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Aladdin Halwani1 Welcome to EL- 243 Humanities Spring 2004.

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2 Aladdin Halwani1 Welcome to EL- 243 Humanities Spring 2004

3 Aladdin Halwani2 The Passive Voice General Rule is are am was were been be + Object + to Be Past participle e.g. They made the first computer in 1944. The first computer was made in 1944. is are am was were been be is are am was were been be

4 Aladdin Halwani3 Circle the correct answer. 1. The company manager ______________ a big mistake when he kicked out his best employee. a. made b. was made c. will be made d. is made 2. English ____________________ from left to right. a. is writtenb. writec. will writed. has written 3. They ____________________ a new shopping centre in Doha recently. a. was builtb. have builtc. will be buildingd. were built 4. "Hamlet" is a famous play. It _________________ by Shakespeare in the 16th century. a. wroteb. will writec. was writtend. is writing made is written have built was written

5 Aladdin Halwani4 Change the following sentences into the passive voice. 1. We need vitamins in small amounts. Vitamins are needed in small amounts. 2. We obtain minerals from the earth’s crust. Minerals are obtained from the earth’s crust. Change into the active. 1. In the past engines were driven by steam. In the past steam drove engines. 2. English is taught all around the world. They teach English all around the world.

6 Aladdin Halwani5 5. I promise the work _________________ tomorrow morning. a.will do b. must doc. will be done d. is going to do 6. The secretary _______ many reports and memos. a. have been typedb. were typed c. types d. will be typed 7. Many activities ________________at Qatar University. a. have performedb. perform c. will performd. have been performed 8. Many buildings__________ in Doha. a. are buildingb. are being built c. build d. will build will be done types have been performed are being built

7 Aladdin Halwani6 Circle the sentence components of the underlined words. 1.I will go when I am ready. S V O C A 2.How you did it is not my business. S V O C A 3. I bought the books which were cheap. S V O C A 4. I put the book in the drawer. S V O C A 5. Salem has become an excellent student. S V O C A

8 Aladdin Halwani7 Fill in the blanks with ‘so’, ‘or’, ‘because’, even though, ‘but’. 1.She doesn’t speak English _____________ she lived in England for a long time. 2.__________ it was very hot, they switched on the AC. 3.I understand Urdu __________ I can't speak it. 4. The Cornche Street was closed, _______ we had to take another street. 5. Do you want to study _________ do you want to watch TV? even though Because so but or

9 Aladdin Halwani8 Identify the sentence components. Sarah is my mother. She cooks us Machboos at weekends. SC V D.O V I.O S A

10 Aladdin Halwani 9 Complete the sentences with verbs and particles from the boxes. ParticlesVerbs up, off, in, on, down, over, out of put, call, hand, turn, get, look, makes 1.The teacher asked his students to ___________ their homework. hand in 2. It is cold outside. I must ___________ my coat. put on 3. Our car broke down, so we had to __________ our trip. put off

11 Aladdin Halwani10 4. George is a big liar. I don’t know why he ________ stories. makes up 5. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can _________ it __________ in a dictionary. lookup 6. Mary couldn’t carry her child anymore, so she _______ him _________ and got some rest. put down

12 Aladdin Halwani11 Good-bye and Gook Luck

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