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CULTURAL INTERACTIONS INSTITUTE - 201 Christina Eaton, MPH Ryan White All Grantees Meeting November 28 th 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL INTERACTIONS INSTITUTE - 201 Christina Eaton, MPH Ryan White All Grantees Meeting November 28 th 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CULTURAL INTERACTIONS INSTITUTE - 201 Christina Eaton, MPH Ryan White All Grantees Meeting November 28 th 2012

2 Disclosures  This continuing education activity is managed and accredited by Professional Education Service Group. The information presented in this activity represents the opinion of the author(s) or faculty. Neither PESG, nor any accrediting organization endorses any commercial products displayed or mentioned in conjunction with this activity.  Commercial support was not received for this activity  I did not write the Cultural Interactions series but have used it to provide cultural sensitivity training to individuals serving HIV+ patients.

3 Disclosures  Christina Eaton, MPH  Has no financial interest or relationships to disclose  CME Staff Disclosures  Professional Education Services Group staff have no financial interest or relationships to disclose

4 Objectives At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to: 1. Recognize that concepts such as self-awareness and empathy which are thought to be personality traits can be developed through active learning 2. Create or adapt an interactive workshop using the training units from the Cultural Interactions series for various organizational settings 3. Apply the workshops by assisting those organizations trained in making necessary structural changes to achieve cultural awareness


6 Cultural Interactions Unit 2  Goal  To become aware of who we stigmatize and learn how to reduce the effects of stigma for those living with HIV

7 Cultural Interactions Unit 2  Objectives  Review of Unit 1  Define Stigma  List 2 HIV/AIDS health disparities  Describe the 2 ways in which stigma affects a person  Identify root causes of stigma  Learn ways to reduce the effect of stigma for those living with HIV

8 Unit 1  Define Culture  Define Cultural Awareness  Define Cultural Competence  List 2 positive and negative beliefs you have about Cultural Awareness  List 2 assumptions about your patient/client that affect your interactions in a positive and negative way  Define the culture of your organization  Create a plan to reinforce the defined culture

9 Why did I enter the field of Healthcare?

10 To whom?

11 I did not see a single piece of paper that said…  People who look like me  People who are deserving  People who speak like me  People who speak English only  People that I like  People who always take my advice  People who have health insurance

12 Cornerstones of Cultural Awareness  Self-Awareness  Reducing Stigma  Empathy  Diverse Workforce  Ask Questions  Communication Skills

13 Stigma  A severe social disapproval

14 Stigma  Who do you disapprove of?

15 External Stigma  What do we do to people we stigmatize?

16 Internal Stigma  What can stigma do to someone?



19 Assumptions about people with Lung Cancer  Elderly  Male  Smoker

20 Assumptions about people with HIV  Gay  Promiscuous  Cheaters  Drug addicts  Minorities

21 Does a stereotype define who you are?  Don’t ever say that because I am _________ then___________.

22 Stigma Tree

23 Putting it into Practice  How can we reduce stigma?  Teach the facts  Empathy

24 Teach the facts

25 Empathy

26 Stigma

27 If you would like to receive continuing education credit for this activity, please visit: Obtaining CME/CE Credit

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