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Race and Power in the Short 20 th Century. Paradoxes of Race: 1914-1945 World War I –Segregation and the soldiers –African-American employment –“Race.

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Presentation on theme: "Race and Power in the Short 20 th Century. Paradoxes of Race: 1914-1945 World War I –Segregation and the soldiers –African-American employment –“Race."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race and Power in the Short 20 th Century

2 Paradoxes of Race: 1914-1945 World War I –Segregation and the soldiers –African-American employment –“Race Riots” and Lynching Jazz Age –“Harlem Renaissance” and apogee of the KKK The New Deal and Depression –Unemployment and job discrimination –Challenges to Plessy v. Ferguson World War II and the 1950s –Armed Forces service and Executive Order 9981 –GI Bill –1950s prosperity and African Americans

3 Brown and Beyond Early challenges to Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) –Southern reaction –Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

4 Eyes on the Prize: Civil Rights Movement at Flood Tide Woolworth lunch counter sit in (1960) SNCC, CORE, and the “Freedom Rides” University Integration –James Meredith –Governor George Wallace SNCC Voter Registration Drives

5 Black Militancy Middle Class “Integration” vs. Racial and economic equality Student activism Non-resistance vs. militancy Malcolm X –“Afro-Americans should not be victims any longer…Bloodshed is a two-way street…dying is a two-way street…killing is a two-way street.” –“Any means necessary…”

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