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Spectrum Plus Financials Upgrade and Research Implementation Project General Ledger (GL) Business Fit Re-engineering Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Spectrum Plus Financials Upgrade and Research Implementation Project General Ledger (GL) Business Fit Re-engineering Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectrum Plus Financials Upgrade and Research Implementation Project General Ledger (GL) Business Fit Re-engineering Workshop

2 Agenda Introductions Purpose of Business Fit Re-engineering Purpose of GL What Happens in GL? Demo Conversion

3 Purpose of Business Fit Re-engineering Present 8.9 business process changes Solicit feedback and support from key Users Involve you in the change management process

4 Purpose of GL GL serves as the core of the PeopleSoft Financial System GL is a collection of the institution’s accounts Summary of all transactions that occur. The GL is where posting to the accounts occurs. Posting is the process of recording amounts as debits and credits.

5 Purpose of GL There are five basic categories in which all accounts are grouped: –Assets –Liability –Owner’s Equity/Fund Balance –Revenue –Expense

6 What Happens in GL? Chartfields/SpeedTypes/Combo Edits Ledgers (Budget and Actuals) Journals Open Item Accounting Period End Processing Reports, Queries and Inquiries

7 Chartfields - Changes Bd Per SpeedType Fund Department Prog Class Bd Ref Project PCBU Act Non-Projects 7.5 BUD10 10 612500000 1620 11000 2009 N/A N/A N/A 8.9 BUD10 10000 612500000 16200 11000 2009 N/A N/A N/A Projects 7.5 J2565 20 110600000 1220 64000 N/A J2565 N/A N/A 8.9 SP000J2565 20000 110600000 12200 64000 2009 SP000J2565 GSUFS PROJ

8 Chartfields in 8.9 CharfieldCharacters (7.5)Characters (8.9) SpeedType5Up to 10 Account66 Fund25 Department99 Program45 Class55 Budget Period4N/A Budget ReferenceN/A4 PC Business UnitN/A5 Project510 ActivityN/A4

9 SpeedTypes/SpeedCharts SpeedTypes/Charts will be used as they currently are in 7.5 Will be cross-walked from 7.5 to 8.9 to reflect new Chart of Accounts Non-Project SpeedTypes/Charts will be converted as is Project SpeedTypes/Charts will be 10 characters and equal Project ID Future SpeedTypes/Charts can use up to 10 characters instead of just 5

10 Fund Codes Going from 2 to 5 characters More “General/Operating” Funds (10000, 10010, 10020, 10500, 10510, 10520, 10600, 10610, 10620) More “Auxiliary” Funds (12210, 12220, 12230, 12240, 12250, 12260, 12270, 12280) New “Departmental Sales and Services” Fund (14100) New “Sponsored” Funds (20000, 20010, 20100, 20200, 20300, 20400) New “Capital” Funds (50000, 50100, 50200)

11 Department IDs Will remain at 9 Characters Coordinate with College Administrative Officers to streamline Department values where possible No more “Companion” Departments for Cost Share – The Department will be the main Department ID with the new Fund Code and the Project ID will be the same as the Sponsored Project Now using Projects (rather than Departments) for University Grants and Internal Awards

12 Program Codes Going from 4 characters to 5 characters Most 7.5 Programs will have a ‘0’ put at the end in 8.9

13 Class Field (Sub-Class) Will remain at 5 Characters Most Class values will stay the same

14 Budget Reference No longer called Budget ‘Period’ Represents Fiscal Year of a transaction (e.g. Purchase Order, Voucher, Journal) Will be defaulted to Fiscal Year on transaction – based on Accounting Date Users will not be able to change the defaulted value

15 PC Business Unit Required for Project Costing module Used with Project ID ONLY Will always be ‘GSUFS’ Not required for General Funds

16 Project ID Project ID will be going from 5 to 10 Characters Existing projects will keep old project number as the last 5 characters –J2565 (7.5) -> SP000J2565 (8.9) New projects will be auto numbered using the new Project Prefixes

17 Project ID – SpeedTypes FLxxxxxxxx = Capital Lapsing (xxxxxxxx = Facilities Project ID) FNxxxxxxxx = Capital Non-Lapsing (xxxxxxxx = Facilities Project ID) CExxxxxxxx = Continuing Education (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) GCxxxxxxxx= Cost Share Accounts (xxxxxxxx = numbered by RFS) GFxxxxxxxx = GSU Foundation (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) GRxxxxxxxx = GSU Residuals (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) ORxxxxxxxx = Other Restricted (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) RRxxxxxxxx = GSURF Residuals (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) SAxxxxxxxx = Student Financial Aid (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) SPxxxxxxxx = GSU Sponsored Research (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) TFxxxxxxxx = Tech Fees (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered) URxxxxxxxx = University Research (xxxxxxxx = auto numbered)

18 Activity ID Required for Project Costing module Used with Project ID ONLY Will always be ‘PROJ’ Not required for General Funds

19 Combination Edits Fund Required Fund/Project Account/Program Account/Fund Fund/Account Fund/Class Account/Class

20 Ledger Groups Commitment Control (KK) = Budget Ledgers –APPROP –ORG –DETAIL –PRMST_EXP –PROJ_GRT –REVEST Standard Ledgers –ACTUALS –CAPITAL –GAAP See diagram on next page


22 Journals Journal Source (online Journals) –DRG –PRJ –ISO Fund Balancing Processing (Edit, Budget Check, Post) Delete/Reversals Interface Journals (HR/Payroll, Banner, WORKS) Policy and Procedure –Documentation –Workflow –Posting

23 Open Item Accounting Open Item Account Codes –132100 – Pre Paid Expenses (Emp) –132300 – Travel & Other Employee Advanc (Emp) –132400 – Travel Advance – Students (Ven) –132900 – Other Advances (Emp) –132910 – Petty Cash Advances(Emp) –132920 – Project Advances (Emp) Open Item Processing –Cash Advance / Expense Report (EX module) –Voucher (AP module) –Journal (GL module) –Cashier (Banner/Core)

24 Period End Processing Month-end –Complete all transactions –Post Journals –Close the Period –Run/Distribute Reports Year-end –Same as Month-end (Period 12) –Close/Undo Ledger –Make Adjustments –Financial Reporting –Audit

25 Reports, Queries, and Inquiries Monthly Expenditure Report Revenue Reports Budget Reports and Inquiries BOR Reports and Queries Who develops GSU Queries?

26 PeopleSoft 8.9 Demo Journal Entries –Regular Journal –Fund Balancing Journal Budgets Overview Journal Inquiry Ledger Inquiry

27 Conversions Chartfield Values Crosswalks SpeedTypes/SpeedCharts Ledger Balances –ACTUALS / GAAP / CAPITAL –APPROP / ORG –PRMST_EXP / PROJ_GRT –REVEST

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