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Rafi Bojmel supervised by Dr. Boaz Lerner Automatic Threshold Selection for conditional independence tests in learning a Bayesian network.

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Presentation on theme: "Rafi Bojmel supervised by Dr. Boaz Lerner Automatic Threshold Selection for conditional independence tests in learning a Bayesian network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rafi Bojmel supervised by Dr. Boaz Lerner Automatic Threshold Selection for conditional independence tests in learning a Bayesian network

2 Overview   Machine Learning (ML) investigates the mechanisms by which knowledge is acquired through experience.   Hard-core ML based applications: Web search engines, On-line help services Document processing (text classification, OCR) Biological data analysis, Military applications  The Bayesian network (BN) has become one of the most studied machine learning models for knowledge representation, probabilistic inference and recently also classification

3 Recent visit to Asia Tuberculosis Smoker Lung cancer Positive X-ray Either Tuberculosis or Lung cancer Bronchitis Dyspnea (shortness-of-breath) BN Example (1) A=yesA=no P(A)50%50% D=yesD=no P(D | B=yes)90%10% P(D | B=no)5%95% Chest Clinic (Asia) Problem

4 Recent visit to Abroad Tuberculosis Smoker Lung cancer Positive X-ray Either Tuberculosis or Lung cancer Bronchitis Dyspnea (shortness-of-breath) Markov Blanket of Lung cancer BN Example (2) Chest Clinic (Asia) Problem

5 Bayesian Networks Learning Bayesian networks Structure learning Parameter learning Search-and-score Constraint-based Inference (e.g., classification) Bayesian networkStructure/Graph

6 BN Structure Learning  Database  Training Set  Model Construction   Test set  Bayesian inference (classification)  Two main approaches in the area of BN Structure learning: Search-and-Score, uses heuristic search method Constraint based, analyzes dependency relationships among nodes, using conditional independence (CI) tests. The PC algorithm is a CB based algorithm. ……………………… 10000000#6 01100101#5 01101110#4 10111011#3 10010000#2 10010010#1 D D yspnea X -ray E ither B B ronchitis L ung cancer T uberculosis S moker A sia

7 PC algorithm (1)  Inputs: V: set of variables (and corresponding database) I * (Xi,Xj|{S}) <> ε: A test of conditional independence ε: Threshold Order{V}: Ordering of V  Output: Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Xi,Xj = any two nodes in the graph I * (Xi,Xj|{S}) = Normalized Conditional Mutual Information {S} = subset of variables (other than Xi,Xj)

8 PC algorithm (2)  The algorithm contains three stages: Stage I: Start from the complete graph and find an undirected graph using conditional independence tests Stage II: Find some head to head (V-Structures) links ( X – Y – Z becomes X  Y  Z ) Stage III: Orient all those links that can be oriented

9 Recent visit to Asia Tuberculosis Smoker Lung cancer Positive X-ray Either Tuberculosis or Lung cancer Bronchitis Dyspnea (shortness-of-breath) PC Algorithm Simulation Stage I END Stage II V-structure Stage III Precise Structure

10 Threshold Selection – existing methods  Arbitrary (trial-and-error) selection Disadvantages: haphazardness, inaccuracy, time  Likelihood or Classifier Accuracy based selection Disadvantages: exponentially run-time The “risk” in selecting the wrong threshold: Too small  too many edges causality run-time Too large  loose important edges inaccuracy

11 Threshold selection - Novel Technique (1) M utual i nformation P robability D ensity F unctions based:  I*(Xi,Xj | {S})  Calculate the MI values, I*(Xi,Xj | {S}), for different sizes (orders) of condition set, S.  Create histograms (PDF estimation technique).  Techniques to define the best threshold automatically:  Zero-Crossing-Decision (ZCD)  Best-Candidate (BC)

12 Threshold selection - Novel Technique (2)

13 ZCD (order=0) ZCD (order=1) Zero-Crossing-Decision (ZCD)

14 Experiment and Results  Classification experiments with 8 real-world databases have been performed (UCI Repository)  Databases sizes: 128 - 3,200 cases.  Graph sizes: 5 - 17 nodes.  Dimension of class variable: 2 - 10.

15 Summary  The PC algorithm requires selecting a threshold for structure learning, which is a time-consuming process that also undermines automatic structure learning.  Initial examination of our novel techniques testifies that there is a potential of both enjoying the automatic process and improving performance.  Further research is executed in order to valid and improve the proposed techniques.

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