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2.3 The 13 English Colonies Main Idea

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1 2.3 The 13 English Colonies Main Idea
The 13 colonies will be founded for a variety of economic and religious reasons. Why It Matters Now The survival of the 13 colonies will leave a lasting influence in the United States.

2 CA Standards 8.2.1 Discuss the significance of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Mayflower Compact.

3 Daily Guided Questions (DGQs)
What chain of events led to the founding of the early colonies and their experiments with self government? How did the 13 colonies develop economies based on agriculture, commerce, and handmade goods?

4 Capitalism & Mercantilism
Economic system where people invest money (capital) to make a profit. -Banks lend money with interest. Countries wealth measured by its supply of gold and silver. Settlers export raw materials; import manufactured goods.



7 Roanoke and Sagadahoc First sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia, 1585 and 1587. -Settlers disappeared. Plymouth Company sponsored Sagadahoc (modern-day) Maine. -Settlers went back to England.

8 Joint-Stock Company Investors fund colony and give charters (certain rights given to a group); get profits. In 1607, Virginia Company sends 150 people to found Jamestown.

9 Disastrous Start Colonists seek gold, suffer from disease and hunger.
John Smith forces colonists to farm; get help from Powhatan people. (1609) 600 colonists arrive; Powhatan destroy farms; “starving time”.

10 “Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants
New arrivals revive and expand colony. Tobacco becomes profitable; export 1.5 million lbs. by the late 1620s. Headright System- purchaser of passage get 50 acres- lures settlers. Plantation owners use indentured servants -work 4-7 years for passage.

11 House of Burgesses,1619 First example of Representative gov.
-The company elected representatives that met once a year. To provide more local control.

12 Puritans and Pilgrims Wanted to purify Church of England.
Separatists form independent congregations. In 1620, flee to escape religious persecution, founded Plymouth Colony.


14 Mayflower Compact Puritans landed outside the limits of Virginia Co. charter. -Did not apply to them. Obey laws agreed upon for the good of the colony. -Self-government. -Majority rule.


16 New England Colonies Founded: -in seek of religious freedom.
-Massachusetts by puritans. -Rhode Island by Roger Williams. -New Hampshire, trade and fishing. -Connecticut, religious and political freedom. Economy: Harsh climate, rocky soil. Subsistence farming, growing enough food to eat.


18 Middle Colonies Founded:
-New York, Dutch founded in English took over in 1664. -New Jersey, broke off from New York. -Pennsylvania, Quaker William Penn founded with equality. -Delaware, broke from Pennsylvania. Economy: -milder climate, longer growing seasons, better soil. -Grew cash crops and manufacturing.


20 Southern Colonies Founded: -Virginia, by a joint-stock co.
-Maryland, haven for Catholics. -Carolinas, Farmers from the Bahamas. Broke into two colonies in 1712. -Georgia, haven for debtors. Economy: -Warmest region, fertile soil. -Plantations lead to African slave labor.


22 Colonies Brochure Create a brochure to get people to come to one of the 13 colonies of your choice. The cover has to have a picture or drawing (can be pasted, has to 2/3 of the cover) that represents your colony. 1/3 of the cover has to be the name of the colony and a slogan. -It needs to be colored. Inside, using the GRAPES model, you need to have 24 pieces of information about your colony (4 bullet points per letter). In the back place your full heading. Assignment due Wed. August 21, 2013.

23 Colony Research Log on to
Click on the tab named “U.S. History.” Click on the tab named “Founding of a Nation.” Scroll down until you see the “Clickable Map of the 13 Colonies.” Click on the colony to view information. Explore the different websites to research about your colony.

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