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HOURS are due in 2 weeks Epicenter2011 anyone? Belinder Science Night signup next Monday! Fish test retakes available this week only, grade clipboard.

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Presentation on theme: "HOURS are due in 2 weeks Epicenter2011 anyone? Belinder Science Night signup next Monday! Fish test retakes available this week only, grade clipboard."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOURS are due in 2 weeks Epicenter2011 anyone? Belinder Science Night signup next Monday! Fish test retakes available this week only, grade clipboard will be around

3 Amphibians

4 The Basics Amphibia - latin for "double life" 3000 species 90 % are frogs and toads first appeared 370 Million yrs ago. "Ruled" the earth before the dinosaurs.

5 1. General Characteristics Skin smooth, moist, without scales Eggs laid in water Young termed larvae and are usually different than adults (metamorphosis) No true claws or nails on feet Young breathe through gills Ectothermic (cold-blooded)

6 2. Amphibians – why study? have evolved interesting adaptations to survive to the present. Skin poisons and antibiotics long, sticky tongue warty skin long legs Good eyesight

7 Amphibians These animals are excellent environmental indicators Often among the first species to disappear if a habitat is disturbed. Sensitive to pesticides, pH and UV. Amphibs in Yellowstone NPR story on frogs

8 What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage? A croaking device! Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes? He liked a good croak and dagger! What is a frog's favorite kind of car? A VW Beetle! What kind of shoes does a frog wear? Open toad! What's a frog's favorite game? Cricket! What does the frog say when it sees something great? That's toadaly awesome! What is a frog's favorite time? Leap year!

9 Salamanders 10% of living amphibians Order Caudata Tail throughout life Fertilization - internal Larva - carnivores Metamorphosis - front legs first Larval gills - external Larval body - fish-like Frogs and toads 90% of living amphibians Order Anura No tail in adult Fertilization - external Larva - herbivore (tadpole) Metamorphosis - back legs first Larval gills - external, then internal Larval body - teardrop shaped

10 2. Salamanders


12 Salamanders Order Name - Caudata Tail throughout life Two pairs of weak legs Some terrestrial, some aquatic, few arboreal

13 Salamanders Usually in a moist environment their entire life Salamander means "fire animal“ Newts have an Eft stage. The Eft is a terrestrial, non-reproductive stage

14 Salamanders

15 The Axolotl exhibits neotony. Neotony - retaining larval (juvenile) characteristics into adulthood. H. sapiens exhibits neotony


17 3. Frogs and Toads

18 Frogs and Toads Order name - Anura Lacks tail in adult stage Head and trunk fused - no neck Well developed, long, hind legs Moveable eyelids True voice box Highly developed ears

19 4. Reproduction

20 Reproduction


22 Quantity is more important than quality. (r strategy) Hundreds to thousands of eggs. (Most end up as fish food) Sound is very important in mating. (in frogs – salamanders make no noise)

23 Frogs and Toads - calls Bullfrog Green frog Gray treefrog Leopard frog Spring peeper Chorus frog American toad















38 5. Amphibians in KS. The largest KS amphibians are the Hellbender salamander (2 ft.) and the bullfrog. 20 species of frogs & toads. 8 species of salamander.

39 Spadefoot

40 Woodhouse Toad


42 American Toad

43 Cricket Frog

44 Chorus Frog

45 Gray Treefrog

46 Spring Peeper

47 Green Frog

48 Crayfish Frog

49 Leopard Frog

50 Bull Frog

51 Narrowmouth

52 Tiger Salamander

53 Central Newt

54 Mudpuppy

55 Titicaca frog Jesus Christ Frog Horned frog Tomato frog Cane Toad Poison Dart frog Xenopus (African Clawed frog) African Bullfrog Tropical Gray Tree Frog Marsupial Frog Surinam Toad Water holding frog Breviceps Canadian Gray Tree frog Golden Toads Red-eyed tree frog

56 Amphibian NtBk Classroom Animals40 (sketches and facts) Toadskin Spell Video20 Amphib Fill-in-the-blank30 TOTAL90

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