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Published byLoren Parker Modified over 9 years ago
State Data Center Daylight Saving Time Project February 15, 2007
2 What is the (DST) Change? U.S. Energy Act of 2005 extends Daylight Saving Time for 4 weeks –First change in 20 years –Intended to reduce energy consumption –Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time starts second Sunday in March and ends first Sunday in November What locations are affected? –U.S. –Canada and Bermuda (conforming to U.S. DST change) –Other countries that have time/date dependent transactions, applications or support services with countries that are changing DST Industry-wide Issue –Required system changes may be widespread
3 What Should Each Enterprise Do? Assess their environment for likelihood and potential impact –All Information Technology systems may be impacted so assessment should include software, hardware and operating systems from any supplier –Remember that the impact may be much broader than just Information Technology systems –Determine which key business processes are time sensitive Develop enterprise-specific action plans –Determine where product changes need to be made –Decide where Java tool should be used –ColdFusion implications –Match product change availability with maintenance windows to mitigate impact
4 What is the Potential Impact - Enterprise? Impact exists in enterprises that –Use automated calendar or scheduling functions –Utilize date and time stamps –Process or manipulate dates or times Software, Operating Systems and Firmware may require changes to DST rules Examples of cases in which changes may be needed to apply the new DST rules –Enterprises that have systems anywhere in the world that support users, transactions or applications interacting with systems in countries changing DST may be impacted –Systems dependent on accurate sequencing of transactions –Systems/applications with built-in rules about DST –Custom applications that have embedded DST rules –Standardized code libraries that keep DST rules –Calendar/mail applications that automatically change for DST rules
5 Things to think about It’s not about NTP, it’s about Time Zones. Do not believe the “no reboot required” statement. Remember the DST end date, November 4th, so that you are properly preparing your system to handle the end as well as the start of DST. While there are many areas of your IT system that need to be reviewed, some issues to pay close attention to include: –Batch processes –Backup windows –Messaging systems time stamps and workflow –Applications using hard coded calendars –Global applications outside of the US which US users use
6 Tips to help you start Create a checklist of hardware, software, applications and other IT systems vendors used by your organization. Be in contact with each one to get the most up-to-date information. Keep a running list so that you’ll know which items are taken care of and which you’ll need to manually update. Notify your line staff of the DST issue, so that they will be prepared for any minor glitches that might occur on March 11th. Test your system in advance of March 10th so you know in which glitches you might face, and which you can solve before the DST change. Work with your group to create contingency plans in the event that any disruptions might occur. After applying patches or manual fixes, conduct tests to verify that the proper times and dates are produced. Review all applications and their interactions with other applications for DST change compliance. Check with external service providers to ensure that they are modifying their own systems to comply with the changes so your systems are not negatively affected. Have IT personnel scheduled to be available during the DST change on March 11 so they can repair any problems that arise, and give them well-defined escalation procedures to deal with any circumstances.
7 Helpful hints to Minimize Impact When organizing a meeting during the Extended DST period, write the correct meeting time in the subject line or body of the message. For example, include the following text in the subject line or body of the message: –Project planning meeting – 8:30 a.m. –Consider any appointments in the Extended DST period to be suspect. When in doubt, verify the correct time with the organizer. –Consider printing out your weekly calendars during the Extended DST period.
8 What about Blackberry? Risks –In addition to the display time on the BlackBerry device not transitioning correctly when the new DST start and ends dates occur, there is an impact to the calendar features on the BlackBerry device. –The way a calendar appointment is affected depends on whether it was created using an old DST table (i.e. no patch applied) with historical DST information or using a new DST table (i.e. after patch is applied) with the updated 2007 DST information. Platforms – Enterprise Servers –Microsoft Exchange –Novell GroupWise –IBM Lotus Domino Devices Desktop Software
9 Risks of not upgrading the BlackBerry Scenarios –Scenario #1: Any single instance or recurring appointments that were created using the new DST table, start in the specified windows, and display using an old DST table, appear 1 hour early. –Scenario #2: Any single instance or recurring appointments that were created using the old DST table and start in the specified windows, and display using the new DST table, appear 1 hour late.
10 BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Exchange seserver/exchange No patches to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange are required from Research In Motion BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange administrators must install the latest Microsoft CDO DST update. Visit for more information and to download a trial version of this update. Version 6.5 of CDO, which is included with the DST update, is intended for use with Microsoft Exchange 2003 System Manager. RIM recommends that administrators upgrade the BlackBerry Enterprise Server computer to use the Microsoft Exchange 2003 System Manager. RIM is currently testing the impact of running this Microsoft CDO update on other messaging and collaboration servers. NOTE: When the DST 2007 Hot Fix is applied to the Microsoft Exchange server this will also include the "Send As" permissions change. See “KB04707” for more info at
11 BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell _ resolutions/enterpriseserver/groupwise No patches to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell GroupWise are required from Research In Motion. BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell GroupWise administrators must modify the GroupWise time zone definitions maintained by ConsoleOne with the new DST rules. See es.html for more information.
12 BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0.6 –Administrators can currently edit the DST table in BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.6 using the Sync Server table. The administrator can also manually change the DST values in the table and synchronize the new DST values to BlackBerry devices that support this functionality. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses an SQL script to add updated time zone entries to the SyncDeviceConfig table. The BlackBerry Synchronization Service reads this data and synchronizes time zone information accordingly on BlackBerry® devices. – RIM will distribute the script in early February. – Run the script 1. At the command prompt, switch to the folder in which the script resides. 2. Type osql -E -d databasename -i LoadDSTData.sql BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.1 SP1 and v4.1 SP2 –RIM will provide a hot fix for BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP1 and Version 4.1 SP2 to update the internal DST table in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. These hotfixes will be released as 4.1 SP1 Hot Fix 3 and 4.1 SP2 Hot Fix 3. There are currently no hot fixes planned for BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0.5 or earlier.
13 Patches for BlackBerry Devices shtml BlackBerry® Device Software Versions,, and already have the Updated DST information and do not require any patches Note: Upcoming device software releases (i.e. v4.2.1 and beyond) will also have the updated DST information All other BlackBerry Devices running v4.0.0 or later software will require a patch to update the DST information Deployment Options –Via USB Connections –Wirelessly by User at –Wirelessly by IT Administrator from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server with “Patch Manager” available at Verification for Patch End User – can check the Options 2007 DST Patch Administrator – DST2007Query.exe determines which devices/users have the patch applied correctly
14 Impact to BlackBerry Desktop Software Intellisync (Synchronize) USB Calendar Synchronization If the correct patch has been applied to the Microsoft Windows Operating System then calendar synchronization should continue to function normally, regardless of whether any patches have been applied to the BlackBerry® device (for example, if the user chooses to manually change the time).correct patch Intellisync (Synchronize) USB Time/Date Synchronization If the correct patch has been applied to the Microsoft Windows Operating System then BlackBerry Desktop Software v4.2 Service Pack 1 is required to properly synchronize the time. If earlier versions of BlackBerry Desktop Software are used then the wrong time zone information will be sent. For example, 1:00pm Central Standard Time (Mexico) will end up being 1:00pm GMT on the device. It is recommended that this Time/Date Synchronization be disabled until the new BlackBerry Desktop Software v4.2 Service Pack 1 is installed in this case. Learn how to update the registry to change this setting.correct patchLearn how to update the registry
15 Helpful Links Below please find links to useful information centers; patches for updates; other support services: Avaya: BEA Systems: Bluecoat Country list: Hewlett-Packard: HP Java IBM: - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 IEEE's Computer Society /index.jsp?&pName=itpro_level1&path=itpro/content&file=Daylight_Saving_Time_2007.xml&xsl=article.xsl& - posted 2/12/07 /index.jsp?&pName=itpro_level1&path=itpro/content&file=Daylight_Saving_Time_2007.xml&xsl=article.xsl& Informix http://www- 8&lang=enhttp://www- 8&lang=en Java: Linux: Lotus Notes: Microsoft: - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 MySQL - posted 2/12/07 Novell Groupwise - posted 2/12/07 - posted 2/12/07 Novell Netware - posted 2/12/07 Palm Treo,kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=obj%2842093%29,ts=Palm_External2001 - posted 2/12/07,kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=obj%2842093%29,ts=Palm_External2001 PeopleSoft: PostgreSQL - posted 2/12/07 Red Hat 2.1 Red Hat 3.0 Sun: SUN O.S. Sybase Ubuntu TZDATA - posted 2/12/07
16 More links Apple OSX: Blackberry: There will be a server side patch for Blackberry Enterprise Server. Some older Blackberry models will also need a firmware patch. American_Daylight_Saving_Time_ changes_in_2007_on_BlackBerry_customers.pdf?nodeid=1293007&vernum=0 American_Daylight_Saving_Time_ changes_in_2007_on_BlackBerry_customers.pdf?nodeid=1293007&vernum=0 wse&sort=name wse&sort=name _ BlackBerry_Enterprise_Server_Microsoft_Exchange.pdf - posted 2/12/07 _ BlackBerry_Enterprise_Server_Microsoft_Exchange.pdf Cisco: Informix: http://www- Lotus Notes: Lotus Notes stores the time zone in a meeting record and therefore needs every meeting created during the affected intervals to be changed. IBM has developed a response to this issue. This response along with complete information about addressing Changes to Daylight Saving Time (DST) in 2007 for Lotus Notes and Domino can be found at:: http://www- http://www-
17 Impact on ColdFusion ColdFusion 5. See KB400365 at It depends on the OS to calculate date and time information. The U.S. Daylight Savings Time changes for 2007 will cause incorrect Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) conversions with ColdFusion 5. Even when the OS patch for DST is applied, ColdFusion 5.0 continues to use the original DST information on patched systems, and will miscompute local time to UTC (Local2UTC) and UTC to local time (UTC2Local) conversion made with the dateConvert function during daylight savings time. All other ColdFusion 5.0 date and time functions will use the updated DST information and perform the appropriate date and time evaluations correctly. Solution Apply the appropriate OS patch to install the updated DST information Manually edit ColdFusion 5’s dateConvert function. See example in the KB400365 ColdFusion MX (all versions). See tn_18310 and tn_d2ab4470 at The current time is calculated correctly in ColdFusion MX and higher, regardless of whether the Automatically Adjust Clock for Daylight Saving Changes option is enabled or disabled in the computer's Control panel Date/Time Properties. This is because the application is build on top of Java. ColdFusion MX and JRun are Java applications that depend on the Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for their time information. The new US Daylight Savings Time changes for 2007 will affect ColdFusion MX and JRun because of this. Solution –No patch needed from Adobe. –Upgrade the JVM that shipped with ColdFusion to 1.4.2_11 JVM.. See tech note 2d547983 at on how to do the
18 Helpful Hints Your Y2K planning may help identify those areas and partnerships potentially affected by DST Contact your business customers and critical business partners to determine DST impacts Identify application interdependencies Identify “key” systems and applications to monitor at rollover Save Your 2007 DST planning documentation
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