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Size Matters : Space/Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU Application Performance Abdullah Gharaibeh Matei Ripeanu NetSysLab The University of British Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Size Matters : Space/Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU Application Performance Abdullah Gharaibeh Matei Ripeanu NetSysLab The University of British Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Size Matters : Space/Time Tradeoffs to Improve GPGPU Application Performance Abdullah Gharaibeh Matei Ripeanu NetSysLab The University of British Columbia

2 2 GPUs offer different characteristics  High peak compute power  High communication overhead  High peak memory bandwidth  Limited memory space Implication: careful tradeoff analysis is needed when porting applications to GPU-based platforms

3 3 Motivating Question: How should we design applications to efficiently exploit GPU characteristics? Context: A bioinformatics problem: Sequence Alignment  A string matching problem  Data intensive (10 2 GB)

4 4 Past work: sequence alignment on GPUs MUMmerGPU [Schatz 07, Trapnell 09]:  A GPU port of the sequence alignment tool MUMmer [Kurtz 04]  ~4x (end-to-end) compared to CPU version Hypothesis : mismatch between the core data structure ( suffix tree ) and GPU characteristics > 50% overhead (%)

5 5  Use a space efficient data structure (though, from higher computational complexity class): suffix array  4x speedup compared to suffix tree-based on GPU Idea: trade-off time for space Consequences:  Opportunity to exploit multi-GPU systems as I/O is less of a bottleneck  Focus is shifted towards optimizing the compute stage Significant overhead reduction

6 6 Outline  Sequence alignment: background and offloading to GPU  Space/Time trade-off analysis  Evaluation

7 7 CCAT GGCT........CGCCCTA GCAATTT....... GCGG...TAGGC TGCGC......CGGCA......GGCG...GGCTA ATGCG….…TCGG... TTTGCGG…....TAGG...ATAT….…CCTA... CAATT…...CCATAGGCTATATGCGCCCTATCGGCAATTTGCGGCG.. Background: sequence alignment problem Find where each query most likely originated from  Queries  10 8 queries  10 1 to 10 2 symbols length per query  Reference  10 6 to 10 11 symbols length Queries Reference

8 8 GPU Offloading: opportunity and challenges Sequence alignment  Easy to partition  Memory intensive GPU  Massively parallel  High memory bandwidth Opportunity  Data Intensive  Large output size  Limited memory space  No direct access to other I/O devices (e.g., disk) Challenges

9 9 GPU Offloading: addressing the challenges subrefs = DivideRef(ref) subqrysets = DivideQrys(qrys) foreach subqryset in subqrysets { results = NULL CopyToGPU(subqryset) foreach subref in subrefs { CopyToGPU(subref) MatchKernel(subqryset, subref) CopyFromGPU(results) } Decompress(results) } Data intensive problem and limited memory space →divide and compute in rounds Large output size →compressed output representation (decompress on the CPU) High-level algorithm (executed on the host)

10 10 Space/Time Trade-off Analysis

11 11 The core data structure massive number of queries and long reference => pre- process reference to an index Past work: build a suffix tree (MUMmerGPU [Schatz 07, 09])  Search: O(qry_len) per query  Space: O(ref_len), but the constant is high: ~20xref_len  Post-processing: O(4 qry_len - min_match_len ), DFS traversal per query

12 12 The core data structure massive number of queries and long reference => pre- process reference to an index Past work: build a suffix tree (MUMmerGPU [Schatz 07])  Search: O(qry_len) per query  Space: O(ref_len), but the constant is high: ~20xref_len  Post-processing: O(4 qry_len - min_match_len ), DFS traversal per query subrefs = DivideRef(ref) subqrysets = DivideQrys(qrys) foreach subqryset in subqrysets { results = NULL CopyToGPU(subqryset) foreach subref in subrefs { CopyToGPU(subref) MatchKernel(subqryset, subref) CopyFromGPU(results) } Decompress(results) } Expensive Efficient

13 13 A better matching data structure Suffix Tree 0A$ 1ACA$ 2ACACA$ 3CA$ 4CACA$ 5TACACA$ Suffix Array SpaceO(ref_len), 20 x ref_lenO(ref_len), 4 x ref_len SearchO(qry_len)O(qry_len x log ref_len) Post-processO(4 qry_len - min_match_len )O(qry_len – min_match_len) Impact 1: reduced communication Less data to transfer

14 14 A better matching data structure Suffix Tree 0A$ 1ACA$ 2ACACA$ 3CA$ 4CACA$ 5TACACA$ Suffix Array SpaceO(ref_len), 20 x ref_lenO(ref_len), 4 x ref_len SearchO(qry_len)O(qry_len x log ref_len) Post-processO(4 qry_len - min_match_len )O(qry_len – min_match_len) Impact 2: better data locality is achieved at the cost of additional per-thread processing time Space for longer sub- references => fewer processing rounds

15 15 A better matching data structure Suffix Tree 0A$ 1ACA$ 2ACACA$ 3CA$ 4CACA$ 5TACACA$ Suffix Array SpaceO(ref_len), 20 x ref_lenO(ref_len), 4 x ref_len SearchO(qry_len)O(qry_len x log ref_len) Post-processO(4 qry_len - min_match_len )O(qry_len – min_match_len) Impact 3: lower post-processing overhead

16 16 Evaluation

17 17 Evaluation setup Workload / Species Reference sequence length # of queries Average read length HS1 - Human (chromosome 2) ~238M~78M~200 HS2 - Human (chromosome 3) ~100M~2M~700 MONO - L. monocytogenes~3M~6M~120 SUIS - S. suis~2M~26M~36  Testbed  Low-end Geforce 9800 GX2 GPU (512MB)  High-end Tesla C1060 (4GB)  Base line: suffix tree on GPU (MUMmerGPU [Schatz 07, 09])  Success metrics  Performance  Energy consumption  Workloads (NCBI Trace Archive,

18 18 Speedup: array-based over tree-based

19 19 Dissecting the overheads Significant reduction in data transfers and post- processing Workload: HS1, ~78M queries, ~238M ref. length on Geforce

20 20 Summary  GPUs have drastically different performance characteristics  Reconsidering the choice of the data structure used is necessary when porting applications to the GPU  A good matching data structure ensures:  Low communication overhead  Data locality: might be achieved at the cost of additional per thread processing time  Low post-processing overhead

21 21 Code available at:

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