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boasted Bragged boastedEd boasted that he had the largest pumpkin in the county.

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2 boasted Bragged boastedEd boasted that he had the largest pumpkin in the county.

3 crept moved slowly creptTraffic crept when an accident blocked two lanes of the interstate.

4 crown a pretty head covering crownThis is the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor.

5 village A group of houses that is not as large as a town villageThis is an ancient Cherokee village of longhouses and wigwams.

6 vines plants with long stems that need to be held up vinesThe grapes on these vines are nearly ready to pick.

7 I would like to visit this pretty New England _______. boasted crept crown village vines

8 Many people grow clematis _____ up their mailboxes. boasted crept crown village vines

9 The tortoise may have _____, but his persistence allowed him to win the race. boasted crept crown village vines

10 Queen Elizabeth wears a _____ for formal occasions. boasted crept crown village vines

11 The news reporter _______ when the H & C sign was finally lit. boasted crept crown village vines

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