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Unit 5 Week 2 Florida Treasures Theme: Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Week 2 Florida Treasures Theme: Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Week 2 Florida Treasures Theme: Relationships

2 This week’s Theme is…. Putting on a Play

3 Day 1 Focus Question Focus Question Read Aloud Read Aloud New Vocabulary New Vocabulary Skills: Cause and Effect Skills: Cause and Effect Listen to the Play: Ranita, the Frog Princess by Marcia Stevens Listen to the Play: Ranita, the Frog Princess by Marcia Stevens

4 Focus Question Make up a story about kids that are performing a play? On page 562-563

5 This week’s skills… Cause and Effect A cause is an event or action that makes something happen. An effect is what happens because of an event or action.

6 Summarize To identify what a passage or selection is about. Select the most important ideas and then restate them in your own words.

7 Vocabulary Words Selfish- thinking only of oneself. Bumbling- making clumsy mistakes Cranky- cross or in a bad temper

8 Vocabulary words Commotion- a noisy disturbance Exasperated- annoyed greatly; made angry Specialty- a special thing a person knows a great deal about or can make well Famished- hungry or starving

9 Vocabulary Practice SelfishBumblingCrankyCommotionExasperatedSpecialtyFamished

10 The Frog Prince Turn to page 564-565 to read

11 I made a connection…

12 Graphic Organizer One way to evaluate a text is to decide whether the plot contains a logical chain of cause and effects, each one flowing from the one that came before. The characters may be realistic or fantastic, but are the actions consistent with who they are?

13 Day 2 Focus Question Focus Question Review Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Word Study- Antonyms Word Study- Antonyms Begin Reading- Ranita, the frog Princess (Pages 566-583) Begin Reading- Ranita, the frog Princess (Pages 566-583) Focus on the Cause and Effect Focus on the Cause and Effect

14 Focus Question Who is the evil character, and what will the happy ending be?

15 Cloze Practice…

16 Word Study: Antonyms Antonyms are words that have the opposite meanings. Readers can use antonyms as context clues to help them understand unfamiliar words.

17 Word Study: Antonyms

18 Ranita, the Frog Princess Turn to page 566 Turn to page 566 Read the title Read the title Preview the illustrations Preview the illustrations Note questions and predictions Note questions and predictions

19 Day 3 Focus Question Focus Question Vocabulary review Vocabulary review Read “Ranita, the Frog Princess” Read “Ranita, the Frog Princess” Review skill Compare Characters Review skill Compare Characters

20 Focus Question How is “The Frog Princes” like Ranita, the Frog Princess? How are the stores different? How is “The Frog Princes” like Ranita, the Frog Princess? How are the stores different?

21 Which word means… Selfish annoyed greatly; made angry Bumbling hungry or starving Cranky a noisy disturbance Commotion making clumsy mistakes Exasperated cross or in a bad temper Specialty thinking only of oneself. Famisheda special thing a person knows a great deal about

22 Antonyms Complete the worksheet pg 161

23 Continue reading “Ranita, the Frog Princess”

24 Review Skill: Compare Characters Remember that when you compare characters note characters similarities and differences. When you note these you examine how characters act in similar situations.

25 Day 4 Focus Question Focus Question New Vocabulary New Vocabulary Read Digestion and Circulation (pg 586-587) Read Digestion and Circulation (pg 586-587) Review Comprehension Check Review Comprehension Check

26 Focus Question What information in this article might help Felipe learn more about Ranita?

27 Interview – is an account of the questions asked by a person and the answers given by another.

28 New Vocabulary Organ- are parts of an animal (plant) that made up of several kinds of tissues and do specific jobs. Digestion- is the process of breaking down food into forms that can be absorbed and used by the body. Circulation- is the movement of the blood through the body’s vessels.

29 “Digestion and Circulation” Read pages 586-587 Read pages 586-587 Reminder this is a nonfiction article and needs to be read with the text is giving information. Reminder this is a nonfiction article and needs to be read with the text is giving information.

30 Time for Kids pages 22-23

31 Day 5 Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review Reading Skills Assessments Reading Skills Assessments Finish “Time for Kids” Finish “Time for Kids”

32 Vocabulary Review

33 FCAT Weekly Assessment Take the test on pages 262- 268 pages 262- 268

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