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Medical Terminology – Lecture 3
More about Combining vowels Pluralizing medical terms Examples Prefixes Examples Suffixes 20 February, 2015
More about Combining vowels (1)
When a word has more than one root, a combining vowel is used to link the root to each other. IE: osteoarthritis oste/ o / arthr/ itis
More about Combining vowels (2)
A combining vowel is used between a word root and a suffix that begins with a consonant (not a vowel). This is to make pronunciation easier. Word root: scler / (hardening) Suffix: / derma (skin) Term: Scler / o / derma (hardening of the skin) Combining vowel
More about Combining vowels (3)
The suffixes: -scope (instrument to view) -rrhexis (rupture) -rrhea (flow or discharge) all begin with a consonant, therefore a combining vowel must be used between the word root and the suffix.
More about Combining vowels (4)
The suffixes: -algia (pain) -edema (swelling) -uria (urine, urination) begin with a vowel, therefore a combining vowel is NOT used between the word root and the suffix.
Pluralizing Terms (1) Rules Add -s to words ending in any vowel or
consonant except s,x,z, or y (ex. joint- joints) Add -es to words ending in s,x, or z (ex. reflex - reflexes)
(ex. appendix - appendices) (ex. mastectomy- mastectomies)
Pluralizing Terms (2) Rules Continued Remove -x and add -ces to Latin words ending in x (ex. appendix - appendices) Remove the -y and add -ies to words ending in y preceded by a consonant (ex. mastectomy- mastectomies)
(ex. bacillus- bacilli) (ex. psychosis - psychoses)
Pluralizing Terms (3) Rules Continued Remove -us and add -i to Latin words ending in us (ex. bacillus- bacilli) Change -sis to -ses in Greek words ending in sis (ex. psychosis - psychoses)
PREFIXES Word beginning;
Indicates size, quantity, position of, and location. Not all medical words have prefixes. Examples: Hyper- (excessive) Pre (before) Post (after) Homo- (same) Hypo (under)
Prefixes (a–aut) Prefixes (1) Prefix Meaning a ab ambi Ana Ante Anti
aut(o) without away from both, around up, toward before against Self
Prefixes (brachy–hypo)
Meaning brachy brady contra dys hemi hyper hypo short slow against abnormal; difficult half above normal below normal
Prefixes (inter–peri)
Meaning inter iso mal meta micr(o) olig(o) peri between equal; same bad; inadequate after small few; little; scanty around; about; near
Prefixes (4) Prefix Meaning pro re retro semi supra tachy un
before; forward again; backward behind; backward half above; over fast not
1. Suffixes Word Ending Suffix usually indicates a procedure, condition, disease, or denotes part of speech of the medical term (noun, verb, adjective) Adjective terminals (pertaining to) Noun Terminals -ic -y -al -ia -ical -um -ac is
All medical words have suffixes.
A suffix is added to the END of a word root or combining form to modify its meaning. By adding a suffix to the end of a word root, we create a noun or adjective with a different meaning. All medical words have suffixes. Examples: -itis -ic -logy -lysis
Suffixes (1) Suffix Meaning -ad -algia -asthenia -blast -cidal -clast
-crine toward pain weakness immature; forming destroying; killing breaking secreting
Suffixes (crit–ectomy)
Meaning -crit -cyte -cytosis -derma -dynia -ectasis -ectomy separate cell condition of cells skin pain expanding; dilating removal of
Suffixes (emesis–graphy)
Meaning -emesis -emia -esthesia -globin -gram -graph -graphy vomiting blood sensation protein a recording recording instrument process of recording
Suffixes (ic–malacia)
Meaning -ic -ism -itis -kinesia -logist -lysis -malacia pertaining to condition; disease inflammation movement one who practices destruction of softening
Suffixes (mania-pathy)
Meaning -mania -megaly -oid -opia -ostomy -para -pathy obsession enlargement like; resembling vision opening bearing disease
Suffixes (penia-phrenia)
Meaning -penia -pepsia -pexy -phage -phobia -phonia -phrenia deficiency digestion fixation eating; devouring fear sound of the mind
Suffixes (phylaxis-rrhaphy)
Meaning -phylaxis -plasty -plegia -pnea -ptosis -rrhagia -rrhaphy protection surgical repair paralysis breath falling down; drooping heavy discharge surgical suturing
Suffixes (rrhexis-tropia)
Meaning -rrhexis -spasm -stasis -stenosis -tomy -trophy -tropia rupture contraction stopping; constant narrowing cutting operation nutrition turning
Apply Your Knowledge Apply Your Knowledge
Using various word parts, build terms for the following meanings. Meaning Term Absence of blood Bluish color of hands and feet Equal vision in both eyes. Fast heart. Breakdown of sugar. anemia cyanosis isopia tachycardia glycolysis
Apply Your Knowledge Part 2
Using various word parts, build terms for the following meanings. Meaning Term Lack of white blood cells. Softening of bone. Inflammation of a vein. Nerve pain. Science of skin and its diseases. leukopenia osteomalacia phlebitis neuralgia dermatology
gastr- o- intestin-al pertaining to the stomach and intestine
root root suffix oste-o-arthr(o)-itis bone joint inflammation degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and the subchondral bone next to it. Note: -itis is a misnomer, no inflammation seen usually. rest-o-cyt-hemia ??????? cardi-o-myo-pathy disease of the myocardium cardi-o-my-o-pathy any disease that affect the function and structure root root suffix of the heart (muscle) gastr-o-enter-itis inflammation of the stomach and intestines oste-o-penia deficiency of bone root suffix
hem-o-stasis the process by which bleeding is stopped
root suffix blood- arrest in a process mes-encephalon middle brain gastr-o-enter-ology study of stomach and intestine gastr-o-enter-o-logy root root suffix arachn-o-phobia irrational, persistent fear of things root suffix or situations (phobia for) of spiders hyper-keton-emia increase keton in the blood hyper-keto-nemia increase keto blood path-o-phi-ology ????, macro-globulin-emia macroglobulins in the blood macro-globuli-nemia prefix root suffix
prefix root suffix condition of above/excessive sweat
oste-o-porosis porous bone root suffix hyper-hidr-o-sis above/excessive or profuse sweating prefix root suffix condition of above/excessive sweat lymph-o-cyte lymph cell root root cardi-o-logy study of the structure, function, root suffix and disorders of the heart Dermat-o-fibr-o-mal bad fiber of skin Dermat-o-fibr-o-ma bad fibrous tumor of skin root root suffix
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