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Ray Pastore, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology – UNCW m HOW TO BUILD MOBILE APPS FOR IOS AND ANDROID.

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Presentation on theme: "Ray Pastore, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology – UNCW m HOW TO BUILD MOBILE APPS FOR IOS AND ANDROID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ray Pastore, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology – UNCW m HOW TO BUILD MOBILE APPS FOR IOS AND ANDROID

2  Development: Apple vs Android  Native App Tools  Cross Platform Tools  Drag and Drop Tools PRESENTATION TODAY

3  Developer   $99 per year  iPhone/iPad or Mac  Can only be made on Macs  University Program   Can share apps, publish to personal ipod/iphone/ipad  Xcode   C/C++  Must have Mac to use  Review Process  Ease of Use  Very difficult  Experienced Programmers only APPLE

4  Developer   $25 per year  No need for university license, can publish apps to devices and even publish on web for free. License only needed if publishing to app store  Eclipse   Java  No Review Process  Ease of use  Not as difficult as Apple  But programming required  Can get by with a basic understanding ANDROID

5  Let’s take a quick look at  Apple - Xcode  Android - Eclipse NATIVE APP TOOLS

6  Best cross platform tools?  HTML5 and Flash  HTML5 vs Flash?  HTML5  PhoneGap (now owned by Adobe)   Dreamweaver/HTML programming  Publish to apple, android, windows, blackberry  Must use Xcode or Eclipse to use PhoneGap, its an extension of them  Adobe Flash  Publish to apple and android CROSS PLATFORM TOOLS

7  Apple  Gamesalad -  Free to publish in iOS but $299 for full package  Works with android too just need to pay the fee  Android  MIT App Inventor - Free   Curriculum Guide:  Other tools  Tons of other tools out there however these are some of the most popular  Most of the other tools (not all) have a catch, such as a fee to actually publish even though free to create or have ads.  Look for more of these tools in the future but please read the fine print. DRAG AND DROP TOOLS

8  What are my options for testing use or classroom use?  iPods  iPads  Android Tablets HARDWARE

9  Tons of resources on all of these tools on my blog @  RESOURCES

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