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1 Hybrid Collaboration and Conversion- 2006 AFGE National VA Council.

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1 1 Hybrid Collaboration and Conversion- 2006 AFGE National VA Council

2 2 Public law 108-170- What provisions does it provide for in regards to hybrid employee’s? Representatives of employees and management will: Plan, Develop, and Implement in “collaboration” with employee representatives the system of “advancement and promotions” for hybrid personnel. They will also create a system of “periodic review” for the system of promotion and advancement.

3 3 How can this help me as a hybrid employee? The union can provide feedback to headquarters on problems and potential barriers in regards to “system of promotion and advancement” for hybrid employees. The union can also collaborate with management specifically about: a) Inconsistencies of interpretation of qualification standards from an employee perspective. b) Training needs of employees in regards to “the system of advancement and promotions.”

4 4 Does this “conversion” process mean that it will be easier for me to get promoted? No-Not necessarily. VHA/CO secured the hybrid authority with the intent to “recruit and retain” certain occupations in a more easier fashion. Under the old system, of Title 5, an employee job was vested “in position”.

5 5 What do you mean by “position” vested in the grade level? Let’s give an example; Under Title 5, because an employee’s job was vested in a position, an employee could request a “desk audit” to see if their assigned duties would merit a higher grade. Under Title 38 (hybrid) a grade level is based on the judgment of both supervisors and professional standard boards via the “qualification standards”.

6 6 I nitial Conversion Process B etween 04/02/2006-06/30/2006, your occupations professional standard board (PSB) will consider the following, for boarding under the qualifications standards: (Social Workers will be boarded in the Fall 06)  Your position description/functional statement  Qualifications and Performance Appraisals found within your OPF  Qualification Standards for your occupation  Supervisor comments – If employee decides to pursue the “reconsideration process”  The PSB will compare the above items against language found within your perspective occupation’s qualification standard.

7 7 Where can I find a copy of my occupations qualification standard? Employees can go to the VA’s intranet OHRM/LR intranet web-site at: click under: “Qualification Standards”

8 8 Will I get downgraded when I convert to a hybrid? VHA/CO, noted during the collaboration phase a 99% assurance that all Bargaining unit employees will be “grandfathered” in at the same grade and step level that you hold currently. However, if you leave the facility or the occupation after the initial conversion occupation process, you will be boarded against your occupations “new qualification standards”

9 9 What should I do before I am boarded ? Talk informally to your boss about the accuracy of your functional statement or position description. Complete a self-assessment prior to the boarding process. Be familiar with your occupations qualification standards. Approach a Professional Board member of your occupation for clarification if you are unsure what some language means. Be familiar with the time frames associated reconsideration process ( see algorithms handouts)

10 10 Where can I find VHA policies that deal with the promotion and advancement processes for hybrids? VA Handbook 5005 Part II Chapter 3 and Part III Chapter 4. VA Handbook 5017 – Part V. Employee Awards and Recognition-Title 38 (Appendix) 5005 Part III J-M and P

11 11 What can I do, if I do not know the intent of certain language found within a particular qualification standard ? Approach your supervisor or a union representative, to request a name of PSB member in order that you may ask them to clarify. Official clarifications will be made available to the union and the National Hybrid Collaboration Team.

12 12 What does the “full performance level” and “above the full performance level mean? The “full performance level” equates the journeyman grade level for that specific occupation. When grade levels are described within the qualifications standards to be, “above the full performance” level, they generally describe grade levels that vary depending on the complexities of the assignment and/or the competencies of the individual.

13 13 What are the steps for the Promotion process once the initial conversion process is over? Notification of Eligibility Promotion to Grade at or Below the Full Performance Level Promotion to Grade above the Full Performance Level Reconsideration Promotion to Grade at or Below the Full Performance Level Promotion to Grade above the Full Performance Level * Excerpt from Handbook 5005 Part III Chapter 4.

14 14 For Promotions to Grades At or Below the Full Performance Level 1. 60 days prior to the anniversary date-VA Form 97 will be sent to the facility indicating a “satisfactory” rating. 30 days prior, Local HR will notify supervisor and employee of eligibility for promotion. 2. Employees will have 30 days to submit to their respective supervisor a self- assessment of their qualifications for promotion. The employee may also notify their supervisor, within 30 days prior to the eligibility date for promotion, that they are declining to submit a self-assessment. (Currently there is no self assessment form, employee to use any paper form) 3. Upon receipt of the employee’s self assessment, the supervisor will make a recommendation to the approving official that is to be acted upon within 30 days of receipt. a. Employees who have demonstrated the capability to successfully perform at the next higher grade level will be recommended.

15 15 c. Employees who are not promoted are eligible for promotion reconsideration. (See Reconsideration for Grades at or Below the Full Performance Level) b. Employees who have not demonstrated such capability will be informed in writing by the supervisor that they are not being promoted. The written notice will cite the reason (s) why the employee does not meet the criteria for promotion.

16 16 Promotion Reconsideration- At or Below the Full Performance Level Employees are to be advised by their supervisors in writing of any decision not to promote them, the reason (s) for the decision, and their right to request reconsideration. Within 30 days of being notified of the written decision not to promote, the employee must submit a written request through the immediate supervisor, to the second level supervisor and cite the specific reason (s) why the employee believes the decision was not proper. The second level supervisor is to review the employee’s request within 30 days, and determine whether to promote the employee. If deciding to not promote, reason (s) must be provided in writing. If employee is not satisfied, they can request within 30 days, to have the determination reviewed by the next higher level board. The higher level board will have 30 days to the appropriate official, who will make a final decision within 30 days. If promoted- you will be paid the first full pay period after promotion. If not, the employee will be provided a copy of the board action.

17 17 For Promotion to Grades Above the Full Performance Level Within 30 days after reviewing the employee’s self-assessment, the appropriate management official determines that the assignment does or does not meet the qualification standard for the next higher grade, that official, then documents on VA form 10-2543 and provides a copy to employee. (Continued next page) Employees who warrant consideration for a higher grade can be considered on a date other than the anniversary date. However, they must also warrant both the qualifications and assignment characteristics for promotion eligibility for grade above the full performance level.

18 18 (continued) A Board Action form is submitted to the Professional Standard Board from the appropriate management official for consideration within 30 calendar days. The Professional Standard Board will in turn have 30 calendar days to make their recommendation via the Board action form to the approving authority. The approving authority will have 30 calendar days to approve or disapprove the Professional Standard Board decision. If not promoted, employees are to be advised by their supervisors in writing of any decision not to promote them, the reason for the decision, and their right to request reconsideration.

19 19 Promotion Reconsideration to Grades Above the Full Performance Level Within 30 days of the non promotion: The employee should have an informal conversation with supervisor. The employee may submit a written request for reconsideration through the supervisor. The request should note that an informal conversation with the first level supervisor has occurred. The request must also cite the specific reason (s) why the employee believes the decision was not proper. The supervisor is to review and comment on the employee’s request in writing, and provide copies of those comments to the employee within 30 days. The PSB will review and make a recommendation to the approving official within 30 days. Approving Authority will approve or disapprove the promotion within 30 days.

20 20 How will the union be involved in “periodic review” of the hybrid system of advancement and promotion? Management and employee representatives have agreed to form a National Hybrid collaboration team to meet at least annually. Among other charges; This team will analyze the number of employees who have stayed longer than 15 months within the grade levels that are “below or at the full performance” level. The # of employees in each occupational series by title and grade level, Race and national origin by % of the total occupation. The team will analyze the 10% Quality Assurance Review of the (PSB) National Chair recommendations.

21 21 What can I do if I need further help or I have a concern that has not been resolved about the hybrid system of “advancement and promotion”? Contact – M.J. Burke, (317) 554-0000, ext. 2751

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