Choosing a quit date or using the book to quit What happens if you quit before your date. What happens if you quit before your date. Sections from the book Sections from the book Building up a loathing for tobacco is Okay Building up a loathing for tobacco is Okay

26 25 Summation of the course Outline and Explained Outline and Explained Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Developing a partner within the group to help through the rough times Developing a partner within the group to help through the rough times What happens light up again? What happens light up again? Re-read book and go through all the assignments again. No short cuts. Re-read book and go through all the assignments again. No short cuts.

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