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By: Matthew, Liam, and Devlin. Word Bank: | Slam | Derek | Ice | Mtisha | Goldy | Moms | Pops | 1) __________ was mad at ___________ because he kissed.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Matthew, Liam, and Devlin. Word Bank: | Slam | Derek | Ice | Mtisha | Goldy | Moms | Pops | 1) __________ was mad at ___________ because he kissed."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Matthew, Liam, and Devlin

2 Word Bank: | Slam | Derek | Ice | Mtisha | Goldy | Moms | Pops | 1) __________ was mad at ___________ because he kissed Kicky. 2) __________ cried like a baby when he broke his arm. 3) __________ lost Slam’s video camera when he left it on a stoop. 4) After Slam got out of the shower, __________ gave Slam advice. 5) Mtisha thinks that ___________ is dealing and taking drugs. 6) When Slam asked ___________ if Pops got shot, she told him he just broke his arm. Fill in the Blank

3 Matching ___ Slam A. Gets caught dealing drugs ___ Derek B. Team player ___ Ducky C. White trash-talker from Trinity ___ Nick D. Protagonist ___ Brothers E. Best white player on Latimer ___ Ice F. Slam’s little brother

4 Multiple Choice 1) English teacher who dislikes 2) Friend of Slam who helps him with math Slam __________. __________. A. Mr. Parrish A. Ducky B. Mr. Greene B. Ice C. Ms. Narwin C. Mtisha D. Mr. Tate D. Nick 3) Center of Latimer who gets into a 4) _________ leaves the camera on the fight with Slam __________. stoop A. Glen A. Derek B. Tony B. Slam C. Trip C. Carl D. Jimmy D. Nick


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