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Wireless Network (no password required): BLOGHER #BlogHer11 Brought to you by Social Media Geek| Mobile Multimedia: Making Media on the Go Julie Yamamoto,

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Network (no password required): BLOGHER #BlogHer11 Brought to you by Social Media Geek| Mobile Multimedia: Making Media on the Go Julie Yamamoto,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Network (no password required): BLOGHER #BlogHer11 Brought to you by Social Media Geek| Mobile Multimedia: Making Media on the Go Julie Yamamoto, @juliey Kris Cain, @littletechgirl Moderator: Beth Blecherman, #BH11mediaongo RATE THIS SESSION! iPad and iPhone users: Rate this session in the BlogHer '11 mobile app!!

2 What’s in your bag? Julie Yamamoto o @JulieY o Kris Cain o @LittleTechGirl o Beth Blecherman o @TechMama o

3 We asked you these questions … What mobile platform do you use the most?

4 We want to know: Which sentence best describes your relationship to mobile technology? 1.I want that bright shiny WiFi-enabled object. 2.I wait to see which gadgets are most popular before buying. 3.I’m curious, but haven’t jumped in with both feet yet. Could you survive on a desert island with only your smartphone (and unlimited battery life) but no computer? 1.Yes, mobile is my middle name. 2.No way!

5 We asked you these questions … Q1: What mobile gadgets to you use to create multi-media on the go? Q2: What is your smartphone platform? Q3: Which Smartphone do you have? Q4: Are you happy with your Smartphone? Q5: If you have a Tablet, which one do you have? Q6: If you a Laptop, which one do you have? Q7: If you create multi-media content from your phone, what type? Q8: What type of gadget are you looking for multi-media content (what’s missing from mobile toolbox)?

6 Configuring your mobile life Platform Provider Publishing

7 Smartphones will outsell computers next year. (Morgan Stanley, 2010) All major smartphone platforms support cloud-based computing platforms as of this year. (TELUS 2011) Video links stay in circulation longer on social media. YouTube is the top domain that lived more than 200 days on Twitter. (Cornell and Yahoo!, 2011) Taking a photo is the second most popular use of a smartphone. (comScore, 2010)

8 Everyone is an early adopter, thanks to mobile devices. (BlogHer 2011 Social Media Matters)

9 Technology Choices BlogHer and Creative Context Study: "How does this fit into my life" What is your workflow? What platforms do I use? What features do I need to produce my mobile multi-media content?

10 Smartphones Network Speed: 4G LTE Verizon (AT&T LTE this summer?), T-Mobile & AT&T: HSPA+, Sprint: WiMax Keyboard: Physical Keyboard vs. Virtual (Haptic, Swype) Hardware: Front/rear camera&flash, dual 3D, battery life, ports, storage, processor, screen size, resolution, weight, memory Platform/Ver.: Android, iOs, Windows, BlackBerry, WebOS, Interface: Motoblur, LG UI, TouchWiz 4.0 (Samsung), Sense 3.0 (HTC), BlackBerry, Windows Mobile Apps & Market: iTunes, Android Market & apps like Twitter, Facebook Other Features: Multi-tasking, WiFi hotspot, media layer, conf call, speaker, memory slot voice, sync options (including cloud sync).

11 Tablets Network Speed: WiFi, 4G, 3G Keyboard: Physical Bluetooth Keyboard vs. Virtual Hardware: Front (video chat), rear Camera (pictures, video), accelerometer, gyroscope, storage, processor, display, ports, touch interface Platform/Ver.: Android, iOS, Windows, BlackBerry, WebOS (Do they keep up w/firmware updates?) Apps & Market: iTunes, Android Market and apps like Twitter, Facebook, eReader, Productivity Other Features: Interface, resolution, weight, battery life, screen size, voice, sync options, internal and removable memory Entertainment: Video apps (Flash?), audio

12 Laptops Network Speed: Wireless, 4G, 3G Keyboard: Keys - size, feel, location Key Features: Battery life, weight, processor, screen size Hardware: Memory (RAM, Hardrive, Optical drive), webcam, display, ports (SD drive, headphones, HDMI), touchpad or trackpad Operating System: Windows, iOS, Google Chrome OS (cloud) Entertainment: Video processor, audio, speakers Unique Features: Cooling technology, low voltage processors like Intel CULV, eco engineering, optical drives, spill-proof keyboard, hard drive protection

13 Takeaway Analyze current workflow & platforms Define tools needed for multi-media creation Don't just buy what everyone else is using Hardware is Hardware, Software is Software - Interface is key It's all about the apps Give the interface and key apps/programs a test drive at store (i.e. Smartphone: take picture, load to Twitter &Tweet, Laptop: test out keyboard) Buy for future needs Think out of the box ( Voice Controls)

14 Mobile Photo & Video Get a real camera! o Wi-Fi enabled cam/camcorder Carry an extended battery or portable charger Pick a carrier with a strong signal in your area (for phone or personal hotspot) Choose the right apps

15 Mobile Photo & Video What does livestreaming mean for you? o Livestream vs. Ustream vs. YouTube Video apps o Ustream for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone o Socialcam for Android, Apple

16 Mobile Broadband Wi-Fi vs. Mobile Broadband Personal Hotspot vs. Public Hotspot o USB o My-Fi Tethering your Smartphone o USB o Wi-Fi o Bluetooth

17 Apps We Like Review sites: Blogs, iTunes, Android Market, Others? Photo: Instagram for Apple, picplz for Android Video: Socialcam for Apple, Qik for Android Audio: Audioboo for Android, Apple; Cinch for Apple Social: Social apps built for your platform, HootSuite and TweetDeck (now part of Twitter), QR code Publishing: Posterous for Apple, Wordpress, Tumblr. CoverItLive (liveblogging) Check-in: Foursquare, Facebook Video Chat: Facetime (Apple), Skype Productivity: Dragon Dictate, Dropbox, Evernote, MS Office or Documents To Go (Android), CamScanner Photo: Photobucket Mobile, Instagram, ProHDR, Photoshop Express

18 Wireless Network (no password required): BLOGHER #BlogHer11 Brought to you by Social Media Geek| Mobile Multimedia: Making Media on the Go Julie Yamamoto, @juliey Kris Cain, @littletechgirl Moderator: Beth Blecherman, #BH11mediaongo RATE THIS SESSION! iPad and iPhone users: Rate this session in the BlogHer '11 mobile app!!

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