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Good Agricultural Practices and Pre-Farm Gate Module 7 and Derivatives

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1 Good Agricultural Practices and Pre-Farm Gate Module 7 and Derivatives
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Good Agricultural Practices and Pre-Farm Gate Module 7 and Derivatives © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

2 Pre Farm Gate - Overview
Implementing SQF Systems Pre Farm Gate - Overview Addresses the Good Agricultural Practices requirements for the growing and harvesting of plants, other than grains and pulses including: Site requirements Product handling Storage areas and equipment Pest and animal control Sanitation and waste handling Personal hygiene Water management Soil management Harvesting Section 6 covers Module 7: Good Agricultural Practices for farming of plant products other than grains and pulses, for food. Suppliers implementing this module must also meet the requirements of Module 2: System Elements described in Section 5. Portions of Module 7 were developed using the United Harmonized Standard. You may want to have participants refer to the Standard while reviewing this Module. Have participants refer to SQF Code, 7th edition, Module 7. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

3 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Pre Farm Gate Modules GAP for Farming of Animal Products GAP for Farming of Fish GAP for Farming of Plant Products GAP for Farming of Grains and Pulses 5 6 7 Module 7 outlines general practices. These general practices were then customized for other industry segments: Module 5: GAP for farming of animal products; Module 6: GAP for farming of fish; and Module 8: GAP for the farming of grains and pulses. 8 © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

4 Pre Farm Gate – Relevant FSCs
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Pre Farm Gate – Relevant FSCs FSC 1 – Production, Capture and Harvesting of Livestock and Game Animals FSC 2 – Growing and Harvesting of Animal Feeds FSC 3 – Growing and Production of Fresh Produce FSC 5 – Extensive Broad Acre Agriculture Operations The food sector categories (FSCs) associated with those pre-farm gate modules include those listed here. As you learned in Section 2, your specific FSC will determine which module you will follow when you implement the SQF Code and it has bearing on your Scope of Certification. The content of this module applies only to FSC 3, please consult your SQF Code for the modules that address FSC 1, 2 and 5. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

5 Section 7 – Element Overview
Implementing SQF Systems Section 7 – Element Overview 7.1 – Site Requirements 7.2 – Product Handling and Storage Areas and Equipment 7.3 – Personal Hygiene 7.4 – Field Packaging and Handling Practices 7.5 – Water Management 7.6 – Storage and Transport 7.7 – Soil Management 7.8 – Harvesting 7.9 – Waste Disposal Elements in module 7 can be grouped by topic area. Each section will be further explained throughout this training segment. This section begins with an overview of the requirements for the property location and site requirements, then addresses the requirements for product handling and storage areas and equipment. The content will then move to a discussion of personal hygiene requirements for all staff and visitors and incudes information on the necessary equipment and amenities to maintain proper personal hygiene. This is followed by information on the hygiene requirements for field packaging and handling. The section continues with the requirements for water management including ice and irrigation water, storage and transport including toxic substances on the farm, soil management, harvesting and waste handling. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

6 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Note All items in Section 5 are “Shalls” Exclusions to applicable requirements or alternate methods of control are permitted however they are to be supported by a detailed risk analysis outlining the basis for any exclusion and demonstrate food safety is not compromised Note that all of the items included in this section of the Code are not guidance, they are not what you “should be doing” but rather what you as the supplier SHALL do…these are MUST do’s in order to help you attain SQF Certification Also note that exclusions to these requirements or alternative methods of control are permitted however they are to be supported by a detailed risk analysis outlining outlining the basis for any exclusion or alternative control measure to demonstrate food safety is not compromised © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

7 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.1 Site Requirements 7.1.1 – Property Location The first topic that we will cover is 7.1, site requirements. This section addresses the location of the farm and facilities so as to not impact the safety and quality of the food grown. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

8 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.1.1 Property Location Adjacent and adjoining buildings, operations and land use do not interfere with the safe and hygienic operations on the property Prepare a soil map Re-evaluate the analysis in the event of changes that impact the production of safe product Implement control measures to reduce identify hazards Site Requirements and Approval Property Location The farm and facilities shall be such that adjacent and adjoining buildings, operations and land use do not interfere with the safe and hygienic operations on the property. A soil map shall be prepared and risk assessment conducted to evaluate and document the risk to crops due to prior land use, adjacent land use, and other environmental factors including structures and equipment. Consideration shall be given to the following: i. History of land use. ii. Topography. iii. Adjacent land use. iv. Other factors that may impact on the ability to supply safe product. The analysis shall be re-evaluated in the event of any circumstance or change that may impact on the production of safe product. Where risks are identified, control measures shall be implemented to reduce the identified hazards to an acceptable level. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

9 7.1.1 Property Location, cont.
Risk analysis of the associated hazards: History of land use Topography Adjacent land use Other factors

10 7.2 Product Handling and Storage Areas and Equipment
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2 Product Handling and Storage Areas and Equipment 7.2.1 – Field and Storage Buildings 7.2.2 – Glasshouses, Hydroponics 7.2.3 – Chillers and Cold Storage 7.2.4 – Storage of Dry Ingredient, Packaging and Utensils 7.2.5 – Farm Machinery, Conveyors, Harvesting and Processing Rigs Construction and Storage 7.2.6 – Vehicles, Equipment and Utensils 7.2.7 – Maintenance Protocol 7.2.8 – Calibration of Equipment 7.2.9 – Pest and Vermin Management – Animal Control – Cleaning and Sanitation The next section will address the safe design and construction of storage areas, such as storage buildings, chillers, and cold storage as well as glasshouses. This section also outlines equipment use, calibration and maintenance, the management of pests and animals, and general sanitation practices. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

11 7.2.1 Field and Storage Buildings
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.1 Field and Storage Buildings Design and construction of all buildings must permit compliance to good hygiene practices Buildings include those to store: equipment field chemicals field packing materials field products © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

12 7.2.1 Field and Storage Buildings, cont.
Construction of such buildings shall be of durable construction that do not constitute a food safety risk Interior surfaces shall be: smooth impervious light colored kept clean

13 7.2.2 Glasshouses, Hydroponics
Construct indoor growing facilities in a manner that does not pose a food safety risk to the product Facilities that use green houses must document and implement a procedure to address glass or hard plastic breakage

14 7.2.3 Chillers and Cold Storage
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.3 Chillers and Cold Storage Provide confirmation of the effective operational performance of chilling and cold storage facilities. Interior surfaces must be of solid construction and smooth, impervious and light-colored Condensate lines must be discharged to the drainage system Freezers, cold rooms and chillers are generally constructed of prefabricated wall and ceiling sections with internal lining finishes constructed of anticorrosive materials with a smooth light colored surface. Joints at the wall to wall junctions and corners are generally rounded and all joins and edges will be sealed, tight fitting and water proof with no cracks or crevices that may provide access for vermin or be difficult to clean. From the United Harmonized Standard: Facility and equipment structures and surfaces (floors, walls, ceilings, doors, frames, hatches, etc.) shall be constructed in a manner that facilitates cleaning and sanitation and does not serve as harborage for contaminants or pests. Chill and cold storage loading dock areas shall be appropriately sealed, drained and graded. Refrigeration and freezing equipment Refrigeration and freezing equipment is to be installed in a room separate from food handling, processing and storage areas. The room and equipment will be kept in a clean and tidy condition and not pose a threat to the hygienic upkeep of the premises. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

15 7.2.3 Chillers and Cold Storage, cont.
Floors must be: Smooth, dense, impact resistant Impervious to liquid Easily cleaned Graded to allow effective removal of overflow or waste water

16 7.2.3 Chillers and Cold Storage, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.3 Chillers and Cold Storage, cont. Lighting must be shatterproof or have protective light covers Refrigeration capacity must be sufficient to chill or store the maximum anticipated throughput of product Temperature monitoring equipment Located to monitor warmest part of room Readable and accessible recording device Loading and unloading areas Docks designed to protect product during loading and unloading Light Fittings Lighting shall be shatter-proof or provided with protective covers. From the United Harmonized Standard: Fixtures, ducts, pipes and overhead structures shall be installed and maintained so that drips and condensation do not contaminate produce, raw materials or food contact surfaces. Water from refrigeration drip pans shall be drained and disposed of away from product and product contact surfaces. Drip pans and drains shall be designed to assure condensate does not become a source of contamination. Air intakes shall not be located near potential sources of contamination. Temperature Monitoring Equipment Chilling and cold storage rooms shall be fitted with temperature monitoring equipment and located so as to monitor the warmest part of the room and be fitted with a temperature recording device that is easily readable and accessible. Loading and Unloading Areas Loading and unloading docks shall be designed to protect product during loading and unloading activities and surrounding areas shall be sealed, drained and graded. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

17 7.2.4 Storage of Dry Ingredient, Packaging and Utensils
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.4 Storage of Dry Ingredient, Packaging and Utensils Constructed of approved materials Must keep dry goods dry, clean, free from dirt and pest residues and remain fit for their purpose Construction of storage rooms must be such to allow the separate storage of harvesting and packing utensils Unrefrigerated storage facilities such as silos must be constructed of approved materials. Rooms used for the storage of product ingredients and other dry goods are located away from wet areas and constructed to protect the product from contamination and deterioration. Racks provided for the storage of goods are generally constructed of impervious materials and designed to be easily cleaned. Safe fumigation practices shall be implemented to prevent pest invasion. All packaging material must be stored separately from farm machinery, chemicals and toxic substances. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

18 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.5 Farm Machinery, Conveyors, Harvesting and Processing Rigs Construction and Storage Product contact surfaces must be constructed of materials that will not contribute a food or feed safety risk Processing tools must be constructed of materials that are non-toxic, smooth, impervious and easily cleaned Allow for washing and storage of processing equipment Store of farm machinery separate from food conveyors and harvesting equipment Product contact surfaces on conveyors, harvesting and processing rigs shall be designed and constructed to allow for the efficient handling of product and those surfaces in direct contact with product shall be constructed of materials that will not contribute a food or feed safety risk. Processing equipment such as knives, totes, trays, conveyors, containers and other equipment shall be constructed of materials that are non-toxic, smooth, impervious and easily cleaned. There must be provisions made that allow for the washing and storage of processing rigs, equipment, conveyors, totes, trays containers, utensils and other food contact equipment in a manner that will not cause contamination or pose a food safety risk to the equipment or product. Storage of farm machinery must be separate from food conveyors, harvesting and processing rigs. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

19 7.2.6 Vehicles, Equipment and Utensils
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.6 Vehicles, Equipment and Utensils Keep clean and maintain in good repair equipment, vehicles, tools, utensils and other farming materials Properly store these materials Clean water tanks at a sufficient frequency Implement and document a procedure for the inspection of food contact harvest containers and pallets Include the type and construction of these containers and harvest materials © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

20 7.2.6 Vehicles, Equipment and Utensils, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.6 Vehicles, Equipment and Utensils, cont. Vehicles used to transport feedstuffs must not be used to carry waste materials, manure or hazardous substances without a thorough cleaning and inspection Machinery must be fitted with drip trays to prevent contamination. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

21 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.7 Maintenance Protocol Plan and schedule the maintenance and repair of equipment and buildings Minimize risk of product or equipment contamination Maintenance of equipment and buildings shall be carried out in a manner that prevents any risk of contamination of product or equipment and a producer shall document its Premises and Equipment Maintenance Protocol. It is essential staff, maintenance personnel and contractors adhere to the correct procedures when completing maintenance in a food premises. Equipment is to be checked before use and missing parts (e.g. nuts, bolts, washers, springs etc.,) are to be reported to supervisors. Staff responsible for reporting and completing repairs and cleaning the equipment after repairs will be specified. Maintenance staff and contractors are required to be instructed not to complete temporary repairs with unauthorized materials (wood, strings. cardboard, and tape) that could compromise the safety of the process and the product, impede routine cleaning procedures or provide harborage for vermin. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

22 7.2.8 Calibration of Equipment
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.8 Calibration of Equipment Document, implement methods and responsibility for calibration and re-calibration of chemical application, measuring, test and inspection equipment used for monitoring activities Calibration Standards Against national or international reference standards and methods or to accuracy appropriate to its use (provide evidence) Calibration Schedule Per recognized standards Maintain records Calibration standards Equipment shall be calibrated against national or international reference standards and methods or to accuracy appropriate to its use. In cases where standards are not available the Supplier shall indicate and provide evidence to support the calibration reference method applied. Calibration schedule Calibration shall be undertaken to an established schedule. Records Calibration records shall be maintained © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

23 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management Document and implement methods for integrated pest management for the site or facilities Keep property, storage facilities, machinery and equipment free of waste or accumulated debris so as not to attract pests and vermin This includes the Pest Management program that is developed by the contract service provider for pest control. This will include the methods for application of pest management techniques, practices and chemical treatments. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

24 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management, cont. Pest and vermin management program: Describe the methods, responsibility for development, implementation and maintenance of program Identify target pests for each pesticide application Outline methods used to prevent pest problems Outline methods used to eliminate pests when found Outline the frequency for checking pest status Identify on site map with identification, location, number and type of bait stations set Inspections Inspections for pest activity shall be undertaken on a regular basis and the appropriate action taken if pests are present. Records Records of all pest control applications shall be maintained. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

25 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.2.9 Pest and Vermin Management, cont. Pest and vermin management program, cont. List chemicals used as approved by relevant authority Make MSDS available Outline methods used to make staff aware of bait control program and measures to take when they come in contact with bait stations Outline requirements for staff awareness and training in use of pest and vermin control chemicals and baits Using pest control chemicals Pesticides and other toxic chemicals shall be clearly labeled and stored as described in and handled only by properly trained personnel. They shall be used by or under the direct supervision of trained personnel with a thorough understanding of the hazards involved, including the possibility of contamination of the product. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

26 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Animal Control Develop, implement and monitor a written risk assessment on animal activity Plan must exclude domestic and wild animals from Growing fields Glasshouses Pack houses Storage areas From the United Harmonized Standard: There shall be a written assessment of the growing fields and adjacent land, prior to each growing season, focusing on domestic and wild animal activity including grazing and feeding operations, noting crop characteristics, type and approximate number of animals, proximity to the growing field, water sources, and other relevant factors. There shall be scheduled monitoring of growing fields and adjacent land for evidence of animal activity. A frequency of monitoring and assessment shall be established based on production factors, such as the crop, geography, and other conditions. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

27 7.2.11 Cleaning and Sanitation
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Cleaning and Sanitation Document and implement methods and responsibility for cleaning product contact surfaces, field processing equipment and sanitary facilities. Consider: What is to be cleaned How it is to be cleaned When it is to be cleaned Who is responsible for the cleaning Address the responsibility for the evaluation of the cleaning The cleaning protocol will include the following detail: List all the areas and equipment to be cleaned Cleaning schedule (the cleaning frequency for cleaning and sanitizing different areas of the operation and all associated equipment including what should be cleaned between breaks) Provide a full description of the cleaning procedures that include: Dry clean – physically remove solid particles by sweeping or wiping Rinse Wash equipment and surfaces Rinse, sanitize work surfaces and equipment by using an acceptable chemical sanitizer at an appropriate concentration © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

28 7.2.11 Cleaning and Sanitation, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Cleaning and Sanitation, cont. Prepare a schedule indicating frequency for verifying the effectiveness of the cleaning. Indicate who is responsible for verifying cleaning activities Record cleaning and sanitation activities Verifying the Effectiveness Verification of cleaning effectiveness is to be included in the Cleaning Sanitation Protocol using microbiological testing programs of product contact surfaces appropriate to the food safety risk, for micro sensitive products. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

29 7.3 Personal Hygiene and Welfare
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3 Personal Hygiene and Welfare 7.3.1 – Personnel Practices 7.3.2 – Sanitary Facilities and Handwashing 7.3.3 – Protective Clothing 7.3.4 – Jewelry and Personal Effects 7.3.5 – Visitors 7.3.6 – Amenities 7.3.7 – First Aid The next topic discussed in this section is personal hygiene. This includes practices to prevent staff from contaminating food when ill, the wearing of clothing to protect the food from contamination, and the control of jewelry and personal effects. This section also includes criteria for visitor, amenities for staff, and first aid. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

30 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.1 Personnel Practices Personnel engaged in the handling of product must observe appropriate personal practices. Implement corrective actions for personnel who violate food safety practices Personnel health Employees must not grown or handle product if suffering from or carriers of infectious foodborne diseases Where necessary, medical screening of staff and contractors is to be undertaken to detect carriers of infectious diseases. Staff identified as carriers of infectious disease are not permitted to handle food. Staff with exposed cuts are not permitted to handle food unless suitable protective coverings are applied and these coverings monitored regularly by responsible personnel to ensure they remain effective. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

31 7.3.1 Personnel Practices, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.1 Personnel Practices, cont. Handling cuts and lesions Employees must not handle product if have exposed cuts, sores or lesions Cover minor cuts, abrasions with suitable waterproof dressing Create a written policy to address product that contacts blood or bodily fluids Personal practices No smoking, chewing, eating, drinking or spitting in any growing areas including processing rigs and during harvesting and packing. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

32 7.3.2 Sanitary Facilities and Handwashing
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.2 Sanitary Facilities and Handwashing Design, construction and location Minimizes risk for product contamination Appropriate number of easily cleaned toilets Properly stocked handwashing basins Signage in appropriate languages Racks for clothing and storage for personal belongings Ready access by employees Toilet facilities should be constructed and designed and located away from crop and food contact and handling areas to prevent food safety hazards. To encourage usage these areas should be readily accessible, with enough toilets for the maximum number of employees. Toilets should be easy to clean and maintained with nearby hand wash basins that includes clean water, hand soap, single use towels or similar hand drying device. Racks for clothing must be provided to prevent contamination of product and clothing. Handwashing signs reminding employees to wash their hands should be provided in all languages spoken. Storage of employees personal belongings should be provided away from the crops, harvesting and filed processing and packing operations and processing equipment. Designated areas for employees breaks and meals should be provided. This area should be away from all food contact and handling areas and all processing equipment. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

33 7.3.2 Sanitary Facilities and Handwashing, cont.
Personnel shall have clean hands Hands shall be washed by all personnel: Before handling product After each visit to a toilet; After using a handkerchief; After handling dirty or contaminated material; and After smoking, eating or drinking.

34 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.3 Protective Clothing Must not present a contamination risk to product Uniforms, footwear, clothing must be maintained, cleaned and sanitized and worn so as to protect product from contamination If product handling gloves are worn, the operation must have a use policy in place Clothing worn by staff engaged in handling food shall be maintained, stored, laundered and worn so as no to present a contamination risk to product. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

35 7.3.4 Jewelry and Personal Effects
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.4 Jewelry and Personal Effects Jewelry or other loose objects must not be worn or taken into any growing, product handling or storage operations. Jewelry and other loose objects shall not be worn or taken into any growing, food handling or processing operation. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

36 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.5 Visitors All visitors, management and maintenance staff Wear suitable protective clothing Remove jewelry and other loose objects Comply with all personal practices and hand washing requirements Screening Prevent from entering any growing or product handling or field processing operations if exhibiting visible signs of illness Unsupervised children are not permitted into any harvesting, packing or food storage area Any employee or visitor entering the growing, harvesting or product handling areas must comply with personal hygiene requirements. All visitors are required to wear clean clothing including foot wear and head coverings. The protective clothing will be sufficient to cover the visitors clothing. Visitors will be required to remove jewelry and other loose objects that may contaminate product. Visitors are required to comply with all hand washing and personal requirements. Visitors should not be permitted to handle any product or equipment unless suitable precautions are taken. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

37 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.6 Amenities Storage area for personal belongings Located away from crops, harvesting, processing and packing operations and processing equipment Designated areas for meal breaks Located away from food handling areas and processing equipment Drinking water available Storage of employees personal belongings should be provided away from the crops, harvesting and filed processing and packing operations and processing equipment. Designated areas for employees breaks and meals should be provided. This area should be away from all food contact and handling areas and all processing equipment. From the United Harmonized Standard: Drinking water, which meets drinking water standards, shall be easily accessible to field personnel and in compliance with applicable regulation. Bottled water or potable drinking water stations with single-use cups and a trash receptacle shall be available to all field employees. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

38 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.3.7 First Aid First aid available and maintained to treat minor injuries Provide for specialized care if needed Kits must be kept in a sanitary and usable condition First aid facilities should be equipped with the tools to provide immediate care to employees with minor injuries. Plans should be in place to provide employees with more specialized care in case of more serious injuries. The kits must be maintained in a sanitary and usable condition. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

39 7.4 Field Packaging and Handling Practices
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.4 Field Packaging and Handling Practices 7.4.1 – Field Packing Personnel Practices In this portion of content, proper practices for field packaging and handling practices are addressed; this includes addressing personal hygiene practices for field employees and having a written policy on field packaging and handling to prevent product contamination. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

40 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices Appropriate personnel practices employed by field packing staff engaged in handling food are essential part of any food production operation Proper food handling practices produce sanitary conditions which result in: extended storage life of products; reduced risk of process or product suspension on sanitary grounds; reduced risk of product being involved in food borne illness outbreak; less need to reprocess product; products capable of meeting government and commercial microbiological specifications; and fewer product rejections, returns or complaints. While management has overall responsibility for ensuring that sanitary processing practices are adopted all employees also responsible for ensuring these procedures are carried out properly and effectively. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

41 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices, cont. Personnel practices for field packing employees: No nail polish when product is handled with bare hands Keep aprons and gloves clean Do not store aprons and gloves on product, work surfaces, equipment, or packing materials Provide apron and glove racks for storage of items Keep product and packaging material off the ground and floor of transport vehicles. Contain waste in identified bins, regular removal to avoid build up From the United Harmonized Standard: When employees wear protective clothing, such as aprons and gloves, the Operation shall have a policy for how the clothing and tools shall be stored when not in use so as to avoid potential contamination. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

42 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices, cont. A written policy regarding the handling and field packaging of produce, specific to the commodity shall assure that: Damaged or decayed produce is not harvested or culled Produce that contacts the ground must not be harvested Measures to inspect for physical hazards and procedures to remove physical hazards are in place Cloths, towels, or other cleaning materials that pose a risk of cross-contamination shall not be used to wipe produce From the United Harmonized Standard: Employees are trained that only sound produce appropriate for the intended use is harvested, and that produce that has been damaged to an extent that it poses a microbial food safety hazard is not harvested or is culled. Operation has considered and developed written policies regarding produce that comes in contact with the soil (e.g., drops). Policy shall be consistent with industry standards or prevailing regulations. Operation shall have procedures to detect glass/plastic breakage and remove possible physical contamination such as glass, metal, rocks, or other hazardous items, during harvesting operations. Operations shall not use cloths or other cleaning materials to clean produce, unless there is a procedure to prevent cross-contamination. The product contact packaging shall be appropriate to the commodity being harvested and suited for its intended purpose. If produce is packed in field, operation has considered and developed written policies regarding placement of packing materials directly on the soil, or whether a physical buffer (e.g., buffer bin or slip sheet) is required. Policy shall be consistent with industry standards. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

43 7.4.1 Field Packaging Handling Practices, cont.
Packaging materials must be appropriate for their intended use Materials that come in contact with the product must be clean and in good repair

44 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5 Water Management 7.5.1 – Water System Description 7.5.2 – Irrigation Water 7.5.3 – Treatment of Irrigation Water 7.5.4 – Water System Risk Assessment 7.5.5 – Water Management Plan 7.5.6 – Corrective Actions 7.5.7 – Ice 7.5.8 – Harvest Assessment Water/Ice This section addresses the criteria for water and ice used for the growing, handling, treating and harvesting of produce. Much of the information has been based on the United Harmonized Standard. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

45 7.5.1 Water System Description
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.1 Water System Description Prepare a water description plan that describes the water sources and production block served The plan will contain visual descriptions of the location of water sources, fixtures and water flow Water must be sourced according to prevailing regulations Water systems to convey untreated human waste must be separate from those for agricultural water From the United Harmonized Standard: Water sources and the production blocks they may serve shall be documented and current. The description shall include one or more of the following: maps, photographs, drawings (hand drawings are acceptable) or other means to communicate the location of water source(s), permanent fixtures and the flow of the water system (including holding systems, reservoirs or any water captured for re-use). Permanent fixtures include wells, gates, reservoirs, valves, returns and other above ground features that make up a complete irrigation system shall be documented in such a manner as to enable location in the field. Agricultural water shall be sourced from a location and in a manner that is compliant with prevailing regulations. Agricultural water systems shall not be cross-connected with human or animal waste systems. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

46 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.2 Irrigation Water Also called agricultural water From a known, clean source or treated to make usable Analysis of the potential hazards to the water supply must be conducted Establish acceptance criteria for water monitoring Validate and verify integrity of water The irrigation water must be from a known clean water supply or the water is treated so that it is suitable for use. The producer should have conducted a hazard analysis of the irrigation water supply starting at the source of the water and continue through to application. The hazard analysis should provide the background in order to establish the acceptable criteria for monitoring the water. The water integrity must be validated and verified to ensure the water is suitable for its intended use. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

47 7.5.3 Treatment of Irrigation Water
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.3 Treatment of Irrigation Water Treat to render acceptable Conform to microbiological standards in 7.5.5 If irrigation water is treated to be acceptable for use then the water that is being used after treatment must be checked and should conform to the microbiological standards that are outlined in © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

48 7.5.4 Water System Risk Assessment
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.4 Water System Risk Assessment Perform and document an initial risk assessment Assessment must take into consideration: Historical testing results Characteristics of the crop Stage of the crop Method of application From the United Harmonized Standard: A review or new assessment shall be conducted seasonally and any time there is a change made to the system or a situation occurs that could introduce an opportunity to contaminate the system. The risk assessment shall address potential physical, chemical, and biological hazards and hazard control procedures for the water distribution system. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

49 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.5 Water Management Plan Comply with potable water microbiological and chemical standards in the country of production for Washing, treating product Cleaning food contact surfaces Mixing sanitizer solutions Separate criteria for Irrigation water Frost control Humidifying Pesticide application © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

50 7.5.5 Water Management Plan, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.5 Water Management Plan, cont. The water management plan shall include the following: Preventive controls Monitoring and verification procedures Corrective actions Documentation Water testing Water used for hydroponics shall be frequently changed and microbial or chemical contamination must be minimized From the United Harmonized Standard: The water management plan shall include the following: preventive controls, monitoring and verification procedures, corrective actions, and documentation. The plan shall be reviewed following any changes made to the water system risk assessment and adjusted accordingly to incorporate such changes. Training and/or retraining of personnel having oversight or performance duties shall be documented. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

51 7.5.5 Water Management Plan, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.5 Water Management Plan, cont. Monitoring of Water Quality Verify it complies with microbiological and chemical standard or criteria. Prepare a verification schedule that indicates location and frequency of monitoring Laboratories accredited to ISO shall analyze water Monitoring of water quality When monitoring the water quality the producer shall develop a verification schedule that indicates the location and frequency of monitoring based off a hazard analysis, best practices within the country of production or any applicable legislation. From the United Harmonized Standard: As required, there shall be a written procedure for water testing during the production and harvest season, which includes frequency of sampling, who is taking the samples, where sample is taken, how the sample is collected, type of test and acceptance criteria. If all agricultural water is sourced from a municipal source, the municipal testing shall suffice. The frequency of testing and point of water sampling shall be determined based on the risk assessment and current industry standards for commodities being produced. Testing shall be performed and documented according to procedures described in the water management plan. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

52 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.6 Corrective Action Established corrective action when monitoring indicates that water does not meet criteria or standard Action may include additional treatment for water, alternate sources for water, product identification or disposition other that would adequately address the hazards. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

53 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.7 Ice Verify that any ice used is made from water that meets the microbiological and quality standards specified in 7.5.5 © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

54 7.5.8 Harvest Assessment Water/Ice
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.5.8 Harvest Assessment Water/Ice Develop SOPs for all uses of water during harvesting of food or feed products SOPs shall address The microbial quality of water or ice Treatment of recirculated water Condition and maintenance of water deliver system Control of wash water temperature SOP must include water change schedules From the United Harmonized Standard: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including water-change schedules, shall be developed for all uses of water. Microbial and/or physical/ chemical (e.g., test strips) testing shall be performed, as appropriate to the specific operation, to demonstrate that acceptance criteria have been met. Operation’s water use SOPs require re-circulated water to be treated using an approved antimicrobial to prevent it from becoming a source of contamination, according to prevailing regulation or industry specific standards for the commodity. The water-delivery system shall be maintained so as not to serve as a source of contamination of produce, water supplies or equipment with pathogens, or to create an unsanitary condition. For produce demonstrated as being susceptible to microbial infiltration from wash water, wash water temperature differentials during immersion shall be considered. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

55 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.6 Storage and Transport 7.6.1 – Storage of Hazardous Chemicals, Toxic Substances and Petroleum Products 7-6.2 – Transport 7.6.3 – Transport from Field to Packhouse The next topic to be discussed in this section is the criteria for the safe storage and transport of hazardous chemicals, toxic substances, petroleum products and crops. This topic also discusses criteria for employees engaged in the handling of these items during loading, transport and unloading. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

56 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.6.1 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals, Toxic Substances and Petroleum Products Store so as not to present a hazard to employees, product, product handling equipment or areas in which product is handled, stored or transported Store product contact chemicals separately in their original containers Cleaning equipment (foam cleaners, scouring pads, brooms, etc) and chemicals such as sanitizers and detergents used to clean the premises and processing equipment are stored in a lockable area that is located separate from other storage areas so as not to pose a hazard to personnel or product. Of suitable construction the room is designed to contain spillages and have signage indicating it is a hazardous storage area. Separation Pesticides, rodenticides, fumigants and insecticides shall be stored separate form sanitizers and detergents. All chemicals shall be stored in their original containers. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

57 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.6.1 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals, Toxic Substances and Petroleum Products, cont. Chemical storage sheds shall: Comply with national and local legislation Prevent cross-contamination among chemicals Be ventilated Be provided with appropriate signage Be secure and lockable to restrict access Chemical storage facilities shall: Be compliant with national and local legislation and designed such that there is no cross-contamination between chemicals; Be ventilated to the exterior; Be provided with appropriate signage indicating the area is a hazardous storage area; Be secure and lockable to restrict access only to those personnel with formal training in the handling and use of chemicals; Have instructions on the safe handling of hazardous chemicals readily accessible to staff; Be equipped with a detailed and up-to-date inventory of all chemicals contained in the storage facility; Have suitable first aid equipment and protective clothing available in the storage area; Have emergency shower and wash facilities available in the event of an accidental spill; and In the event of a hazardous spill, be designed such that spillage and drainage from the area is contained; and Be equipped with spillage kits and cleaning equipment © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

58 7.6.1 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals, Toxic Substances and Petroleum Products, cont.
Chemical storage sheds shall: Have instructions on safe handling Be equipped with a detailed and up-to-date inventory Have suitable first aid equipment and protective clothing available Have emergency shower and wash facilities available Be designed to contain spillage and drainage Be equipped with spillage kits and cleaning equipment

59 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.6.1 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals, Toxic Substances and Petroleum Products, cont. Petroleum products must be stored separate from other storage areas It is not acceptable to store hazardous chemicals in food handling areas, product and ingredient or packaging storage rooms Petroleum fuels, oils, grease, and other lubricants shall be stored separate from other storage areas. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

60 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.6.2 Transport Document and implement practices during loading, transport and unloading of crops Transport crops under conditions that will maintain product integrity and safety Properly train employees involved in loading, transport and unloading practices Proper care for the food safety and quality of your product does not end when the finished product is placed into storage awaiting delivery. Contamination and temperature abuse during delivery and transport can increase the proliferation of spoilage and/or pathogenic bacteria and the safety and quality of the finished product can be compromised. The Transport and Delivery Protocol will cover those aspects necessary to ensure product is protected during loading, transport and unloading. Loading: Refrigerated units (trucks/vans/containers) used for transporting food are required to be in good repair, clean and inspected prior to loading. Storage bins (if used) will be suitable for the purpose and cleaned and sanitized before use. Prior to loading vehicles should be pre-chilled. Refrigerated units are required to maintain the food at the appropriate temperature. For chilled food between 32°F - 40°F / 0°c - 4°C and frozen foods ≤ 0°F / ≤ -18°C). The unit’s temperature settings are to be set, checked and recorded before loading and core product temperatures recorded at regular intervals during loading. It is recommended that core product temperatures be recorded at regular intervals during shipment and this can be accomplished by the use if data logger temperature recording devices. Note: Prior to loading it is good practice to pre-chilled refrigeration units. Optimum temperature requirements for chilled food range between 0°C - 4°C (32°F - 40°F) and for frozen foods ≤ -18°C (≤ 0°F). It is recommended that core product temperatures be recorded at regular intervals during shipment and this can be accomplished by the use if data logger temperature recording devices. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

61 7.6.3 Transport from Field to Packhouse
Develop and implement a written procedure and checklist to verify cleanliness and functionality of shipping units Include provisions to minimize damage and prevent contamination to produce

62 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.7 Soil Management 7.7.1 – Use of Fertilizers (Soil Amendments) 7.7.2 – Soil Amendment 7.7.3 – Purchasing Chemicals 7.7.4 – Agricultural Chemicals This content addressed the criteria for the proper use of soil amendments and agricultural chemicals. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

63 7.1.7 Use Fertilizers (Soil Amendments)
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.1.7 Use Fertilizers (Soil Amendments) Isolate inorganic and organic amendments and separately from each other Store concentrated and diluted liquid in bunded tanks that are capable of retaining at least 110% of the total volume Store amendments separate from crop, field or irrigation water sources Maintain inventory and storage and use records of amendments Inorganic soil amendments such as chemical and organic soil amendments such as manure must be isolated and stored separately and in a manner that will not pose a food safety risk. Provisions must be made for the storage of concentrated and diluted liquid soil amendments in tanks designed to retain at least 110% of the volume. Soil amendments shall be stored separate from crop, field or irrigation water sources such that contamination from run off is avoided either by positioning the soil amendment a suitable distance from the crop or by the utilization of other physical barriers An inventory of all organic and inorganic soil amendment storage and use shall be maintained. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

64 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.7.2 Soil Amendment Raw, untreated manure shall not be used Document and implement treatment and application methods Treatment and application methods are to be designed to prevent contamination © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

65 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.7.2 Soil Amendment, cont. Soil amendment protocol shall outline: Methods to treat manure and untreated organic fertilizer ensuring The method inactivates pathogens Hazard analysis is conducted before use Treatment methods are validated Treatment of organic amendments are verified Records of validation and verification are maintained From the United Harmonized Standard: If animal-based soil amendments or biosolids are used, records of composition, dates of treatment, methods utilized and application dates must be documented. Evidence of processing adequate to eliminate pathogens of human concern, such as letter of guarantee, certificate of analysis (COA) or any test results or verification data (e.g., time and temperature) demonstrating compliance with process or microbial standards, shall be documented. Such soil amendments must be produced and applied in accordance with applicable federal, state, or local regulations. A © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

66 7.7.2 Soil Amendment, cont. Soil amendment protocol shall outline methods to ensure application methods are timed to minimize risk to product safety and human health including: Applications are in accordance with national or local guidelines, best practices and codes of GAPs Equipment is maintained in good condition and calibrated Maintenance and calibration records are maintained Signage meets national and local codes of practice Data is recorded

67 7.7.3 Purchasing Chemicals Purchase from an approved supplier
Maintain an inventory

68 7.7.4 Agricultural Chemicals
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Agricultural Chemicals Prepare and implement a crop protection action plan Product intended for export must consider the requirements in the destination country Use only biological control that are authorized for the specific commodity and in accordance with labels A crop protection action plan indicating the applications used for a target pest or disease and the threshold levels that initiate application shall be prepared and implemented. From the United Harmonized Standard: Agricultural chemicals must be registered for such use as required by prevailing regulation, and used in accordance with label directions including application rates, worker protection standards, personal protection equipment, container disposal, storage, and all requirements specified for the chemical or compound. Records of agricultural use are maintained. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

69 7.7.4 Agricultural Chemicals, cont.
Dispose of chemical waste and empty containers according to regulatory requirements Ensure that: Empty containers are not reused Empty containers are isolated and securely stored Unused and obsolete chemicals are securely stored

70 7.7.4 Agricultural Chemicals, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate Agricultural Chemicals, cont. The person making decisions on chemical application shall: Demonstrate knowledge of chemical applications and the maximum residue limits allowable in destination markets; Use only chemicals approved for cultivation of specific fruits and vegetables, and approved for use in the intended market; Demonstrate competence and knowledge of chemical application; Ensure crop applications for target pests and diseases comply with label recommendations; From the United Harmonized Standard: The operation shall have procedures, such as pre-harvest interval and application rate, sufficient to meet the MRL entry requirements of the country(ies) in which the product is intended to be traded, if known during production. Operation maintains records demonstrating that all personnel responsible for chemical applications are trained and/or licensed, or supervised by licensed personnel, in compliance with prevailing regulation. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

71 7.7.4 Agricultural Chemicals, cont.
Cont: The person making decisions on chemical application shall: Demonstrate the timing between chemical application and harvest complies with the approved harvest interval for the chemical applied. Maintain a current chemical register and keep records of all chemicals use. Records of chemical use shall include the date of application, the chemical used, the crop sprayed, the concentration, method and frequency of application.

72 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.8 Harvesting 7.8.1 – Pre-Harvest Assessment 7.8.2 – Foreign Matter and Glass Procedures This topic address the criteria to ensure the safety of product during harvest. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

73 7.8.1 Pre-harvest Assessment
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.8.1 Pre-harvest Assessment Describe the assessments performed Identify those conditions that may result in contamination Keep clean and control knives and cutting instruments used in harvesting Implement and maintain a written policy on the storage of harvesting containers From the United Harmonized Standard: The operation shall develop, implement, and schedule repair, cleaning, sanitizing, storage and handling procedures of all food contact surfaces to reduce and control the potential for contamination. Product contact tools, utensils and equipment shall be made of materials that can be cleaned and sanitized. Operation maintains a list of equipment, tools, utensils and other items or materials that may pose a risk of produce contamination during normal use. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

74 7.8.2 Foreign Matter and Glass Procedures
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.8.2 Foreign Matter and Glass Procedures Document and implement the methods used to prevent foreign matter and glass contamination of product Consumers can see and feel a foreign matter contaminant and therefore foreign matter contamination will be given a very high priority in the Producer’s food safety and quality management system. The Foreign Matter and Glass Protocol will outline the sources of foreign matter, the methods of control and the responsibility for taking action when foreign matter or glass is detected in a product or in the manufacturing environment. Foreign Matter can originate from: external sources such as pests, raw material packaging (plastic and/or cardboard embedded in product by the Supplier – fish block, blocks/cuts of frozen meat), stones in crops (potatoes, corn), slivers of wood in herb or spice ingredients or imbedded in raw materials from poorly maintained wooden bins or pallets (fruits); and internal sources of foreign matter include, the building (rust, insects, insulation), surface coatings (flaking paint, damaged render), equipment (nuts, pins, screws, washers, etc.,), maintenance (tools, wire cuttings, spare parts etc.,), utensils (knives), personnel/contractors/visitors (hair, jewellery, pens, etc.,) quick fix-it solutions (the use of cardboard, string or tape to reduce vibration or retain hoses) and foreign matter recovered from reworked product. Prevention Frequent inspections shall be implemented to ensure the environment and equipment are in good condition and potential contaminants have not detached or become damaged or deteriorated. The use of temporary fasteners such as string, wire or tape to fix or hold equipment is not permitted. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

75 7.8.2 Foreign Matter and Glass Procedures, cont.
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.8.2 Foreign Matter and Glass Procedures, cont. Containers, equipment, utensils made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, brittle plastic or like material not permitted where product is exposed Perform regular inspections of food handling/contact zones Make employees aware of responsibility to adhere to policy Inspect glass instrument dial covers at start and finish of each shift to confirm they have not been damaged © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

76 Implementing SQF Systems
Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.9 Waste Disposal 7.9.1 – Dry, Liquid and Unsanitary Waste Disposal This final topic addressed the criteria for the disposal of dry, liquid and unsanitary waste. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

77 7.9.1 Dry, Liquid and Unsanitary Waste Disposal
Implementing SQF Systems Section 6 - GAPs and Pre-Farm Gate 7.9.1 Dry, Liquid and Unsanitary Waste Disposal Responsibilities and methods shall be documented and implemented and include Inedible material Disused packaging Liquid and unsanitary waste Waste shall be regularly removed handled so there is no threat to food safety Waste includes inedible material, disused packaging and liquid and unsanitary waste. © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

78 Pre-Farm Gate - Summary
Implementing SQF Systems Pre-Farm Gate - Summary Addresses the Good Agricultural Practices requirements for the growing and harvesting of plants, other than grains and pulses including Site requirements Product handling Storage areas and equipment Pest and animal control Sanitation and waste handling Personal hygiene Water management Soil management Harvesting © Copyright 2012 FMI – All Rights Reserved

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