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Fishes of Idaho. The Study of Fish = Ichthyology.

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Presentation on theme: "Fishes of Idaho. The Study of Fish = Ichthyology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fishes of Idaho

2 The Study of Fish = Ichthyology

3 Early civilizations studied Fish Important as: Food Source Cultural Ceremonial

4 Why do we continue to Study Fish? Because they are important

5 *Ecologically – part of the web of life

6 *Provide jobs & Food – Yummm !

7 *Fishing is Fun ! Fish Are Cool

8 *Fish are Interesting & Beautiful

9 Fish Fact: fish have two names 1. Common name: bluegill (bream, roach, shellcracker, sunfish, France = crapet) 2. Scientific name: Lepomis macrochirus

10 Fish Fact: there are more kinds of fish than kinds of birds + mammals + reptiles 28,800 different species

11 Many different Shapes:

12 More Shapes:

13 Many Different Sizes: Smallest = Infantfish 1/100 meter Largest = Whale shark 12 meters

14 Many Different Colors:

15 Many food preferences: = =

16 Anglers imitate insects with fur and feathers

17 Many Different Habitats: Habitat = the place where fish live

18 Three Main Habitats: 58% Live in Salt Water 41% Live in Fresh Water

19 The rest (1%) Live in Fresh & Salt Water & Swim back and forth

20 The Path salmon swim from Idaho to the ocean and back again = Anadromous Fish

21 How would this dam affect migrating salmon?

22 Fish Fact: United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) 2,000 different species 40 now extinct

23 Fish Fact: Idaho 39 native fish species -1 extinct >60 exotic fish species

24 Fish Fact: Idaho has 8 Native Fish groups: 1. Sturgeon 2. Lamprey 3. Minnows 4. Suckers 5. Sculpin 6. Codfish 7. Trout-Perch 8. Whitefish/Trout/Salmon

25 1. Sturgeon Idaho = White sturgeon


27 Sturgeon feed on salmon carcasses


29 1,500 pound Idaho Sturgeon - 1911




33 2. Lamprey Idaho = Pacific Lamprey





38 3. Minnows Ten (10) Species




42 4. Suckers Six (6) Species


44 5. Sculpin Eight (8) Species



47 6. Codfish Idaho = Burbot

48 Live in large lakes in Northern Idaho



51 7. Troutperch Idaho = Sandroller Adipose fin Adipose fin = unique to the sandroller, trout, whitefish, and salmon

52 8. Whitefish/Trout/Salmon Eleven (11) Species

53 Whitefish Five (5) Species

54 Mountain Whitefish

55 Trout Three (3) Species

56 = Cutthroat Trout What is the Idaho State Fish ?

57 Yellowstone Westslope

58 Bull Trout

59 Rainbow Trout


61 Anadromous Rainbow = Steelhead

62 Salmon Three (3) Species

63 Salmon Nest Salmon eggs are buried in gravel

64 After spawning, all salmon die & add nutrients to the streams

65 Chinook salmon = King salmon

66 97 pound Chinook Salmon from Alaska

67 Sockeye salmon = redfish

68 Redfish Lake


70 Coho salmon = extinct in Idaho

71 Habitat Use Different size fish live in different habitats

72 The Exotic Invaders = Fish not native to Idaho

73 How did Exotic Fish Come to Idaho ? People Brought them here

74 Grayling




78 Bluegill

79 Perch

80 Bass

81 Northern Pike



84 1. Sturgeon = 1 2. Lamprey = 1 3. Minnows = 10 4. Suckers = 6 5. Sculpin = 8 6. Codfish = 1 7. Trout-Perch = 1 8. Whitefish = 5 Trout = 3 Salmon: 3-1 extinct = 2


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