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Silver Firs Phase 2 Budget Ratification Meeting October 22, 2001 Special Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Silver Firs Phase 2 Budget Ratification Meeting October 22, 2001 Special Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silver Firs Phase 2 Budget Ratification Meeting October 22, 2001 Special Meeting

2 Announcements New website – the domain is being registered with InterNIC. Currently, you can visit the site at (there will also be a link from the current site). New website – the domain is being registered with InterNIC. Currently, you can visit the site at (there will also be a link from the current site).www.silverfirs2.orghttp:// Andrea Nichols, who filled a board vacancy in December of 2000, is leaving the board. Her position’s term ends in 2002, so her replacement will be due up for re-election at the 2002 annual meeting. Andrea Nichols, who filled a board vacancy in December of 2000, is leaving the board. Her position’s term ends in 2002, so her replacement will be due up for re-election at the 2002 annual meeting.

3 Proof of Notice of Special Meeting

4 Introductions Tracy Barrett – President – Rules Committee Tracy Barrett – President – Rules Committee Jim Yourkowski – Vice President – Operations Committee Jim Yourkowski – Vice President – Operations Committee Andrea Nichols – Treasurer – Finance Committee Andrea Nichols – Treasurer – Finance Committee Gene Thompson – Secretary – Communications Committee Gene Thompson – Secretary – Communications Committee Michael Bitz – Landscape Committee Michael Bitz – Landscape Committee Kate Hurlocker, Christine Perigen – CWD representatives Kate Hurlocker, Christine Perigen – CWD representatives

5 Call To Order To conduct official business, a quorum of 40% participation must be reached. For the 880 homes of Silver Firs Phase 2, at least 352 votes are needed. What happens to the board approved motions if a quorum is not reached?

6 Approval of the 2001 Annual Meeting Minutes

7 2002 Special Ballot Issues Do you vote to disapprove of the Year 2002 budget adopted by the Board of Directors by on October 3, 2001? Do you vote to disapprove of the Year 2002 budget adopted by the Board of Directors by on October 3, 2001? Do you vote to waive the audit of financial statements for the year 2001? Do you vote to waive the audit of financial statements for the year 2001? Do you vote to disapprove board’s resolution recorded as #200108300230 with Snohomish County, titled first amendment to the bylaws of Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which amends article one to change the corporate offices from Centex in Bellevue to the CWD Group in Seattle? Do you vote to disapprove board’s resolution recorded as #200108300230 with Snohomish County, titled first amendment to the bylaws of Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which amends article one to change the corporate offices from Centex in Bellevue to the CWD Group in Seattle? Do you vote to disapprove board’s resolution recorded as #20010917-2, titled second amendment to the bylaws of the Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which changes article 4.5 to change the date of the annual meeting from the 4 th Monday in January to the 4 th Monday in October of each year beginning in the year 2002? Do you vote to disapprove board’s resolution recorded as #20010917-2, titled second amendment to the bylaws of the Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which changes article 4.5 to change the date of the annual meeting from the 4 th Monday in January to the 4 th Monday in October of each year beginning in the year 2002?

8 Do you vote to disapprove the Year 2002 budget adopted by the Board of Directors on October 3, 2001?

9 Do you vote to waive the audit of financial statements for the year 2001?

10 Do you vote to disapprove the board’s resolution recorded as #200108300230 with Snohomish County, titled First Amendment to the Bylaws of Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which amends article one to change the corporate offices from Centex in Bellevue to the CWD Group in Seattle?

11 Do you vote to disapprove board’s resolution recorded as #20010917-2, titled Second Amendment to the Bylaws of the Silver Firs Phase II HOA, which changes article 4.5 to change the date of the annual meeting from the 4 th Monday in January to the 4 th Monday in October of each year beginning in the year 2002?

12 Old Business No old business to be resolved from the 2001 Annual meeting. No old business to be resolved from the 2001 Annual meeting.

13 New Business Proxy & Ballot Voting explained by Jim Yourkowski. Proxy & Ballot Voting explained by Jim Yourkowski.

14 Question & Answer Time

15 Adjournment

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