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Space Breaking, Space Making, and Place Setting How technology has changed campus ministry, the students, and what the possibilities are.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Breaking, Space Making, and Place Setting How technology has changed campus ministry, the students, and what the possibilities are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Breaking, Space Making, and Place Setting How technology has changed campus ministry, the students, and what the possibilities are.

2 Important things to remember about technology “Everything that can be invented has been invented” “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” “The Internet? We are not interested in it” “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry had, we’d all be driving $25.00 cars with 1000 MPG.” “Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.”

3 Technology for Today Email (including resources like Constant Contact) Facebook My space TwitterSkypeBloggingPod-castingYou-tube

4 Discussion What technology resources do you find yourself using most in your ministry? What technology resources do you feel least familiar with?

5 Technology’s place Tools for Ministry Examples of Technology Overload

6 Technology overload 1990- The World Wide Web first goes public 1991- first public cellular phone 1996- Instant messenger becomes available 1999- Napster appears and online downloads of music begin 2001- Wikipedia 2002- “IPod” becomes a copyrighted name 2004- Facebook created at Harvard university 2005- YouTube is Launched Skype, Twitter, Iphones, the IPod Touch, large-scale use of Blackberry’s have all been introduced in the last 5 years

7 Thoughts??? There was once a time in society (and it was not long ago, when you did not call people after 9 PM because it was not polite) The Nielsen company reported that the average teenager sent 2,272 text messages per month for the 4 quarter of 2008 (63% of those were after 9 PM) 75% of teenagers now have cell phones Facebook is only 5 years old and has 91.2 million profiles visited at least once per week On September 26, 2006, facebook went public for anyone 13 years and older. This means almost every one of our incoming freshman have been connected to facebook for nearly 3 years already.; jsessionid=DBDIO2KEMUDREQSNDLOSKH0CJUNN2JVN

8 What does it mean to “Space-Break” Andrew Zirschky, Timothy Scholar at Princeton Seminary contends that we have broken down a “Rhythm of Life” Instead of having time away from technology and friends, we have become available 24/7/365 And yet…. Our students are generally more lonely than they have ever been before.

9 Time of Separation Students used to have conversations…. Now they are in Facebook chat (ask your students if you haven’t found this concept to be true) “Life-casting”Twitter While there are new rhythm’s we build, the concept remains that technology has a handhold on our world

10 And yet…. Campus Ministers and Students have fallen into this cultural whirlwind The Cycle of addition But, technology presents a genuine opportunity for us to connect with students

11 Discussion Technology is an asset, but it does not replace the authentic communion of individuals. Where you feel you leave yourself open to break space as a campus minister from your personal time and any family? How do you see a ritual of personal “space-breaking” in the lives of any of your students?

12 The Making of Space “Space-making” as a discipline It starts with us… using our technology as an example of boundary setting It continues with by creating space where our students recognize their own need for authentic relationships It concludes by using technology to its fullest extent by exhibiting proper example of use

13 Pondering Questions What time of night do you shut your phone off? What time do you stop checking your email? What time do you stop getting on Facebook, especially leaving messages? What times of the day do you see yourself as available? What times of the day do your students see you as available?

14 Ask the students Peak usage of facebook between 8 PM and 11:30 PM, when usage increases by almost 40% Check your “life-casting” running log sometime and see what time people post things Email use vs. Facebook messages

15 “Space-making” What can we do? 1.) Set Limits (and stick with them) 2.) Articulate to Students (and encourage them to work on this as well) 3.) Host gatherings that encourage minimal technology use 4.) Say No

16 When Space-Breaking becomes Space-Making When technology is used only at appropriate times with students When students begin to work through their own use of technology When relationships are face to face and not media based Think Theologically

17 Theological Reflections The Communion Table

18 “Place-setting” Technology must play a part in our connections with students…., Approaches with Technology

19 Uses of Twitter “Life-casting” Agent Individual’s “follow you” Can be sent directly to phone’s as a Text USE age bracket generally does not widely include young adults * “Space-making” uses

20 Skype Powerful video and regular phone potential right from your computer (and now IPod and Blackberry) Instantly gives you connection ability around the world to anyone who has Skype for free Globalization Conference calls, inexpensive phone conversations, can be synced to your cell phone.

21 Facebook EventsPlanners Photo Albums A Free Advertising Agency Unlimited friend potential Your life story…

22 Facebook boundaries Privacy Settings Usage Monitors Chat “offline” Limit Application usage What is our purpose (both personal and professional) for Facebook?

23 Final Thoughts Technology allows us to greatly enhance our ministries and our world Space-Breaking encourages both ourselves and our students that there is no barrier, no boundary that separates us Encouraging our students and ourselves to build space, we can use technology but limit ourselves and continue to make the church the space-making area where authentic relationships are formed

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