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By: Leonard Kessler. Relay race – a race between teams, in which each team members completes only one part of the race. Track – a round path that runners.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Leonard Kessler. Relay race – a race between teams, in which each team members completes only one part of the race. Track – a round path that runners."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Leonard Kessler

2 Relay race – a race between teams, in which each team members completes only one part of the race. Track – a round path that runners use Wiggle – to shake your body all over; also how some animals move along the ground To cross the finish line – to go over the end mark for a race Zoom – a sound that means very fast

3 When have you been in a race? Did you win? How did you feel? What do you do when someone else wins? How does a relay race work?



6 Good readers summarize as they read to help them better understand the story. When we summarize we tell : 1. The important events in the story 2. In the order that they happened


8 2. What is dog’s problem at the beginning of the story? 3. How was dog’s problem solved? 1. What does worm want to do? Why can’t she? 4. Who is on each team? 5. What happened to duck? 6. How did worm save the day?

9 CAUSE EFFECT Worm became dog’s stick Dog didn’t have a stick and he needed one to play the game

10 CAUSE EFFECT It’s a relay race, and the characters have to give their sticks to the other team member Cat, Rabbit, and Duck are given sticks by Turtle, Frog, and Dog.

11 CAUSE EFFECT Duck tripped over her big feet Duck fell into a big mud puddle

12 CAUSE EFFECT Worm wiggled past the finish line The Yankees win the race!

13  What does this story have to do with playing games?  What did you learn from this story about the way team members must act?  What did you learn about Worm from the way she acts in the story?

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