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Review: Rome.

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1 Review: Rome

2 Chapter 6.1: The Roman Republic
Main Ideas: Rome developed as a “blend” of Greeks, Latins, and Etruscans. Rome was located in Italy, had access to the Mediterranean, had many natural barriers. The Roman Republic allowed Romans to vote and to choose their leaders Romans had consuls (2 elected kings), the senate (upper-class citizens who passed laws), and the assembly (regular citizens who could also make laws)

3 Chapter 6.1: The Roman Republic
Main Ideas (con’t): Patricians (rich, land-owning aristocrats) and Plebeians (common people) were not equal at the beginning The Twelve Tables were published, which clarified rules and applied to all citizens Rome expanded its territory, defeated Carthage in the Punic Wars; Residents of Carthage were captured as slaves and the territory became a Roman province

4 6.1 Review Questions: What were the advantages to Rome’s location?
What were the three main parts to Roman government? What happened as a result of the wars with Carthage?

5 6.2: The Roman Empire Main Ideas:
After Rome’s victory in Carthage, the poor and the rich were at a heightened level of conflict Civil War broke out until Julius Caesar and the members of his triumvirate took control Caesar was a powerful ruler who eventually ruled as an absolute ruler (dictator) until he was murdered. Again, Civil War broke out.

6 6.2: The Roman Empire Main Ideas (con’t):
Rome eventually enjoyed 200 years of peace and prosperity, known as Pax Romana. Trade, building, the military, government, and economy all flourished during this time. Coins made out of precious metals were used to buy goods and services (e.g., farmers, laborers, civil servants, soldiers, etc.) Slaves were used for construction, farming, working in homes, gladiator fights

7 6.2 Review Questions How did Caesar’s rule put an end to the republic?
How were the people of the empire employed? Who were the slaves, and what work did they do?

8 6.3: The Rise of Christianity
Main Ideas: The Romans conquered the Jews while expanding the Roman Empire; many Jews wanted the Romans to leave their land Other Jews were waiting for the Messiah to restore the kingdom of the Jews Jesus preached messages similar to Jewish tradition and preformed miracles, which allowed him to gain a following

9 6.3: The Rise of Christianity
Main Idea (con’t): Romans were afraid Jesus would cause people to question the Roman way so the Romans executed Jesus Jesus’ followers spread Christianity through teaching; followers joined because the religion accepted all believers, gave hope to the powerless, promised life after death, offered a personal relationship with God, and appealed to those who were bothered by the lack of morality in Rome.

10 6.3 Review Questions 1.Why was Jesus put to death? 2. How did Christianity spread? 3. Why was Christianity appealing?

11 Critical Thinking Christianity appealed to those who were bothered by the lack of morality in Rome. What does it mean to be moral? List as many examples as you can from Rome that illustrate “lack of morality.” What effect do you think lack of morals might have on a society? Why?

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