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Unit 3 Week 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Spelling Words High – Frequency & Vocabulary Words Reading: Plot Grammar: Verbs Present & Past Additional Online Resources Frog and Toad Together Created by Connie Rosenbalm
What changes happen in a garden?
Question of the Week What changes happen in a garden?
What changes happen in a garden?
Day 1 Morning Warm-Up! In winter, flowers go away. In spring, flowers start to grow in gardens. Do we have a garden near our school? What changes happen in a garden?
Amazing Words gardener nature sprout Frog and Toad Together
Shared Literature Sprout! It’s a Garden
Click to Play Song Sprout! It’s a Garden Here is what a good gardener knows Seeds need sunshine golden. Rain falls down and each seed grows. Sprout! It’s a garden. It takes time to see the plants. The blooms will not be sudden. Just let nature have a chance.
Spelling Words Adding -ed
asked planned helped jogged called ask plan help jog call Frog and Toad Together
Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Phonics Target Skill inflected endings –ed and -ing
Online Activities & Lessons Starfall – Scott Joplin (inflected ending) Smartboard Activities & Lessons Word Sort by Amanda Hall Word Sort with Base Word by Amanda Hall Frog and Toad Together
Build Background
Build Background Seed to Plant Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Plot A story’s plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Frog and Toad Together
P L O T Frog and Toad Together
Reading Target Skill Plot
Online Activities Assignment Discovery: Hans Christian Andersen and the Elements of a Story Interactive Story Map Interactives: Elements of a Story Smartboard Activities & Lessons Plot and Connections Power Point Graphic Organizer Beginning, Middle, and End (Lessons are in ABC order) Frog and Toad Together
Shared Writing
Verbs for Now and the Past
Grammar Skill First Grade Unit 3 Week 4 Created by Kristi Waltke Jefferson County Frog and Toad Together
An action word or verb is something you can do.
Frog and Toad Together
Here are some verbs. These are actions.
run jump Here are some verbs. These are actions. swim Frog and Toad Together
If the action is being done by one person, the verb will need to end with the letter s.
Frog and Toad Together
Bob _____ his bike. ride rides rides Frog and Toad Together
Sam _____ up. jump jumps jumps Frog and Toad Together
If the action is being done by more than one person, the verb will not need the letter s added.
Frog and Toad Together
Dad and I _____ cereal. eat eats eat Frog and Toad Together
We all _____ the bus. ride rides ride Frog and Toad Together
Now for something new! Frog and Toad Together
Verbs can tell what the action is now or what the action was in the past. Verbs that tell about the past end with –ed. Frog and Toad Together
Toad jumps. Toad jumped. Now Past Frog and Toad Together
The dog ________ at me last night. barks barked barked
Frog and Toad Together
Tom _______ to school yesterday. walks walked walked
Frog and Toad Together
played play played Jeff and Billy _____ soccer during recess.
Frog and Toad Together
waters Now Mrs. Ingle ______ the plants. waters watered
Frog and Toad Together
Look! The man ______ so fast.
jogs jogged jogs Frog and Toad Together
Learning about verbs for now and the past will help you become a super writer!
Frog and Toad Together
Grammar Target Skill Verbs: Now and Past
Online Activities Starship English-BBC Smartboard Activities & Lessons Verbs for Now and Past Power Point Frog and Toad Together
They will be litle plants son.
Daily Fix-It Dan helpped me plant my seeds They will be litle plants son. Frog and Toad Together
Dan helpped me plant my seeds Dan helped me plant my seeds.
Daily Fix-It Dan helpped me plant my seeds Dan helped me plant my seeds. They will be litle plants son. They will be little plants soon. Frog and Toad Together
Day 2 Morning Warm-Up! We will read about the four seasons.
Many things change each season. Why do you think the seasons change?
Amazing Words dim shade Frog and Toad Together
Shared Literature Which season would you expect to have the most flowers? What happens in the shade or when light is dim?
Phonics Target Skill r- controlled ar
Online Activities & Lessons Starfall United Streaming - Bossy R Between the Lions: A-r Song Frog and Toad Together
Spelling Words Adding -ed
asked planned helped jogged called ask plan help jog call Frog and Toad Together
Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Interactive Writing Describe each season?
Write a sentence about each season.
An action word or verb is something you can do.
Frog and Toad Together
If the action is being done by one person, the verb will need to end with the letter s.
Frog and Toad Together
Verbs can tell what the action is now or what the action was in the past. Verbs that tell about the past end with –ed. Frog and Toad Together
Grammar Target Skill Verbs: Now and Past
Online Activities Starship English-BBC Smartboard Activities & Lessons Verbs for Now and Past Power Point Frog and Toad Together
3. I plantted seeds last spring
Daily Fix-It 3. I plantted seeds last spring 4. next year I will do it agan. Frog and Toad Together
3. I plantted seeds last spring I planted seeds last spring.
Daily Fix-It 3. I plantted seeds last spring I planted seeds last spring. next year I will do it agan. Next year I will do it again. Frog and Toad Together
Day 3 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about Toad.
Toad plants seeds in a garden. He reads and sings and shouts at his seeds. What does a real garden need to grow?
Amazing Words blossom Frog and Toad Together
Shared Literature When is the best time to plant a garden? Why?
If we plant flowers in the spring, when will the blossoms appear? Do flowers grow quickly or slowly? How can you tell?
Word Sort: -ed and -ing Ending -ed Ending -ing
Build Background gardens
What do seeds need to grow?
Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel What do seeds need to grow? Source: Hamilton Ohio School District Frog and Toad Together 55
As We Read Think About: What is the plot of the story?
How are the characters the same? How are the characters different? What is the problem in the story and how does it get solved? Frog and Toad Together 56
Let’s Summarize the Story!
Who where the Characters in the story? How were the characters the same? How were they different? What was the Theme or Main Idea of the story? What was the problem and solution in the story? Frog and Toad Together 57
Review the story: What does Toad want? Why does he want it?
Look on page 98 What does Toad want? Why does he want it? Frog and Toad Together 58
What problem does Toad have? What does Toad do to solve this problem?
Review the story: Look on page 100 What problem does Toad have? What does Toad do to solve this problem? Frog and Toad Together 59
Impatient means “in a hurry”. How is Toad impatient?
Review the story: Look on page 101 Impatient means “in a hurry”. How is Toad impatient? Frog and Toad Together 60
Review the story: Look on page 106 Why do you think Toad thinks that singing and reading to his seeds will make them less afraid? Frog and Toad Together 61
Review the story: Look on page 106 Why do you think Toad thinks that singing and reading to his seeds will make them less afraid? Frog and Toad Together 62
What is the plot of the story?
Now that we have read: What is the plot of the story? Frog and Toad Together 63
What is the plot of the story?
Now that we have read: What is the plot of the story? The plot of the story is about the seeds growing. In the beginning, Toad had a problem because his seeds wouldn’t grow. He tired different things to get them to grow, but in the end, the seeds just needed time to grow. Frog and Toad Together 64
What is the problem in the story and how does it get solved?
Now that we have read: What is the problem in the story and how does it get solved? Frog and Toad Together 65
What is the problem in the story and how does it get solved?
Now that we have read: What is the problem in the story and how does it get solved? Toad wants a garden but doesn’t know how to grow one. Frog helps him by giving him some seeds and teaching him to be patient. Frog and Toad Together 66
How are Frog and Toad the same? How are they different?
Frog and Toad Together 67
Extend Your Thinking! When you want to tell someone about a story, you tell them the most important parts in the order that they happened. What are the important things that happened in Frog and Toad the Garden? Frog and Toad Together 68
Make a Text-to-Text Connection
Make Connections Make a Text-to-Text Connection Frog and Toad Together 69
Frog and Toad Together 70
Make a Self-to-Text Connection
Make Connections Make a Self-to-Text Connection Frog and Toad Together 71
How have you been impatient like Toad was in Frog and Toad the Garden?
Frog and Toad Together 72
Use the Chart to write how you are Toad were the both impatient.
Put it in Writing Use the Chart to write how you are Toad were the both impatient. Frog and Toad Together 73
P L O T Frog and Toad Together
Reading Target Skill Plot
Online Activities Assignment Discovery: Hans Christian Andersen and the Elements of a Story Interactive Story Map Interactives: Elements of a Story Smartboard Activities & Lessons Plot and Connections Power Point Graphic Organizer Beginning, Middle, and End (Lessons are in ABC order) Frog and Toad Together
Use ending to determine meaning
Using the story, identify words with the following inflected endings -ing -s -ed
Grammar Target Skill Verbs: Now and Past
Online Activities Starship English-BBC Smartboard Activities & Lessons Verbs for Now and Past Power Point Frog and Toad Together
Daily Fix-It I put thre seeds in one pot? then I gave them watter.
Frog and Toad Together
I put thre seeds in one pot?
Daily Fix-It I put thre seeds in one pot? I put three seeds in one pot. then I gave them watter. Then I gave them water. Frog and Toad Together
What would you plant in a garden?
Day 4 Morning Warm-Up! Toad tried to make his seeds sprout. Today we will read about what flowers really need to grow. What would you plant in a garden?
Amazing Words humongous destroy Frog and Toad Together
Listen to find out what the boy does when he finds the plant.
Shared Literature Listen to find out what the boy does when he finds the plant.
Phonics Review:endings –es; plural –es; r controlled or, ore
Words with or, ore Words without or, ore
Spelling Words Adding -ed
asked planned helped jogged called ask plan help jog call Frog and Toad Together
Writing Across the Curriculum
How do plants grow? What Does a Plant Need in Order to Grow? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Daily Fix-It I put thre seeds in one pot? then I gave them watter.
Frog and Toad Together
I put thre seeds in one pot?
Daily Fix-It I put thre seeds in one pot? I put three seeds in one pot. then I gave them watter. Then I gave them water. Frog and Toad Together
What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?
Day 5 Morning Warm-Up! We have learned how blossoms sprout from seeds. We know that dim light can destroy some plants. What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?
Shared Literature How did the boy feel about his new location?
Why did he change his mind? How do you think he felt about the things the other boy said about the East?
Building Oral Vocabulary
Now Past
Review Clark tripped on a sharp rock in the yard.
Ending –ed and -ing; and ar words Review Underline words with ending –ed and -ing and identify the r-controlled ar words. Clark tripped on a sharp rock in the yard. Running around a large park is fun. We stopped to look at the stars in the dark sky. The sharks are swimming in deep water.
Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94.
High Frequency Words Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94. __________ lots of books about Frog and Toad.
Each time will seem brand new.
High Frequency Words Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94. Read many not ____. Each time will seem brand new.
Don’t be ____ to plant a seed.
High Frequency Words Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94. Don’t be ____ to plant a seed.
Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94.
High Frequency Words Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94. ____ will it grow? You know.
Rain, sun, and time, and ____ a plant
High Frequency Words Read the clues. Answer each clue with a Word to Read on page 94. Rain, sun, and time, and ____ a plant Will start to grow!
Daily Fix-It 9. he planted the seds. 10. Jan and I waters the garden
Frog and Toad Together
10. Jan and I waters the garden
Daily Fix-It 9. he planted the seds. He planted the seeds. 10. Jan and I waters the garden Jan and I water the garden. Frog and Toad Together
the way on that do and take in up help use get them this put
Review High Frequency Words the way on that do and take in up help use get them this put Frog and Toad Together
eat too home your paper her small tree no many into saw good old want
Review High Frequency Words eat too home your paper her small tree no many into saw good old want Frog and Toad Together
catch could be there horse out who live work now people
Review High Frequency Words catch could be there horse out who live work now people together inside Frog and Toad Together
Review High Frequency Words
down find food grow under new also water their other ground same family Frog and Toad Together
always become everything day stays things nothing
Review High Frequency Words always become everything day stays things nothing Frog and Toad Together
any ever every own sure were enough Review High Frequency Words
Frog and Toad Together
Additional Online Resources
Frogs on a Log Garden Shop - Starfall (Sequence) Naming Game – Items found in a garden Spelling City Carl’s Corner Practice, Spelling, & Grammar Workbook Pages Frog and Toad Together
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