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Race and Ethnicity Dilworth-Anderson, P., Burton, L. M., & Johnson, L. B. (1993). Reframing theories for understanding race, ethnicity, and families. In.

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Presentation on theme: "Race and Ethnicity Dilworth-Anderson, P., Burton, L. M., & Johnson, L. B. (1993). Reframing theories for understanding race, ethnicity, and families. In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race and Ethnicity Dilworth-Anderson, P., Burton, L. M., & Johnson, L. B. (1993). Reframing theories for understanding race, ethnicity, and families. In P. G. Boss, W. J. Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. R. Schumm, & S. K. Steinmetz (Eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach (pp. 627-649). New York: Plenum Press.

2 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Definitions:  Race:  Cultural construction of identity based on social description.  From this perspective, race has a cultural reality.  Ethnicity:  An experientially based identity that is part of an ongoing process.  It is part of the social self which contributes to a personal sense of peoplehood as well as a sense of shared identity with others form the same group.

3 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Definitions (cont.):  Minority group:  Any collective of people (e.g., women, Native- Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic- Americans) that is assigned a low social position.  This low social position reflects oppression, suppression, and discrimination that is experienced in almost all aspects of life.  Culture: a subjective and objective expression of self which represents the encompassing aspects of a person’s life; it includes racial and ethnic  rituals  symbols  language  general patterns of behavior.

4 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Impact of Assumptions, Values, and Ethnic Reality  From age four, European-American children hold negative attitudes toward other groups (Aboud, 1987) which are reinforced at all levels (e.g., from parents, media, teachers) (Phinney & Rotheram, 1987).  Values and scientific truths are confused when scholars uncritically use their personal cultural frameworks to define and report on a culture other than their own.

5 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Three Approaches to Value Intrusion in Social Science:  Value rejection: suggest that social scientists can be objective so values do not influence theory and research.  Value separation: approach social science as if it is possible to separate values from research and theory.  Value espousal: scholars should clearly articulate their values so that readers may understand the complete nature of the research.

6 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Example of Research Which Reflects Bias:  Moynihan (1965), a European-American:  Described deterioration of African-American families.  Suggested that social policies should be developed which would change their “inferior” values and structure.  Hill (1972), an African-American:  Observed the resilience of African-American families.  Recommended social policies which would build on these strengths.

7 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Dimensions Which Influence Thinking About Diversity  Social climate and social change influence theory (e.g., genetic pathology versus cultural relativity), research, and practice.  Presence of minorities in studies of the family and method of group comparison.  Definition of the family (e.g., nuclear versus extended; blood relationship versus other networks known as “fictive kin”).

8 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Creating New Ways of Thinking  Adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective in order to avoid discipline-bound truths.  Identify and use culturally relevant concepts: examine various methodologies to understand minority families; examine culture and experiences expressed through  art,  music,  dance,  literature,  and folktales.

9 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Cultural Relevance in Existing Theory  The Life Course Perspective  Strengths for studying diversity: è It is based on an interdisciplinary way of thinking. è It is flexible and dynamic, focusing on the interlocking nature of individual trajectories, re:  temporal motion  culture  social change  Modified perspective: “Kin-scripts framework” reviews è temporal and interdependent dimensions of role transitions è transmission of family norms è process of negotiation and reciprocity

10 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Cultural Relevance in Existing Theory (cont.)  Family Stress Theory  Limited attempts to make this approach culturally relevant.  Suggestions to enhance cultural relevance: è Recognize that minority families emphasize survival over adaptation; adaptation is a fundamental theme in family stress theory. è Survival suggests an ongoing struggle to maintain psychosocial balance without loss of identity.

11 Dr. Ronald J. Werner-Wilson Cultural Relevance in Existing Theory (cont.)  Feminist Ideology:  Some scholars (e.g., Collins, 1990; Giddings, 1984; La Rue, 1970) dispute a central feminist assumption: they object to the tenet that women are oppressed.  Rather, these scholars suggest that opportunities for women are restricted, suggesting that they experience suppression.  Distinction between terms: è Oppression refers to almost total restriction from access to benefits, rights, and privileges in society. è Suppression refers to a lesser degree of restriction.

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