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By Yeomans Vaamainuu Room 17. Definition of Extinction Extinction is when an animal species has totally died out and will be gone forever It is said that.

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Presentation on theme: "By Yeomans Vaamainuu Room 17. Definition of Extinction Extinction is when an animal species has totally died out and will be gone forever It is said that."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Yeomans Vaamainuu Room 17

2 Definition of Extinction Extinction is when an animal species has totally died out and will be gone forever It is said that one kind of Animal dies out every thirty minutes because of what we are doing to the environment. It is very sad that we will never be able to see all the animals that are extinct.

3 How Animals Become Extinct Animals become extinct due to : Lack of food or water Hunters or poachers Other Animals Destruction of their natural habitat Environmental issues

4 Some Types of Extinct Animals Eastern ElkSaber -tooth tiger Iberian WolfWooly Mammoth Florida Red Wolf Arizona Jaguar Jamaican Monkey Dangs Giant Squirrel Western Hog-nosed Skunk Moa Dodo

5 What Does Endangered Mean? This means that an animal species is so rare that it is almost extinct. The animals that fit this definition are named on the ‘Endangered Species List.’ Many endangered animals are now protected by law e.g.. Golden Lion Tamarin, and it is wrong for people to harm them, or the places that they live. In New Zealand some endangered animals are taken to Island Sanctuaries that are free off predators to help increase their numbers. Some endangered animals are bred in zoos. This helps to increase their numbers.

6 How Animals Become Endangered Just like extinction, animals become endangered by : Human hunters and poachers Destruction of their natural habitat Lack of food or water Other Animals (Often introduced predators e.g. Rats, Cats) Environmental issues Sadly because of what we do, many animals are endangered e.g. Oil spills at sea harm seals, birds and fish. When forests get cut down or burned animals die or lose their homes.

7 Some Endangered Animals White Rhinoceros Leopard Gazelle Giant Panda Sumatran Tiger Komodo Dragon Takahe Koala Leather back turtle Polar Bear Bald Eagle Musk Ox

8 Conclusion We must try harder to help endangered animals increase in number to prevent more animals from becoming extinct. I think that if we do not start caring more about environmental issues and animals we will soon cause them to become extinct, and this will have a negative outcome for us all for generations to come.

9 Reflection I have learned the difference between endangered and extinct. I have learned how to properly use power point. I have learned about many different types of animals, how they become extinct and what is being done to help endangered animals. I have learned how to e-mail an attachment. I have learned how to load new software onto my computer.

10 References Amazing questions and answers book authors: Ganeri, Hibbert, Malam, Oliver, Oxlade, Pickering and Robson. Google Search: Endangered and Extinct animals Wikipedia: Endangered and Extinct species lists

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