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Monday 5 th March 2012 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 5 th March 2012 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 5 th March 2012 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together

2 We are listening to you...

3 Question 1 Do you feel safe at school? Nearly all of you said ALWAYS Some of you said SOMETIMES

4 Question 2 Do you know who to go to if you have a problem? Everyone said YES

5 Question 3 Do you know what makes a healthy diet? Everyone said YES

6 Question 4 Do you enjoy your lessons? About half of you said ALWAYS About half of you said SOMETIMES

7 Question 5 Do you feel successful in your learning? About half of you said ALWAYS About half of you said SOMETIMES

8 Question 6 When we raise money, do you know what it is spent on? About half of you said ALWAYS About half of you said SOMETIMES

9 Question 7 Do you feel you help to make the school a better place? About half of you said ALWAYS About half of you said SOMETIMES

10 Question 8 Are you proud of your school? More than half of you said ALWAYS Less than half of you said SOMETIMES

11 Question 9 Do you feel your views are listened to in school? About half of you said ALWAYS About half of you said SOMETIMES

12 Question 10 Do you try your best at school? Almost all of you said ALWAYS Some of you said SOMETIMES

13 What helps you with your learning? Teachers Books and reading Listening Watching Keep practising Displays, working walls Extra help Enjoying lessons Exercise W & S Making lessons fun People sharing ideas Homework People being kind to me Smartboard Learning logs My parents Learning outdoors School trips Working with others

14 What stops you learning? People distracting me, being silly People whispering, talking over teachers Fidgeting Getting bored Noisy classrooms next door Noise from the playgrounds Daydreaming, feeling shy Worries Mums and dads fighting everyday

15 What are the best things about the school? Teachers (Making new) friends Learning Golden time The pond Lessons – all subjects Cross Country Getting help Outdoor classroom School trips Doing school plays Swimming Playground toys Outdoor learning Hot lunches

16 What changes would you like? Use the field more Bigger classrooms, hall, music room Make the top playground bigger Take the fences down Decorate the ramp and balcony Stop breaking equipment Longer playtimes Longer on the adventure playground More lessons outdoors More school trips Going to the library at break and lunchtimes

17 What changes would you like? More exciting science investigations Class pets More time with Maplewood Treat toys better Drinks other than water at lunchtimes Cleaner toilets Solar panels Astroturf

18 What changes would you like? Use the field more Bigger classrooms, hall, music room Make the top playground bigger Take the fences down Decorate the ramp and balcony Stop breaking equipment Longer playtimes Longer on the adventure playground More lessons outdoors More school trips Going to the library at break and lunchtimes

19 What changes would you like? More exciting science investigations Class pets More time with Maplewood Treat toys better Drinks other than water at lunchtimes Cleaner toilets Solar panels Astroturf

20 What should money be spent on? More toys, play equipment Charity, poor people PE equipment The balcony School pets People coming into school to work with us Books Outdoor projects

21 What should money be spent on? More toys, play equipment Charity, poor people PE equipment The balcony School pets People coming into school to work with us Books Outdoor projects

22 A quiet moment of prayer or reflection...

23 Here in our school Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other. Let love be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together. A prayer for all of us

24 If everyone takes responsibility for making our school the best it can be, we will have the best school in THE WORLD! PLAY YOUR PART! BE PART OF SOMETHING FANTASTIC!

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