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Project Prioritization Process

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1 Project Prioritization Process
Presented by: ICT PMO

2 Agenda Purpose Background Prioritization of Projects
Current Process New Prioritization Process Purpose of the Committee Summary Questions

3 Purpose The Need For Change Other Universities ERP requirement
Auditor Requirement Standardized project execution Other Universities Miami of Ohio University Georgia State University Marquette University

4 Background PMO created as a department within ICT EAS PMO Charter
Established PMO’s Objectives and Goals Charter approved by VP Planning and Information Technology & CIO Current PMO scope - IT Enterprise Software Projects

5 Background PMO Goals Streamline project request pipeline
Define process for submission and prioritization of projects Provide project management standards Provide a framework for resource allocation and tracking Be a catalyst for risk identification and issue resolution Disseminate information on current projects Foster better prioritization of projects

6 Prioritization of Projects
What is a project? A business need that requires an IT Solution What needs to be prioritized? Business needs aligned with NMSU Strategic Goals What types of projects will be prioritized? IT Enterprise Software Projects based on certain criteria

7 Current Prioritization Process
Enterprise Software Clients Current Prioritization Process Each Client determines priority of projects within their department ICT EAS/ICT RS System/Network Support (DBA, USA, PSA, Networking) Customer Support (Helpdesk/Training) Execution directly impacts support groups and their clients Overall prioritization happens here Other Enterprise Clients

8 Current Prioritization Process - Disadvantages
Overall project priority is not clear ICT is the implicit decision point Projects may not be aligned with NMSU Strategic Goals Inefficient use and over-allocation of resources No lead time for planning

9 New Prioritization Process
Enterprise Software Clients 3. Overall prioritization is decided collectively by Client Community New Prioritization Process 1. Criteria based ICT EAS/ICT RS Prioritization Committee ICT PMO 4. Prioritized List 2. Scope and Data Points System/Network Support (DBA, USA, PSA, Networking) Customer Support (Helpdesk/Training) Results in better resource planning at support group level Other Enterprise Clients

10 Additionally… Projects executed simultaneously based on resource availability Not all projects prioritized Bugs and critical requests treated as highest priority Impact prioritized projects

11 New Prioritization Process -Advantages
Overall project priority is clear Projects aligned with NMSU Strategic Goals Project priority decided collectively by Client Community Better awareness of Enterprise projects Better resource planning and allocation Similar benefit expected at support group level Bundle related projects from different clients

12 New Prioritization Process -Advantages

13 Purpose of the Committee
Prioritize business needs aligned with NMSU Strategic Goals Primary functions are to: Approve or Disapprove Projects Determine its own criteria for prioritization Prioritize or Re-Prioritize Projects

14 Summary Project Prioritization Process in response to need for change
Prioritization Committee created to promote better planning Business as usual except for larger projects

15 PM Process Success Stories
ODS Upgrade Mainframe Legacy Data Archival Blackboard (In Progress)

16 Questions

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