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Little Panda Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Work Phonics Lesson High Frequency Words Additional Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Little Panda Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Work Phonics Lesson High Frequency Words Additional Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Little Panda Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Work Phonics Lesson High Frequency Words Additional Resources

2 How does a panda change in its first year of life? Question of the Day

3 Compare and Contrast When we tell how things are alike and different, we are comparing and contrasting.

4 Amazing Words

5 nan takes a nap

6 Nan takes a nap.



9 N n

10 nip nap




14 Let’s Write Verbs Nat sings. He mops the floor.


16 What did the panda look like when she was a baby? Question of the Day

17 bob blows big bubbles

18 Bob blows big bubbles.

19 Shared Reading Pages 4–5 What does the mother panda look like? Can you find the baby panda? Where was the baby panda born? Pages 6–7 How is the little panda beginning to look like her mother? Who takes care of the baby panda? Pages 8–9 What are the men doing? Why do you think they measure the little panda?

20 Shared Reading Pages 10–11 What new things can the little panda do? What else does she want to learn to do? Pages 12–13 What happens when the little panda turns 100 days old? What does Hua Mei mean? Pages 14–15 What does the curious little panda want to explore? What else do you think she will do or explore?

21 Shared Reading Pages 16–17 What is the little panda doing here? What causes the little panda to flip upside down? Pages 18–19 What did the little panda play with? Which toy do you think the panda likes best? Pages 20–21 What does the little panda have in her playground? How is her playground different from your playground?

22 Shared Reading Pages 22–23 What is in the pool? Why do you think the little panda likes the cool water? Pages 24–25 What is Bai Yun eating? How are the little panda and her mother different? Why are pandas called bamboo bears? Pages 26–27 What is the little panda doing? What do you think she is thinking?

23 Shared Reading Pages 28–29 What game do the little panda and her mother like to play? How is the mama panda like your mom? Pages 30–31 Hua Mei is one year old now. How are she and her mother alike?

24 Compare and Contrast The little panda is growing quickly. The little panda is bigger now, and she has patches of dark skin that will soon become fur. How is the little panda beginning to look like her mother?

25 Samsattipmat patamsitTim catheforI haveismywe





30 Let’s Write Verbs Action words are called verbs. Act out these verbs: dance, walk, sit, stand, clap, and hop.


32 How is a baby panda different from its mother? Question of the Day

33 she gave bob the new book

34 She gave Bob the new book.

35 can

36 cab

37 bat

38 Nan

39 bats

40 man

41 bin

42 bib

43 cabs

44 tip

45 sip

46 Tim

47 sit

48 sips

49 mitt

50 mist

51 pit

52 pat

53 cap

54 pats

55 Cam

56 map

57 sat

58 cast

59 Sam

60 Pam

61 tap

62 mat

63 cat

64 spat

65 Tam

66 mats

67 Sam

68 heforwelikeislittlemyIhave

69 B b




73 Let’s Write Verbs

74 What does a young panda like to do outside? Question of the Day

75 the pin is in the Bin

76 The pin is in the bin.



79 mewithshe




83 Let’s Write Poems Sleep, Little Panda Sleep, sleep, sleep, little panda. Sleep, little panda, sleep. "Skip to My Lou“ Write these phrases on the board and have children sing each verse with you. Invite children to act out what the little panda learns to do in each verse. *See, see, learn to see.*Hold, hold, hold up your head. *Stand, stand, stand and walk.*Climb, climb, climb a tree. *Eat, eat, eat bamboo.

84 How does a panda change in its first year of life? Question of the Day

85 the big pig did not win

86 The big pig did not win.

87 at

88 she

89 a

90 am

91 he

92 for

93 we

94 the

95 like

96 with

97 me

98 have

99 is

100 little

101 I


103 Websites National Geographic: Elusive Giant Panda Elusive Giant Panda Video Clip Alphabet Order Click on the letters to put them in order.Alphabet Order Rapid Naming Practice Objects, Letters, Colors and NumbersRapid Naming Starfall: Learn to Read Starfall : Letter N Baby Panda Pictures Live Panda Cam Word Family Sort Construct a Word

104 Websites Compare and Contrast contrast.html Activities and games for verbs html

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