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CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ) 1.  FY2013 = $9.8 million for NE  New CMAQ Guidance, November 12, 2013  Purpose of the CMAQ Program is to.

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Presentation on theme: "CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ) 1.  FY2013 = $9.8 million for NE  New CMAQ Guidance, November 12, 2013  Purpose of the CMAQ Program is to."— Presentation transcript:


2  FY2013 = $9.8 million for NE  New CMAQ Guidance, November 12, 2013  Purpose of the CMAQ Program is to fund transportation projects that, Contribute to attainment or maintenance of the NAAQS… with a high level of efficiency.  Goals of the program are to, improve air Quality and relieve congestion 2

3 CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ)  Nebraska has no Non-attainment or Maintenance areas  NDOR uses flexibility provisions authorized MAP-21 CMAQ funds for STP eligible projects  NDOR and NDEQ is monitoring NAAQS, the Ozone and Particulate Matter status 3

4 CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ)  Ozone Status in Omaha Area  Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone stayed at 0.75ppm. The Omaha area is within the Standards and monitors are tracking positive. PM-10 Non-attainment (Particulate Matter)  Currently no counties in NE have a non-attainment status for PM-10.  Weeping Water monitor associated with the limestone mining operation  Omaha Steel at 46 th and Farnam  PM-10 monitors have exceeded standards. Provided our positive actions; NE has not been moved to a non-attainment status PM-2.5 Non-Attainment  One monitor in the Bellevue area had a high reading in 2010 but it is still within the 24 hour NAAQS. 4

5 CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ)  NDOR would consider CMAQ project funding proposals Transportation projects; likely to contribute to the attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard, with a high level of effectiveness in reducing air pollution MAP 21 calls for USDOT to establish better tools for measuring cost- effectiveness of eligible project types 5

6 CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ)  Request should include: Project Description Purpose and Need for the project Project size, scope, location and timetable Estimate of the project cost and local or private contribution Requested CMAQ funding amount  Also include Analysis: Quantitated Analysis of the reduction of pollution or emissions Qualitative Assessment of the air quality impacts 6

7 CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY(CMAQ)  NDOR selection is based on: Project is eligible for CMAQ funds Would the project benefit an area within Nebraska where there is concern for maintaining the NAAQS Quantitative Analysis expects emission reductions or the Qualitative Assessment provide logical reasoning of expected emission benefits. High level of effectiveness in reducing air pollution? Project cost, the local or private contribution and proposed schedule or timetable. 7


9  Goals Invest in Infrastructure to Reduce congestion & Increase productivity Improve Safety and security Improve the state of good repair Use advanced technology to achieve goals Incorporate concepts of Performance and Accountability Improve economic efficiency Reduce environmental impacts 9

10 NATIONAL FREIGHT POLICY  Rule Making is still in Progress Designation of Primary Freight Network Primary Freight Network (27,000 mi) + Rest of the interstate, and CRFC Performance Measures, final rule next year Interim guidance Freight plan  The benefit - Federal cost share from 90% to 95%  State Freight Advisory Committees  State Freight Plans 10

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