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Using QR Code in Your Library. Using QR Code Poll.

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Presentation on theme: "Using QR Code in Your Library. Using QR Code Poll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using QR Code in Your Library

2 Using QR Code Poll

3 What is QR Code? Quick Response Code Two-dimensional bar code embedded with layers of information Originally created by a subsidiary of Toyota to track car parts Now used mostly for commercial and marketing purposes

4 Qr Codes are all over Japan.

5 QR Codes are Everywhere

6 Ways one school is using QR Codes

7 What do you need to use QR code? DeviceReaderGenerator

8 Devices iPhone, Android, Blackberry iPad 2 iPod Touch 3 PC, Laptop, Mac with web cam Smart devices with camera function that will accept apps

9 Generators Top 10 Free QR Generators

10 Generators PC QR Reader Software Browser Add-ons or Plug-ins

11 Generators QR Code Generator App Quickmark App

12 Readers QR Reader ATT Scanner NeoReader i-nigma (love this one!) (Available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry) Optiscan Quickmark Qrafter Search your Smartphone's App Store

13 Readers QR Reader Appi-nigma App

14 Readers Top 5 Free QR Readers Online Quickmark

15 Uses for QR in Library Marketing Access Instruction

16 Marketing The Daring Librarian Blogs Wikis Web Sites Social Media Digital Galleries

17 Access Book Trailers Find or make book trailers for books in the library Create a QR code for each trailer Print stickers of the QR code and put it on the book for students to watch when browsing for books

18 Access

19 Bookmarks Create QR Codes for sites frequently used my students in your library Print them on paper and affix the codes to index cards Create a bulletin board or display of library pockets labeled with the site for students to use and return the cards for quick information access

20 Access

21 Read Alikes Create a list of books in your library that are the same genre, theme, author, etc. Post the list on your library website or wiki Create a QR Code for the location of that link Affix the code to a book display or the cover of a book.

22 Instruction Book Trivia Use R/ to generate a series of qr codes for different questions R/ Display codes throughout the library for students to scan Have students answer questions and return to librarian for a prize or contest

23 Scavenger Hunt in the Library

24 Instruction Research Scavenger Hunt Divide the research process into tasks as per your choice of research method Create QR Codes for each step of the process Post QR codes by stations in the library with resources for the students to complete that task.

25 Things to consider... What audience do I want to reach? What devices are available to my prospective audience? What items would I need to purchase? What content do I want to encode? What district/campus policies must I consider? How will those policies shape the use of QR Code in the library?

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