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Presentation Agenda Condition Assessment Practice Notes for Parks and Open Space and Facilities Management AUS-SPEC Documentation for Parks and Open Space Maintenance The ISO Asset Management Standards Status and Implications for Parks AM NAMS.PLUS2 Your Questions Day is structured with activities breaks etc as identified
Our greatest strength is our networks and Tools & Resources
IPWEA Practice Notes Guidelines to foster a National approach
Peer review process Acknowledge enormous industry support Practice Notes on Condition Assessment: Parks PN 10 under development Buildings PN3 – Facilities Managers Levels of Service – out soon
Parks Practice Note 10.1 Parks Asset Management:
Inventories, Condition and Performance Grading Scope covers publicly accessible parks open space, and natural areas Due for publication early 2014
Contents of PN 10 Key Principles of Parks Asset Management Planning
Level of Service Asset Register Condition Assessment Performance Assessment Asset Condition Grading Descriptions Examples and Templates
Asset Condition Grading Descriptions
Furniture Structures Public Toilets Signs and Fences Playgrounds Tracks, paths and hard surfaces Services Irrigation Turf/grass Trees Gardens Natural/bush areas
Example of Playground Equipment
Examples and Templates
Condition Rating Reference Sheets with Photo Examples Asset Data Collection Forms Asset Performance Scoring Example
Practice Note 3: Buildings
Provides guidance on carrying out condition & performance assessment of buildings and surrounds Assists the establishment of a register, component condition assessment, estimates of remaining useful life, risk analysis, reporting, work schedules and financial planning Purchase includes download access to valuable spreadsheet resources, data collection forms, case studies and report templates
Workshops for Facilities Managers
Buildings PN3 - 2 Day Workshops Case Studies Hands on Condition assessments Buildings.PLUS FREE Webinar Series
AUS-SPEC Documentation
TECHguide 401 Guide to parks and open space maintenance system and documentation Parks and Open Space maintenance Building maintenance and operation specifications including Public toilets
AUS-SPEC Maintenance Systems
Pro-active approach Roles and Responsibilities Principal Contractor Superintendent Procurement
Components of the System
General Requirements and Contract Schedules Quality Requirements and Maintenance Plan Maintenance Worksections Activity Specifications Classification of Service Levels
Application of the System
Trial Contracts Implementation Phase Data Collection Benchmarking Continuous improvement
NAMS.PLUS2 - Structured program for writing asset management plans
Training and support for subscribing organisations A suite of asset management planning templates and guidelines A guided pathway to sustainable service delivery in the form of an eBook for NAMS.PLUS2Online modelling Help desk support and How-To guides Online discussion community of practice forum
ISO Standards for Asset Management are coming
What will the standards deliver? Implications for local government and other organisations? Implications for Asset Managers in Parks? Will they create a stimulus for new guidance and practice?
Standards Contents The ISO 55000 suite includes:
ISO Asset management – Overview, principles and terminology ISO Asset management – Management System - Requirements ISO Asset management – Management systems - Guidelines on the application of ISO 55001
Australian Representation ISO PC 251 Asset Management
Main Sectors involved: Academia – UWA (Chair) Water – WSAA and AWA Energy – Energy Networks Australia Infrastructure – IPWEA Mining – CRC Mining Industry – AMC Defence – ADO Unions - APESMA
Development Inputs PAS 55 an early catalyst – BUT new Standards more generic ISO Management System Standards preparation guidelines: ISO Joint Technical Co-Ordination Group Common Language Standard terminology Consistency with other Management Systems; Risk Environmental Quality
Some Key Issues All about a MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for asset management
“What to do” NOT “How to do it” Can be applied to ANY assets – not just Physical assets Each organization determines which assets involved Asset Lifecycle approach- Life Stages to suit each organization.
Why will they be used? Because it is good business practice
To foster better organizational management processes To drive continuous improvement To satisfy stakeholders seeking assurance about how well the assets are managed Because regulators or legislation dictates such and maybe requires third party certification
Item can be physical or non-physical.
Some Definitions Asset: Item, thing or entity that has potential or actual VALUE to an organization Item can be physical or non-physical. The value will vary between different organizations and their stakeholders. Value can be tangible or intangible, financial or non-financial. Can be applied to all types of assets and by all types and sizes of organizations.
Asset Management & AM System
Coordinated activities of an organisation to realise value from assets in the delivery of its outcomes or objectives Involves balance of costs, risks and benefits - over time AM System: A set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization, that establish asset management policies and objectives, and the processes needed to achieve those objectives.
Relationship between Key Terms Fig 1 DIS 55000
55000 - Asset Management Fundamentals
Assets exist to provide value to the organization and its stakeholders Asset management is not about just the assets, but the value they can provide to the organization and stakeholders – via services or products Alignment Asset management translates the organizational objectives into technical and financial decisions, plans and activities.
55000 - Asset Management Fundamentals
Leadership and workplace culture are critical Leadership and commitment from all managerial levels is essential for successfully establishing, operating and improving asset management within the organization. Asset management assures that assets will fulfill their required purpose The need for assurance arises from the need to effectively govern an organization.
ISO 55001 Specifies the requirements for a management system for asset management – 73 “Shalls” Apply in entirety – But Scalable to suit organisation needs Focus on physical Assets – but can apply to All Assets Eg. non-physical assets such as leases, brands, intellectual property rights, reputation or agreements.
What will the Standards deliver?
A Framework for a consistent Management System approach to AM. Greater commitment at Senior Management level. Better integration of asset management and financial management. More effective asset management process. Better VALUE to stakeholders
Will it replace existing manuals and practice guides such as IIMM?
My view – Answer is resounding NO! IIMM provides the necessary “How To” meet the Standards requirements. However the IIMM does need to recognise and be tailored to work with the ISO Standards.
IIMM Update – Status Report
Commenced mapping process to identify Sections from IIMM against the Requirements. Producing an Addendum to highlight how to apply the IIMM in meeting ISO requirements.
Will the Standards create a stimulus for new guidance and practice?
Can if applied appropriately and not just for sake of compliance. Lessons can be learned from a more globally consistent approach. Promoting integration of management systems can break down silos. Look at any gaps between current practice and what is promoted in the Standards.
IPWEA Policy on the ISO Standards
All infrastructure orgs should consider for benefits from applying a MS approach. Governments to promote at level appropriate to business/community needs. Not prescriptive – apply to those assets and at level appropriate to stakeholder needs. Not just for compliance – part of overall management approach. Orgs to decide on appropriate level of certifying compliance.
To Audit or Not for Compliance?
What will your stakeholders expect? What are the costs/benefits? Concern regarding the competence Auditors in the AM MS field. IPWEA in discussions with AMC (and others) to establish a technical evaluation process for AM Auditors.
Next Steps on ISO? Standards Australia to resolve through MB19 Committee whether to adopt or modify. Likely to be in place by beginning of next year. IPWEA to run series of 1 day workshops to raise awareness and assist in implementation. Highlight Policy Using the IIMM as “How To” guide.
What will be your position on the Standards?
Consider application for pursuit of good practice? Voluntarily apply to satisfy stakeholders? Apply and look to self-certify compliance? Apply with third party accreditation? Wait and see what Government requires? Ignore at your peril?
Your Questions?
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