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TuTh – 4:00-5:15 Psych 241 – Methods Lab section 03.

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Presentation on theme: "TuTh – 4:00-5:15 Psych 241 – Methods Lab section 03."— Presentation transcript:

1 TuTh – 4:00-5:15 Psych 241 – Methods Lab section 03

2 Survey Project – Data Entry Please indicate your gender: Male ____ Female ____ Other ____ (Gender: Male = 1, Female = 2, Other = 3) How many semesters have you been on the UMass Amherst campus for? 1-2 _____ 3-6 _____ 7 or more _____ (Semesters: 1-2 = 1, 3-6 = 2, 7 or more = 3) Are you a smoker? Yes ____ No ____ (Smoker: No = 0, Yes = 1) If you smoke, how many years have you been smoking for? Less than 2 years ____ 2-5 years ____ 5 or more years ____ (SmokeTime: No answer = 0, Less than 2 = 1, 2-5 = 3, 5 or more = 4) When you were growing up, did you have a smoker in your household? Yes ____ No ____ (Household: No = 0, Yes = 1) When you were growing up, did you have close relatives who were smokers? Yes ____ No ____ (Relatives: No = 0, Yes = 1) Have you or anyone in your family suffered any detrimental effects of smoking? Yes ____ No ____ (Detriment: No = 0, Yes = 1) Do you have friends who smoke? Yes ____ No ____ (Friends: No = 0, Yes = 1) Do you live an urban or rural area? Urban ____ Rural ____ (Area: Urban = 1, Rural = 2) Please select the option that best corresponds with your average stress level. None ____ Low ____ Moderate ____ High ____ (Stress: None = 0, Low = 1, Moderate = 2, High = 3)

3 Survey project: Questions Data collection. Hypotheses.

4 Data Analysis for the survey project Reverse-coded items. reverse score=[(Highest score +1)-actual score Example: “It is perfectly moral to add pineapple to pizza.” Response = 6. Reverse code? Reliability analysis. Demographics outcomes. Hypothesis testing: ANOVA

5 ANOVA SourceType III Sum of Squares dfMSFSig. Sex456.4111 4.54.0211 Presentation678.0341 6.74.0164 Sex*Presentation378.6231 3.76.0399 Error3620.14336100.559 Total16612.7123920.414

6 ANOVA Give the statistical information for the main effect of “sex” (F ratio, df, p- value): Is there a significant main effect of “sex”? Yes No Give the statistical information for the main effect of “presentation” (F ratio, df, p-value): Is there a significant main effect of “presentation”? Yes No Give the statistical information for the interaction of “sex” and “presentation” (F ratio, df, p-value): Is there a significant interaction of “sex” and “presentation? Yes No Given the information in the table above, how many levels of presentation were there? How many levels of “sex” were there? Given the information in the table above, what design was used in this study? 1-way between subject1-way repeated measures 2-way between subject2-way mixed

7 ANOVA GenderMeanStd. Error Men Women 17.5 17 1.4894 2.2111 MotivationMeanStd. Error Nothing Music Video 7.5 12 15 5.2440 1.5402 5.6027 SOURCESSdfMSF-ratioSig. Gender64.4451 3.08.1833 Motivation456.4112229.70510.97.0322 Gender* Motivation 342.5722171.2868.18.0434 Error502.722420.947 Total1366.1432947.108

8 ANOVA Gender Motivation MeanStd. Error Men Nothing Music Video 5 12 18 5.2536 1.6949 3.6515 Women Nothing Music Video 10 12 1.7889 1.2060 3.5805

9 ANOVA Give the statistical information for the main effect of “gender” (use APA style): If the effect is statistically significant, describe the main effect of “gender” based on the means: Give the statistical information for the main effect of “motivation”: If the effect is statistically significant, describe the main effect of “motivation” based on the means: Give the statistical information for the interaction of “gender” and “motivation”:

10 Homework. Enter the data and send it to me via email. Please attach it as a document, because I don’t like GoogleDrive. Complete items f, and g from the CS page 108 (based on page 107)

11 Contact Information Tobin 626 Office hour: Tuesdays from 1-2pm

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