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2008 Tobacco Trivia. What is the most popular brand of cigarettes among the youth of America? A.Winston B.Newport C.Camel D.Marlboro.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Tobacco Trivia. What is the most popular brand of cigarettes among the youth of America? A.Winston B.Newport C.Camel D.Marlboro."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Tobacco Trivia

2 What is the most popular brand of cigarettes among the youth of America? A.Winston B.Newport C.Camel D.Marlboro

3 What is the most popular brand of cigarettes among the youth of America? Marlboro Source: Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

4 How much does the tobacco industry spend marketing their products in North Dakota, every year? A.$29.9 million B.$500,000 C.$2 million D.$3 billion

5 How much does the tobacco industry spend marketing their products in North Dakota, every year? $29.9 million Source: Campaign Tobacco Free Kids, 2008, The Toll of Tobacco in North Dakota

6 Tar builds up in the lungs after ____ cigarette(s)? A.One B.Six C.Three D.One Pack (20)

7 Tar builds up in the lungs after ____ cigarette(s)? One Source: The Health Consequences of Smoking: Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. US Department of Health and Human Services, 1984.

8 The leading cause of cancer deaths among women is….? A.Breast B.Colon C.Skin D.Lung

9 The leading cause of cancer deaths among women is….? Lung Source: CDC Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and economic costs, United States, 1995-1999 Lung cancer caused an estimated 65,700 female deaths in 2002, compared with 39,600 estimated female deaths caused by breast cancer. Kim died at age 44.

10 Smokers have poor circulation because ______ interferes with the red blood cells ability to absorb oxygen in to the smoker’s body. A.Nicotine B.Carbon Monoxide C.Tar D.Carcinogens

11 Smokers have poor circulation because ______ interferes with the red blood cells ability to absorb oxygen in to the smoker’s body. Carbon Monoxide Source:

12 What is the number of ingredients in tobacco smoke known to cause cancer? A.100 B.69 C.38 D.15

13 What is the number of ingredients in tobacco smoke known to cause cancer? 69 Source:

14 What is the percentage of smokers who started before they were 18 years old? A.90% B.70% C.50% D.30%

15 What is the percentage of smokers who started before they were 18 years old? 90% Source: Calculated from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

16 Every day in America ___ teens try their first cigarette? A.45 B.650 C.2,000 D.4,0000

17 Every day in America ___ teens try their first cigarette? 4,000 + Out of the 4,000 Who Try their first cigarette, 1,000 become regular smokers. Source: Camp again Tobacco Free Kids

18 The average smoker started smoking at what age? A.8 B.12 C.15 D.17

19 The average smoker started smoking at what age? 12 Source: 12 years old is the average age 12-17 olds starting smoking

20 What is the addictive ingredient found in tobacco products? A.Benzene B.Nicotine C.Acetone D.Cadmium

21 What is the addictive ingredient found in tobacco products? Nicotine Source: Nicotine Addiction. A report of the Surgeon General. US DHHS, 1988

22 Chew tobacco is as addictive as smoking? A.More B.Less C.Same

23 Chew tobacco is as addictive as smoking? More Holding an average-size dip in your mouth for 30 minutes gives you as much nicotine as smoking three cigarettes. Source:

24 Every year smoking is responsible for ____ deaths in America? A.440,000 B.125,000 C.53,000 D.1,000,000

25 Every year smoking is responsible for ____ deaths in America? 440,000 Minnesota Twins Metro Dome, holds 45,423 people. Source: CDC. Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and economic costs-United State 1995-1999 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report2002

26 Every year smoking is responsible for 440,000 deaths in America. That is more than alcohol, illicit drugs, homicide, suicide, car accidents and AIDS combined. Source: McGinnis J,FoegeWH. Actual causes of death in United States. Journal of American Medical Association1993;270:2207– 2212. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

27 How many people die EVERY DAY from smoking related illnesses in America? A.440 B.700 C.1200 D.1600

28 How many people die EVERY DAY from smoking related illnesses in America? 1200

29 How many Americans die every year due to the effects of secondhand tobacco smoke? A.53,000 B.7,000 C.25,000 D.100,000

30 How many Americans die every year due to the effects of secondhand tobacco smoke? 53,000 Source: 53,000Figure determined by: Deaths from 3,000 lung cancer, 35,000 heart disease and 15,000 infant (SIDS, asthma, respiratory disease) deaths from secondhand smoke exposure.

31 What does the state of North Dakota spend every year on tobacco related health care costs? A.$247,000 B.$48 million C.$247 million D.$1.8 billion

32 What does the state of North Dakota spend every year on tobacco related health care costs? $247 million Source:

33 What percentage (%) of students grades 9-12 in North Dakota DO NOT smoke? A.79% B.45% C.22% D.65%

34 What percentage (%) of students grades 9-12 in North Dakota DO NOT smoke? 79% Source: YRBS 2007 About 8 out of every 10 students in North Dakota don’t smoke!

35 Questions?

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