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Ann S. Bisconti, PhD Bisconti Research, Inc. New Opinion Climate For Nuclear Energy And Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)

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Presentation on theme: "Ann S. Bisconti, PhD Bisconti Research, Inc. New Opinion Climate For Nuclear Energy And Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ann S. Bisconti, PhD Bisconti Research, Inc. New Opinion Climate For Nuclear Energy And Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)

2 BRi Buzz: Nuclear Energy is “Cool”

3 BRi Converging Factors Energy Supply Oil and Gas Costs Geopolitical Consequences Climate Change/ Clean Air Energy Demand

4 BRi 23-Year Trends Show Big Change 23-Year Trends Show Big Change Bisconti Research national public opinion surveys: 1,000 U.S. adults age 18+ 1,000 U.S. adults age 18+ Margin of error plus or minus 3 percentage points Margin of error plus or minus 3 percentage points

5 BRi 68% Favor Use of Nuclear Energy (Trend 1983-2006, Annual Averages) Oppose Favor 49 46 29 68

6 BRi The Buzz: Heard About in Past Year

7 BRi Nuclear Power in the News

8 BRi Nuclear Power in the News

9 BRi Supporters Engaged Nationally and Locally

10 BRi Five Steps of Support for New Plants Important for our energy future 86% Prepare to build 77% Definitely build 61% Accept new reactors at nearest plant 73% Renew licenses 84%

11 BRi BBC Poll, June 2006: % Favor Building New Nuclear Power Plants U.S. 63%

12 BRi BBC Poll, June 2006: Percent Concerned About Global Energy Issues

13 BRi Broad Support for GNEP Concept “ Would you approve or disapprove of a U.S. initiative to collaborate with other nations that use commercial nuclear energy to develop technologies for recycling used nuclear fuel and reducing radioactive waste?” Approve77 Disapprove20 (Don’t know) 3 Bisconti Research, March 2006

14 BRi Focus Groups on GNEP Communications 10 focus groups in April-May 2006 10 focus groups in April-May 2006 Reactions to GNEP concepts and plans Reactions to GNEP concepts and plans Perceived benefits Perceived benefits Language barriers Language barriers Questions Questions

15 BRi GNEP Messages Percent Ranked First or Second Reduce reliance on fossil fuels71 Reduce reliance on fossil fuels71 Greenhouse gases/global warming46 Greenhouse gases/global warming46 Good use of waste for energy31 Good use of waste for energy31 Helps developing nations25 Helps developing nations25 Reduces waste21 Reduces waste21 U.S. technology leadership 8 U.S. technology leadership 8

16 BRi GNEP Benefits Perceived Less global reliance on fossil fuels: Less global reliance on fossil fuels: Less conflict, global stability Less conflict, global stability Abundant energy, better quality of life for everyone, education, health, water, improve economy, alleviate poverty Abundant energy, better quality of life for everyone, education, health, water, improve economy, alleviate poverty Healthier environment Healthier environment Control misuse of weapons Control misuse of weapons Reduce waste—good use Reduce waste—good use

17 BRi What is that? Nuclear fuel cycle Nuclear fuel cycle Closed fuel cycle Closed fuel cycle Cradle-to-grave leasing Cradle-to-grave leasing Non-proliferation Non-proliferation Proliferation-resistance Proliferation-resistance Transuranics Transuranics Fission Fission IAEA IAEA

18 BRi How do we get from here to there? Today: 103 nuclear power plants in U.S. today Today: 103 nuclear power plants in U.S. today 1 typical nuclear power plant provides enough electricity for city like Seattle or Boston 1 typical nuclear power plant provides enough electricity for city like Seattle or Boston Tomorrow: Steps toward new plants under way Tomorrow: Steps toward new plants under way Community expressions of support Community expressions of support Future: advanced technology, GNEP collaboration Future: advanced technology, GNEP collaboration

19 BRi What about other sources? We need all our energy sources We need all our energy sources The federal government is developing clean fossil fuels, renewable energy, energy efficiency The federal government is developing clean fossil fuels, renewable energy, energy efficiency Nuclear energy because: clean air energy, reliable, affordable, large-scale Nuclear energy because: clean air energy, reliable, affordable, large-scale Future transportation (hydrogen), water (desalination) Future transportation (hydrogen), water (desalination)

20 BRi Safety First Safety First

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