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Grocott's Editorial Policy

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1 Grocott's Editorial Policy
RACE Grocott's Editorial Policy

2 Presentation Structure
Race definitions SA Media history Grocott’s context Aims and objectives Methodology Findings

3 Presentation Structure cont...
Problems Policy Implementation and monitoring Summary

4 Theoretical definitions
Du Bois(1999) “Race is not scientific or biological but is a socio-historical concept.” Appiah (1992:13) “there is no such thing as race,”... “race biologises culture”

5 Theoretical definitions cont….
“The concept of human biological races is based on false assumption that anatomical traits such as skin color and specific facial characteristics clutter together in single distinct groups of people”(O’Neil, 2003)

6 Expert Opinion “I got my definition of race from forms” (Rod Amner, Journalism lecturer) “Social conditioning lets us believe in race” (Dr Rose Boswell, Anthropology lecturer) “Race is one of many identities” (Thabisi Hoeane, Politics lecturer) “Race is not biologically based, yet it it has a lot of social relevance” (Prof Fred Hendricks, Sociology lecturer)

7 Expert Opinion cont…. “The most relevant definition in this country is on the basis of ethnicity, however in old government ways I am white” (Sally Hunt, linguistics lecturer)

8 Community Perspectives
“The Apartheid government defined me as Cape colored” (‘colored man’) “You look at people and you can see what race they are” (‘black man’) “A group of people with similar appearances” (‘European man’)

9 SA MEDIA HISTORY Pre-1994: Media allies with government and media restricted by government Post-1994: New Aims: Democracy, equality, representatives Media as watchdog

10 GROCOTT’S Grocott’s Role in the community
Grocott’s readership and history New Visions

11 Grocott’s role in the Community
Community newspaper Reports mainly on local news and events

12 Grocott’s readership and statistics
Printout :1 300 and Returns :200

13 Vision for the future Economic needs shouldn’t overshadow editorial needs Inclusion of relevant information that would be useful to all members of household Social service advertisement to enhance welfare of the community members Public watchdog Interactive aspect with community by increasing contact with readers.

14 Grahamstown Population statistics
Total Grahamstown population: G-town east: Education: none-13.7%, Grade %, Grade %, Grade %, Matric 6.1%, Other-5% Average monthly income- R594

15 Grahamstown Population statistics cont...
Employment ; 16%-full-time and part-time Casual work:6% School: 40% Pensioners:9% Unemployed:29%

16 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Of Research Of Policy

17 Research Objectives To establish how Grahamstown residents feel about representation of race in Grocott’s. To find out Grocott’s previous actions regarding race issues were to decide what can be done in the future.

18 Policy Objectives To develop a policy that is; functional, economical and easy to maintain To develop a policy that is which steers Grocott’s away from racist commentary. To develop policies which take into account the newspaper's history, while giving it room to grow in the future.

19 METHODOLOGIES Discourse Analysis Qualitative research

20 Discourse Analysis Analyses of Grocott’s issues in two time-periods
Letters from the community Issues of race

21 January to April 1985 Evidence of race inequality highlighted in the language used. Examples; Four Dead in Township fighting, “Black townships”, “A man” “Another Black” High time says MP to all race, “people of colour” “ African businessmen” “unemployed blacks”. “Wouldn’t it be better if blacks who were served by balck businessmen who have common backgrounds with them and kow their customers needs”

22 January to June 1985 cont... “Wouldn’t it be better if blacks who were served by black businessmen who have common backgrounds with them and know their customers needs” Color-coded guide for festival

23 4th July to 19th August 2003 The great goat Debate; Ritual Slaughter; “civilizing societies have moved away from inhumane practices in the name of tradition and religion” “cruel customs” “morally unacceptable” Variously based cultural beliefs; “Some cultural groups or subgroups are closer to their primal identities and barbaric roots than others”

24 Qualitative Research Structured interviews Questionnaires Observation
Academic literature

25 FINDINGS Discourse Analysis: ‘evidence of race’
Qualitative research: ‘definition of race’

26 PROBLEMS Language problems No set definition for race
Business owners come from a diversity of backgrounds so it made it to reach a consensus The tendency to be politically correct and not entirely honest about views on race

27 POLICY Content Approach to content

28 Content Ensure diversity of sources and sensitivity to many perspectives and opinions Targeting G-town communities and servicing their needs: “Diversity of the media is a sign of the country’s democracy.”(MDDA, 2001) The editor is responsible for the maintenance of the policy

29 Approach to content Journalists must understand their community.
Trained in research Realize relevance and consequence mentioning race Avoid cultural and racial stereotypes

30 Approach to content cont...
The language must be free of codes Consult

Training in language sensitivity Ethics and style guide to include to include do’s and don’ts of “racial” reporting Editorial meetings to discuss racially problematic issues Reaching and keeping in contact with the community

Publication of policy and alert community as to what to expect Policy should be checked by an external media association such as PDU Twice a year public forum where community members are invited to give feedback Grocott’s to alert the public through adequate, in-advance advertising of the event

“How is Grocott’s doing?” surveys Toll-free number and public opinion boxes that are collected on a regular basis

34 SUMMARY Race exists in our society and is perpetuated by media
Although there is no biological basis for the differences, people have the inherent tendency to classify themselves in terms of phenotype

35 SUMMARY cont... In order to combat this, Grocott’s needs to be sensitive and open-minded to the diversity of the community that they cater for.

36 THE END Roxanne Dingwall-Fordyce, Badumile Duma, Constance Mokgoantle, Tashne Singh, Asha Speckman, Ivana Vasic, Vanya Zlateva

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