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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® EMERGENCY POWER FACILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL (EPFAT) T.J. Fichera Chief, Readiness Office Emergency Manager Pittsburgh.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® EMERGENCY POWER FACILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL (EPFAT) T.J. Fichera Chief, Readiness Office Emergency Manager Pittsburgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® EMERGENCY POWER FACILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL (EPFAT) T.J. Fichera Chief, Readiness Office Emergency Manager Pittsburgh District Emergency Power SME 412 292 2538 cell/blackberry

2 BUILDING STRONG ® Emergency Power Mission  Haul, Install, Fuel, Operate, Maintain, Service, Repair Temporary Diesel Generators at Critical Public Facilities  Complete Turn-Key Operation  Assessing (determining) requirement of critical facilities

3 BUILDING STRONG ® Typical Power Process FEMA USACE Local Request County State Perform Assessment Communicate Power Requirement to Staging Area Haul Generator Install Generator – Temporary Power Contact Facility POC

4 BUILDING STRONG ® Expedited Power Process FEMA USACE Local Request County State Perform Assessment Communicate Power Requirement to Staging Area Haul Generator Install Generator – Temporary Power Contact Facility POC X X

5 BUILDING STRONG ® What is EPFAT? A Web-Based On-Line Tool Accessed via Internet Completed by Facility Manager / Electrician Data Entry Guidebook is Printed / Filled-in Before Entry Data Entry Quickly Completed On-Line via Internet Data Entry Multiple Internal Data Checks and Balances Information & Data Stored in Geo-Referenced Database Final Hard Copy Guidebook Printed / Stored at Facility Information and Data Easily Retrieved and/or Updated Facility / Generator Reports Available to Many as needed Designed to Tie into ENGLink Power Module PII Data

6 BUILDING STRONG ® Emergency Power Facility Assessment Tool website is linked through the USACE Public ENGLink Site http:\\ The “EPFAT” icon will then automatically transfer the user to the EPFAT website hosted at CESWF Where is EPFAT?

7 BUILDING STRONG ® Website hosted on “Public” side to allow access Specific Facility POC User ID and Password required Once entered user taken to an “https” website Facility data entry & revisions are complete by designated facility POC user ONLY Separate “Report Only” user ID/PWs can be issued to: Local EMs State EMs USACE FEMA ALL Data Secured by USACE EPFAT - Homepage

8 BUILDING STRONG ® Disclaimer about entering facility/POC information Individual User Name and Password required Initial temporary User ID/PW will be provided to Facility Existing ENGLink Power Module Facility assessment data transferred to EPFAT to establish the initial user set Data accessible by USACE EM’s, 249 th EN BN, Power SME’s, and Senior Leaders Data and Reports shared to other agencies as requested EPFAT - Login Page

9 BUILDING STRONG ® This guide can be printed prior to filling in the data on-line by Facility Manager and/or Facility Electrician Afterwards, this guide can be printed by facility and stored for future reference. Note: Printable PDF (9 Pages) EPFAT - User “How-To” Guide Data Collection First Step

10 BUILDING STRONG ® FAQs will provide additional answers for users for the POC, site facility, geospatial and processes required New FAQs will regularly be added to reflect responses generated as a result for technical assistance Two email addresses have been provided to end users to request both technical electrical support and technical EPFAT support EPFAT - FAQs Additional Guidance for User

11 BUILDING STRONG ® 12 Categories are used to classify all types of facilities Category chosen based upon function of facility during crisis events Under each Category, selected are then listed facility “Types” Reports can be created based upon this data EPFAT - Facility Data Facility Categories

12 BUILDING STRONG ® Six main tabs to navigate data input & assessment Tabs data entry must be completed in order with some data fields Mandatory Facility Category and Type are “drop downs” and stored Assessment should be completed by a qualified professional electrician Entry date is used to ensure data is validated and/or refreshed on 3-year intervals EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Facility Information Tab

13 BUILDING STRONG ® Physical Address Information Key Data Fields Lat / Long obtained through web Google map service and/or accurate GPS Unit. Printing the “How-to” guide will help make data capture and data entry much easier. Map displays the street address entered. User can zoom, move and/or adjust the “pin” to exact facility site location. EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Facility Location Tab

14 BUILDING STRONG ® Primary POC’s may be regional but local or on-site is preferred Some data fields are Mandatory This data will be used to allow contact to the facility during 3-Yr intervals for data updates and data verification Email, telephone and address information are critical data to scheduling data updates and maintaining data accuracy EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Primary Facility POC Tab

15 BUILDING STRONG ® Alternate POC’s may be regional but local or on-site is preferred. Some data fields are Mandatory. This data will be used to allow contact to the facility during 3-Yr intervals for data updates and data verification Email, telephone and address information are critical data to scheduling data updates and maintaining data accuracy EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Alternate Facility POC Tab

16 BUILDING STRONG ® Some data fields are Mandatory Generator size determined by a “qualified professional”. EPFAT does NOT calculate generator size required (yet?) Actual Lat/Long geo-location of Generator is stored and “pin” can be moved to exact site location On-site notes about placement and Generator connection stored User can upload photographs or other documents (pdf; gif; tiff, etc) EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Generator Information Tab

17 BUILDING STRONG ® Summary page is one-page overview of all information and data collected entered for Facility and Generator Each section can be easily returned to and any information entered edited by user This information and data is used to print various reports and will be used to print a hardcopy of the Facility Assessment Guide for use by facility. EPFAT - Facility Data Entry Data Summary Tab

18 BUILDING STRONG ® User facility information will be added to national level database and used by Local/State/Federal R&R agencies during crisis events Generator Assessment data will be used to identify/pre-position assets whenever possible and for any generator needed at the facility for any given crisis event E-mail requests will be sent to facility POCs to verify data and information on 3-Yr frequency EPFAT - User Facility Graphic Display

19 BUILDING STRONG ® Future Uses of the Data Upload facility data for all locations into ENGLink Emergency Power Module (When ENGLink program update replaces existing Power Module). Provide geo-referenced location of facilities and generator locations Plan for pre-event inventory of potential impacted critical public facilities Planning tool for pre-event staging of potential number of facilities with generator requirements and also various generator sizes Improve overall installation response time Improve processes for mobilization / de-mobilization of resources Allow greater flexibility in mission execution Improve overall Federal/State/Local Response & Recovery related to Emergency Power Mission EPFAT - Way Ahead



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