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Tobacco. A High-Risk Behavior 1 in 5 teens smokes 1 million teens start every year Everyday 6,000 light their 1 st 3,000 become regular smokers.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco. A High-Risk Behavior 1 in 5 teens smokes 1 million teens start every year Everyday 6,000 light their 1 st 3,000 become regular smokers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco

2 A High-Risk Behavior

3 1 in 5 teens smokes 1 million teens start every year Everyday 6,000 light their 1 st 3,000 become regular smokers

4 9 in 10 adults smokers began as teens – unable to stop 1/3 will die from smoke- related causes 2.6 million packs sold illegally to minors everyday


6 Addiction Physiological or psychological dependence on a substance or activity – that is difficult to shake

7 Nicotine Addictive drug in cigarettes Raises blood pressure Increases heart rate

8 Stimulate Drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs

9 Tar Thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. 1 pack a day for one year = 1 quart of tar Destroys cilia – hair-like projections that keep respiratory tract clear

10 Carcinogens Cancer-causing substances 43 in tobacco

11 Carbon monoxide Colorless, odorless, poisonous gas in cigarette smoke that passes through the lungs into the blood. Blood likes better that oxygen

12 Chemicals in tobacco Cyanide – rat poison Formaldehyde – preserves dead things Arsenic – poison Nicotine – poison used in insecticide Chemicals that make paint, toilet cleaner, & car antifreeze


14 Smokeless tobacco Tobacco that is sniffed through the nose or chewed 10 x’s the carcinogens into the bloodstream than cigarettes Cancer of lip, mouth or throat; teeth and gum damage; damage to digestive system

15 Pipes and Cigars Inhale less smoke Develop cancers of lip, mouth and throat

16 Specialty Cigarettes Have other ingredients added Strong tobacco and spices Contain more cancer-causing tars Clove cigarettes – 2 x’s the tar and nicotine – linked to lung problems and deaths

17 Facts and Dates 17,000 kids under five are hospitalized each year due to their parent’s smoking 1 Jan. 1971 Ban TV and radio ads for smoking

18 1970 – warning labels on cigarettes 1972 – warnings on advertisements 1989 - bans smoking on domestic flights

19 Diseases of Respiratory System

20 Chronic bronchitis Bronchi are irritated – cilia become useless – tar builds up – chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion

21 Emphysema Destruction of tiny air sacs – more breaths are required – instead of using 5 % of energy to breathe one uses 80%

22 Lung Cancer Cilia are destroyed – extra mucus cannot be expelled – develops a cough – Cancerous cell grow, block bronchi, cancer can travel to other areas of the body

23 Dangers of smokeless Tobacco

24 leukoplakia Thickened, white, leathery- appearing spots on the inside of a smokeless tobacco user’s mouth that can develop into cancer of the mouth.

25 Oral cancer strikes about 30,000 U.S. a year Only 50% survive longer that 5 years Nicotine in smokeless tobacco is as addictive

26 Users secrete more saliva Unconsciously swallowed – tar and harmful chemicals into digestive and urinary systems Tobacco juices delay healing of wounds

27 Smokeless tobacco users also tend to show greater tooth wear that nonusers - Gums are pushed away from teeth - Roots are exposed Decrease that ability to smell and taste – salty and sweet

28 Passive smoke Cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke inhaled by nonsmokers as well as smoke that remains in a closed environment after the smoker is through smoking

29 Causes eye irritation, headaches, & coughing. More ear infections, asthma attacks & other respiratory problems Aggravates existing heart and lung diseases

30 3,000 people die annually from lung cancer because of exposure to others’ smoke

31 Main-stream smoke Smoke that a smoker blows off

32 Sidestream smoke Smoke that comes from burning tobacco

33 Smoking during Pregnancy

34 At least 6,200 children die each year because their parents smoke. 2,800 die because of low birth weight 1,100 die from respiratory infections

35 Nicotine passes through the placenta, constricting the blood vessels CO reduces the oxygen level’s in the blood Small fetal growth

36 Growth and developmental problems Nicotine can pass through breast milk Asthma among infants and young children

37 Rights of nonsmoker Express your preference Choosing nonsmoking places Responsibility for their own health

38 Strategies for quitting

39 Nicotine withdrawal Process that occurs when nicotine, an addictive drug, is no longer used

40 Withdrawal symptoms Irritability Depression Restlessness Poor concentration Increased appetite Light headedness Night-time awakenings craving

41 Benefits 20 min. – blood pressure and heart rate – normal 8 hours – Nicotine and CO reduce by half 24 hours – CO eliminated from body

42 48 hours – no nicotine left in body – taste and smell improve 72 hours – breathing becomes easier – energy levels increase 2-12 weeks – circulation improves 3-9 months – breathing problems improve

43 1 year – hearth attack ½ that of a smoker 10 years – lung cancer ½ that of a smoker 15 years – heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked

44 Nicotine substitutes Nicotine gum Nicotine patch Nicotine nasal spray Nicotine inhalers

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