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^mwOl. v hm' %mew Ol.v hm' bwOj ymiwOl.v SubjectVerb Direct Object The boy hit the ball.

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Presentation on theme: "^mwOl. v hm' %mew Ol.v hm' bwOj ymiwOl.v SubjectVerb Direct Object The boy hit the ball."— Presentation transcript:


2 ^mwOl. v hm' %mew Ol.v hm' bwOj ymiwOl.v

3 SubjectVerb Direct Object The boy hit the ball

4 TransitiveIntransitiveStative May take the direct object Cannot take the direct object Describes a state of being (usually intransitive) The boy hit the ball The boy died The boy is young

5 Perfect Completed action Can be… Past Present Future Imperfect Incomplete action

6 SingularPlural lj;q' He killed hl'j.q' She killed T'l.j; q' You killed T.l.j; q' You killed yTil.j ;q' I killed Wlj.q ' They killed ~T,l.j ;q. Ya’ll killed !T,l.j; q. Ya’ll killed Wnl.j ;q' We killed

7 lj;q' He killed

8 hl'j.q' She killed

9 T'l.j; q' You killed (masculine)

10 T.l.j; q' You killed (Feminine)

11 Wlj. q' They killed

12 ~T,l.j; q. Ya’ll killed (Maculine)

13 !T,l.j;q. Ya’ll killed (Feminine)

14 Wnl.j ;q' We killed

15 bv;y " He dwelt

16 Wn b.v; y" We dwelt

17 Wbv.y" They dwelt

18 ~Tb. vey> Ya’ll dwelt (Masculine)

19 hb'v. y" She dwelt

20 rk;z" He remembered

21 WnrE k.z" We remembered

22 T'r.k;z " You remembered (Masculine)

23 !T,r.k; z> You gals remembered (Feminine)

24 rm;v' He guarded

25 Wnr> m;v' We guarded

26 yTir> m;v' I guarded

27 If a verbal root ends with a, the suffix is shortened to one consonant with a Daghesh Forte. t t

28 t t tr;K' (He cut) T'r; K' (You cut) Masc Sng

29 If a verbal root ends with a, the suffix is shortened to one consonant with a Daghesh Forte. t t tr;K' (He cut) T.r; K' (You cut) Fem Sng

30 If a verbal root ends with a, the suffix is shortened to one consonant with a Daghesh Forte. t t tr;K' (He cut) yTir ;K' (I cut)

31 If a verbal root ends with a, the suffix is shortened to one consonant with a Daghesh Forte. t t tr;K' (He cut) ~T,r ;K. (You cut) Masc Pl

32 If a verbal root ends with a, the suffix is shortened to one consonant with a Daghesh Forte. t t tr;K' (He cut) !T,r; K. (You cut) Fem Pl


34 %r;B' To bless

35 rk;z" To remember

36 !qez" To become old

37 qz"x' Become strong; have courage

38 [d'y" To know

39 db;K' To be heavy; be honored

40 db;K' Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land (Genesis 12:20).

41 db;K' Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold (Genesis 13:2).

42 db;K' Now he was more respected than all the household of his father (Genesis 34:19).

43 db;K' Now the eyes of Israel were so dim from age that he could not see. (Genesis 48:10).

44 db;K' But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and he did not let the people go (Exodus 8:32).

45 db;K' Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you (Exodus 20:12)

46 bt;K' To write

47 alem' To fill

48 %l;m' To become king; reign

49 ac'm' To find, obtain

50 dq;P' To attend, pay attention to, take care of, number, appoint

51 bk;v' Lie down

52 xl;v' To send, stretch out

53 xl;v' And Enoch lived sixty-five years, and became the father of Methuselah (Genesis 5:21). yt;m ' B When?

54 rm;v' To guard, observe



57 So he said, “Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brothers.” ![;n"K. rWra' rm,aYOw: wyx'a,l. hy<h.yI ~ydIb'[] db,[,

58 He also said, “Blessed be the LORD, The God of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant.” ~ve yhel{a/ hA"hy> %WrB' rm,aYOw: Aml' db,[, ![;n:k. yhiywI

59 “May God enlarge Japheth, And let him dwell in the tents of Shem” tp,y<l. ~yhil{a/ T.p.y: ~ve-yleh\a'B. !Kov.yIw>

60 “May God enlarge Japheth, And let him dwell in the tents of Shem”


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