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Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data at NCES Marilyn M. Seastrom, Ph.D. 2012 FCSM Statistical Policy Conference December 2012, Washington, DC.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data at NCES Marilyn M. Seastrom, Ph.D. 2012 FCSM Statistical Policy Conference December 2012, Washington, DC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data at NCES Marilyn M. Seastrom, Ph.D. 2012 FCSM Statistical Policy Conference December 2012, Washington, DC

2 Reporting of Data on Race and Ethnicity 1997 OMB published new standards for Federal agencies on the collection of racial and ethnic data. ED balanced the needs of collecting comprehensive and accurate data with the need to minimize burden as much as possible. October 2007 ED published guidance on the collection and reporting of racial and ethnic data under programs administered by ED. 2

3 ED Guidance for Collecting and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data Require the use of a two-part question, focusing first on ethnicity and second on race when collecting the data from individuals. Allow a respondent to self-identify his or her race and ethnicity. Allow a respondent to select more than one racial or ethnic designation. 3

4 Aggregate Reporting Requirements for Elementary and Secondary Education Institutions and Agencies? The 7 reporting categories are -- –Hispanic/Latino of any race, –For individuals who are Non-Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races 4

5 Aggregate Reporting Requirements for Postsecondary Education Institutions and Agencies? The 9 reporting categories are – –Hispanic/Latino of any race –For individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races –Race and ethnicity unknown –Nonresident aliens 5

6 Recent Experiences in NCES Data Collections A quick survey of the most recent results across NCES sample surveys yielded results for 28 survey components –Hispanic or Latino (yes/no) used in all Three surveys included additional detailed categories –ELS, HSLS, and PIAAC Two surveys included a reference to Spanish –NHES and ECLS 6

7 Recent Experiences in NCES Data Collections A quick survey of the most recent results across NCES sample surveys yielded results for 28 survey components –All used the standard five race categories, with instructions to mark all that apply Because they use administrative records, postsecondary includes “other” and two or more races Similarly, NAEP includes two or more races when collecting from administrative records Prior to 2007 NHES included “other” 7

8 Recent Experiences in NCES Data Collections A quick survey of the most recent results across NCES sample surveys yielded results for 28 survey components –Race and Ethnicity data were collected directly from students in 12 components –Race and Ethnicity data were collected from adults about themselves or their children in 16 components. 8

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13 Results from a Change in Mode of Data Collection In 2007, NHES was an RDD survey that was administered as a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Interviewers were available to assist when respondents struggled with the distinction between ethnicity and race In 2012, NHES became a self administered mail survey Interviewer assistance is not available 13

14 14 Response Rates of Parent and Family Involvement Component of NHES Under Two Modes of Data Collection NHES 2012 Mail* NHES 2007 Phone Mail difference from phone Hispanic Status question9899.5-1.5 Race question9399.2-6.2 Race response rates Hispanic yes72.998.6-25.7 Hispanic no99.399.8-0.5 *2012 data are preliminary

15 Questions? Contact: Marilyn M. Seastrom (202) 502-7303 15

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