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Salesian Youth Ministry That brings the Youth Minister and the Youth to Jesus. That is an Educational and Ministerial approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Salesian Youth Ministry That brings the Youth Minister and the Youth to Jesus. That is an Educational and Ministerial approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salesian Youth Ministry That brings the Youth Minister and the Youth to Jesus. That is an Educational and Ministerial approach.

2 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model A School, Parish, Youth Center, Summer Camp, a Classroom, a gathering place… Where ever young people gather. A School, Parish, Youth Center, Summer Camp, a Classroom, a gathering place… Where ever young people gather. The Oratory is a physical place… The Oratory is an Attitude… Where young people and adults form a loving family where all find encouragement to grow in Christ. The Oratory is a Method… Used by educators and youth ministers to effectively lead youth to develop as good Christians and good citizens.

3 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Home Playground Church SchoolHome

4 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model THE ORATORY IS A HOME: welcoming, safe, peaceful. An experience of family where relationships grow. Where all gather in the presence of Jesus

5 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model THE ORATORY IS A SCHOOL: where young people learn lessons for life, citizenship, religion, and faith. Here they gain the skills of good citizenship, productivity and Christian life.

6 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model THE ORATORY IS A CHURCH: A place and experience of Prayer, Eucharist, Faith, Celebration, Hope, Community, Love.

7 Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model Salesian Youth Ministry The Oratory Model THE ORATORY IS A PLAYGROUND: A place and experience of Joy, Laughter, Fun, Enthusiasm, Freedom.

8 The Oratory Model and Planning When used as a planning device the oratory model can transform any program or event even a classroom lesson into an exciting and rich experience for both the young people and the leader. Oratory Model Planning Process 1. What is the goal for this event? 2. HOME: What makes this event welcoming? 3. SCHOOL: What will be learned? 4. CHURCH: What is the element of prayer, inspiration, faith? 5. PLAYGROUND: What is interesting or fun in the activity?

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