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Teens and Tobacco.

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1 Teens and Tobacco

2 Objectives Identify 3 factors that influence teens’ decisions about tobacco use Describe the various forms of tobacco products

3 DO NOW What does this graph reveal about the popularity of smoking among teenage smokers?

4 Then vs. Now Your parents lived in a much smokier environment
People smoked on planes, in movie theatres, restaurants, and at work Today we know A LOT more about the dangers of smoking As a result, tobacco use has fallen It is not as socially acceptable as it once was

5 1960s s

6 Why Teens Use Tobacco Friends Family Media

7 Influence of Friends Most people who become addicted start in their teens Teens that have friends who smoke are more likely to start themselves Peer pressure If a teen has friends that do not smoke, they are less likely to start Most teens credit their friends for helping them resist the urge to smoke

8 Influence of Family Family may have warned you about the dangers of tobacco Positive role models Children of smokers are much more likely to start smoking, even if their parents discourage them They see smoking as a behavior related to adulthood They assume they will use tobacco just like their parents

9 Influence of Media ANTI-tobacco ads may have influenced you to not smoke You most likely have heard the dangers of smoking on TV or in a magazine

10 Joe Camel

11 Marlboro Man

12 Cartoons

13 Tobacco products

14 Tobacco Products Made from dried, processed leaves of the tobacco plant They produce a chemical that acts as an insecticide Nicotine Very addictive In pure liquid form it is extremely poisonous Infant deaths

15 Products That Are Smoked
When the tobacco is processed for these products, preservatives, flavorings, and other substances may be added, some of which contribute to the harmful effects of smoking Cigarettes E-Cigarettes Cigar Tobacco Pipe Tobacco


17 Smokeless Tobacco Tobacco that is chewed, placed between the lower lip and teeth, or sniffed through the nose Contains many of the same chemicals found in tobacco smoke, including nicotine Chewing tobacco – “dip” or “chew” Poor quality, ground tobacco, mixed with flavors, preservatives, and chemicals Snuff Finely ground, powdered tobacco Mouth or sniffed through nose


19 Vocabulary Nicotine – an extremely addictive chemical in tobacco products. Smokeless Tobacco – tobacco products that are chewed, placed between the lower lip and teeth, or sniffed.

20 Vocabulary Chewing Tobacco – a smokeless tobacco product that consists of poor-quality, ground tobacco leaves and is placed between the gum and cheek. Snuff – a smokeless tobacco product that consists of dry or moist powder. It may be placed between the lower lip and teeth or sniffed.

21 Chemicals in tobacco products

22 Vocabulary Stimulant – drug that increases the activity of the nervous system Tar – the dark, sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns Carcinogen – cancer causing agents Carbon Monoxide – an odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco is burned

23 Nicotine’s Short Term Effects
Increased heart rate Increased blood pressure Changes in the brain that may lead to addiction

24 Nicotine Addiction People rely on tobacco for feelings of alertness and pleasure Ongoing use leads to the development of a tolerance Therefore, the more a person uses tobacco, the bigger their tolerance will become This will eventually lead to nicotine addiction

25 Nicotine Withdrawal If a nicotine addict goes without nicotine for even a short while, he or she may experience withdrawal symptoms Symptoms include: Headaches Irritability Difficulty sleeping Inability to concentrate Intense nicotine cravings

26 What’s in a Cigarette? There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes When burned, they create more than 4,000 chemicals At least 50 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous Many of these chemicals are also found in consumer products, but these products have warning labels While the public is warned about the danger of the poisons in these products, there is no such warning for the toxins in tobacco smoke

27 Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and other places they are found…
Acetone – found in nail polish remover Formaldehyde – embalming fluid Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid Ammonia – a common household cleaner Lead – used in batteries Napthalene – an ingredient in moth balls Arsenic – used in rat poison Benzene – found in rubber cement Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel Butane – used in lighter fluid Nicotine – used as insecticide Cadmium – active component in battery acid Tar – material for paving roads Toluene - used to manufacture paint Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes

28 Short Term Effects of These Chemicals
Brown stains on fingers and teeth Smelly hair and clothes Bad breath Receding gums and tooth decay Paralysis of cilia lining the airways Increased respiratory infections (colds, flu) Impaired lung function (reduced athletic ability)





33 Risks of tobacco use

34 Vocabulary Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – a disease that results in gradual loss of lung function Chronic Bronchitis – a condition in which the bronchi in the lungs are constantly swollen and clogged with mucus Emphysema – a disorder in which damaged alveoli in the lungs can no longer take in adequate oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide

35 Vocabulary Leukoplakia – white patches on the tongue or lining of the mouth that may become cancerous Mainstream Smoke – smoke that is exhaled from a smokers lungs Sidestream Smoke – smoke that goes directly into the air from a burning tobacco product Secondhand Smoke – a combination of mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke

36 Long Term Risks Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the US Cigarette smoking is responsible for 400,000 deaths a year in the US Tobacco users increase their risk of developing respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and several forms of cancer

37 Respiratory Diseases “Smoker’s Cough” Results from damage done by tar
Tar sticks to the cilia in the in the respiratory tract and prevent them from moving This results in mucus and particles to be pushed into the lungs instead of the throat to be swallowed The cough comes from trying to clear the airway

38 Respiratory Diseases Tobacco smoke and other toxins also irritate the lining of the bronchi The bronchi are tubes that carry air between the trachea and the lungs They become inflamed This restricts the amount of air let into the lungs

39 Smoking Also Leads To… Increased risk of stomach ulcers
Slower healing of injuries Increased colds and flu Increased allergies and asthma A constant runny nose Frequent headaches Dulled sense of taste and smell Premature wrinkling

40 Cardiovascular Disease
Diseases of the heart and blood Kills 140,000 smokers a year The combined effects of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide force the cardiovascular system to work harder to deliver oxygen throughout the body

41 Cardiovascular Disease
A smoker is 3 times more likely than a nonsmoker to have a heart attack Cigarette smoking doubles a persons chances of having a stroke Smokers are 10 times more likely to develop circulation problems in blood vessels that carry blood to the entire body

42 Cancer Tobacco use is a major factor in the development of lung cancer, oral cancers, and several other cancers

43 Lung Cancer Leading cause of cancer death for men and women
85% of lung cancer deaths are related to smoking By the time most lung cancers are diagnosed, successful treatment is unlikely Only 15% of lung cancer patients survive for more than 5 years



46 Oral Cancer Cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat
90% of oral cancers occur from people using tobacco The survival rate is higher than lung cancer However, surgery to remove the cancer can be disfiguring



49 Other Cancers Tobacco users also have an increased risk of cancers of the: Esophagus Larynx Stomach Kidneys Pancreas Bladder Blood Other sites

50 Secondhand Smoke Long term exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease, many respiratory problems, and cancer Secondhand smoke causes 50,000 deaths from heart attacks and lung cancer each year Each year, secondhand smoke contributes to about 300,000 respiratory infections in children younger than 18 months

51 Avoiding Secondhand Smoke
Laws now prohibit or restrict smoking in many public places and workplaces As smoking becomes less socially acceptable, it will become less common Ask smokers not to smoke around you Be FIRM when telling guests they cannot smoke in your house or car Pick restaurants that do not allow smoking!

52 Tobacco Use and Pregnancy
Pregnant women who smoke put their babies at risk for many health problems Increases the baby’s heart rate Reduces the baby’s oxygen supply Slows cell growth Babies born to smokers weigh about 6 ounces less than the babies of nonsmokers Low birth weight can lead to: Cerebral palsy, sight impairment, hearing problems, learning difficulties

53 Tobacco Use and Pregnancy
Pregnant women who smoke have higher rates of miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths Babies who’s mother smokes is also at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs) When a healthy baby suddenly dies, usually while sleeping


55 Saying no to tobacco

56 Vocabulary Nicotine substitute – a product such as a gum, patch, spray, or inhaler that contains nicotine and is designed to help a person quit tobacco use

57 Sticking to your decision not to use tobacco involves being able to say no clearly and with confidence Do not assume that you can start using tobacco now and just stop when you want Studies show that most teens have a more difficult time quitting than people who start using as adults

58 Benefits of Quitting The health benefits of quitting begin immediately and continue through life Society also benefits every time someone quits

59 Changes in a Smoker’s Body After Quitting
FIRST DAYS After 20 minutes BP and HR return to normal Temperature of hands and feet increases to normal After 8 hours O2 and Carbon Monoxide levels return to normal After 24 hours Risk of sudden heart attack decreases After 48 hours Senses of taste and smell start to improve

60 AFTER 3 MONTHS Circulation improves Lung function improves AFTER 9 MONTHS Coughing and nasal congestion diminish Respiratory infections are less frequent Energy level increases AFTER 1 YEAR Risk of heart disease is half that of a current smoker

61 AFTER 5 YEARS Stroke risk is the same as a non smoker Risk of mouth and throat cancer is half that of a current smoker AFTER 10 YEARS Lung cancer death rate is about half the rate of a current smoker Life expectancy is comparable to a nonsmoker

62 Tips For Quitting The most important factor in successfully quitting tobacco is a strong personal commitment No single method works best for everyone Quitting is most difficult during the first week or 2 after that last cigarette Nicotine withdrawal

63 Nicotine Substitutes Aid in quitting cigarettes
Contains nicotine, but not the other harmful products in cigarettes By slowly cutting back on the amount of nicotine, a person can reduce withdrawal symptoms Most Common  Gum and Patches Others Sprays and Inhalers Still exposed to nicotine Never use along with tobacco products!


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