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Rome: Expansion. Roman Government - Other Senate Senate Magistrates Magistrates ConsulsConsuls PraetorsPraetors CensorsCensors Assemblies Groups of citizens.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome: Expansion. Roman Government - Other Senate Senate Magistrates Magistrates ConsulsConsuls PraetorsPraetors CensorsCensors Assemblies Groups of citizens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome: Expansion

2 Roman Government - Other Senate Senate Magistrates Magistrates ConsulsConsuls PraetorsPraetors CensorsCensors Assemblies Groups of citizens who voted on various things within the government. Assemblies Groups of citizens who voted on various things within the government. Tribunes – 10 elected officials from the assemblies who would vote to approve/disapprove of actions of the Senate or other officials.Tribunes – 10 elected officials from the assemblies who would vote to approve/disapprove of actions of the Senate or other officials.

3 The Army All male citizens had to serve in the army for a certain amount of time. (most commanders were patrician, though plebeians could rise) Legion- Basic unit of the military 4000-6000 soldiers divided into groups of 100 Centurians Auxilia- Army units of non-citizens. Conquered territories were required to provide troops Very strict discipline, and strong incentives. “Strength and Honor”

4 Expanding beyond Italy Romans were proud of their government and culture- thought it was their destiny to be superior to other cultures Allowed conquered people to keep their own Language, customs, religion etc… as long as they obeyed Roman law. (pay taxes, provide troops for Auxilia) Most societies adapt and blend into Rome (cosmopolitan society)

5 The Punic Wars (Rome Vs. Carthage)

6 Who are we fighting and why is it important? Carthage is a city in North Africa. Largest power on South side of Mediterranean- expanding (like Rome) Wanted territory in Sicily, Sardinia, Spain- and so did Rome Carthage=Sea Power Rome= Land Power First large scale war for Rome- cemented who they were and what they were about


8 First Punic War 264-241 bc Main argument was over Sicily War took time to start b/c Rome needed to build a navy to compete with Carthage (stole one of their boats and copied it). Developed “boarding bridges” to allow them to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Rome wins (sort of)- gets Sicily and forces Carthage to pay Reparations (damages- costs of war)

9 Second Punic War Carthage Strikes back 218-202 BCE Carthage has a great commander- Hannibal. He attacks Rome from the North (unexpected) and uses Scorched Earth- destroys everything he passes to create panic. Cannae- 216 BCE biggest defeat Rome will ever have- can anything stop Hannibal? Rome decided the best plan is attack Carthage- draw Hannibal home- send Scipio Rome decided the best plan is attack Carthage- draw Hannibal home- send Scipio 202 BCE Hannibal killed at battle of Zama- Rome wins again- gets Spain

10 Third Punic War 149-146 bc Carthage is defeated- but Rome decides that as long as it exists- it is still a threat- no one can challenge Rome and live Attack and wipe the city off the earth For good measure- conquer Macedon/Greece because they had been Carthage’s ally.

11 Results of Punic Wars Rome is master of the Mediterranean Have Spain, North Africa, Greece Divide conquered territories into provinces- each with a governor appointed by the senate Conquered citizens become Roman subjects (not citizens)

12 Changes in The Roman Republic Government Government Senate/nobles more powerfulSenate/nobles more powerful Formation of corrupt, provincial governments.Formation of corrupt, provincial governments. Agriculture Agriculture Small farmers lose landSmall farmers lose land Rome begins to get grain from outer provinces.Rome begins to get grain from outer provinces. Society Society Farmers cannot afford to rebuild – sell land and move to cities. Farmers cannot afford to rebuild – sell land and move to cities. Urban poor depend on government for food (welfare)Urban poor depend on government for food (welfare) New class of wealthy businessmen (equites) New class of wealthy businessmen (equites)





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