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With a population of more than 100 million people, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country. It has been shaped by ancient indigenous civilizations,

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Presentation on theme: "With a population of more than 100 million people, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country. It has been shaped by ancient indigenous civilizations,"— Presentation transcript:


2 With a population of more than 100 million people, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country. It has been shaped by ancient indigenous civilizations, European colonialism, and immigration, as well as by its proximity to the United States.

3 The Mayan city of Tulum, situated on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean, was a major port from about 1200 until the Spaniards arrived in the early 1500s. The Mayan civilization dates from 750 B.C., and includes ancient cities throughout southern Mexico, including the Yucatan Peninsula, and parts of Central America. Today many people in these areas speak one of approximately 30 languages and dialects that developed from ancient Maya.

4 el almuerzo lunch la clase class la clase de...... class arte art español Spanish ciencias naturales science ciencias sociales social studies educación física physical education to talk about your school day

5 inglés English matemáticas mathematics tecnología technology/computers el horario schedule en la... hora in the... hour (class period) la tarea homework to talk about your school day

6 enseñar to teach estudiar to study hablar to talk to describe school activities

7 primero*, -a first segundo, -a second tercero*, -a third cuarto, -a fourth quinto, -a fifth sexto, -a sixth séptimo, -a seventh octavo, -a eighth noveno, -a ninth décimo, -a tenth to talk about the order of things

8 la calculadora calculator la carpeta de argollas three-ring binder el diccionario dictionary necesito I need necesitas you need to talk about things you need for school

9 aburrido, -a boring difícil difficult divertido, -a amusing, fun fácil easy favorito, -a favorite interesante interesting práctico, -a practical más... que more... than to describe your classes

10 a ver... Let’s see ¿Quién? Who? para for mucho a lot (yo) tengo I have (tú) tienes you have other useful words

11 subject pronouns

12 other useful words hablo hablas habla hablamos habláis hablan

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