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Kingdom Animalia  Phylum Chordata  Subphylum Vertebrata  Class Amphibia.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Animalia  Phylum Chordata  Subphylum Vertebrata  Class Amphibia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Animalia  Phylum Chordata  Subphylum Vertebrata  Class Amphibia

2 Class Amphibia  Amphi = both  Bios = lives  Examples: 1. salamanders (including newts & efts) 2. caecilians 3. frogs 4. toads

3 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Tiger salamander

4 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Jeffersonian salamander

5 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Eastern Hellbender

6 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Marbled Salamander

7 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Red-spotted salamander

8 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Northern Red salamander

9 Salamanders (including newts & efts) Axolotl

10 Red eft

11 Caecilians

12 Frogs

13 Frogs Leopard frog

14 Poison Dart Frog





19 African clawed frog

20 Gastric Brooding Frog

21 Goliath frog

22 Tomato frog

23 Flying frog

24 Toads Boreal toad


26 Cane toad

27 American toad

28 Surinam Toad (frog?)

29 General Information  3,400 species  Habitat: Adults: terrestrial Adults: terrestrial Sub – adults (larvae): Sub – adults (larvae): aquatic (freshwater) aquatic (freshwater)

30 Skeleton – Bony  Limbs - Tetrapods (“4 feet”) - Tetrapods (“4 feet”) Some legless (Caecilians) Some legless (Caecilians) Feet often webbed (for swimming) Feet often webbed (for swimming) Forelimbs usually with 4 digits Forelimbs usually with 4 digits

31 Skin  Smooth & moist  No scales  Lungs (most adults)  Gills ( tadpoles)

32 Skin glands Name of gland Function Mucus Prevent dehydration Wax PoisonDefense Pigment(chromatophores) Defense / Camouflage

33 Respiration options - one or more of theoptions - one or more of thefollowing:  Skin ( must be kept moist to breathe)  Lungs (most adults)  Gills ( tadpoles,

34 Heart & temperature regulation 3 chambered heart 3 chambered heart  Ectothermal – use environment to regulate body temperature

35 Reproduction  Dioecious  Internal fertilization – salamanders & caecilians  External fertilization – frogs & toads

36 Reproduction  Viviparous – eggs must be kept moist  Metamorphosis – (usually present) eggs → larvae (sub-adults) → adults

37 Metamorphosis

38 Reproduction A. Australian Marsupial frog (use pouch on dorsum) B. Surinam Frog (babies in skin or dorsum) C. Poison dart frog (carries tadpoles from rain forest floor to canopy) D. Gastric brooding frog (babies mature in mouth of parent)

39 Three Orders 1. Order Gymnophiona “naked snake” – caecilians (a.k.a. Apoda) caecilians (a.k.a. Apoda) 2. Order Caudata “ having a tail” – salamanders, newts, efts 3. Order Anura “ without tail” – frogs & toads frogs & toads

40 Order Gymnophiona (caecilians)-  Rare  Limbless  Habitat: Burrow in earth, tropical habitats  Feeding: worms & small invertebrates

41 Order Caudata (salamanders, etc.)  Habitat: all moist Northern temperate habitats habitats  Feeding: adults & larvae carnivorous (moving prey, small invertebrates)  Internal fertilization

42 Order Anura (frogs & toads)  Habitat: 1. adults: terrestrial, moist soil 2. larvae: fresh water  Feeding:  External fertilization (amplexus)  Endangered world-wide  Sentinel species: very sensitive to environmental changes ( E.g. uv exposure, water pollution ) due to dependence on moist/ aquatic envmnt.

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